
At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

author:Lao Bai Research Room

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At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!


In order to build cities in no-man's land, China spent 20 years and spent hundreds of billions of dollars.

This city is located on the border of China, in a cool and harsh environment, in order to build this city, China spent 20 years, costing hundreds of billions of yuan, can be described as time-consuming, labor-intensive and costly.

Now it is no longer a no-man's land, it can accommodate 24,000 people, and the traffic has been opened, and it is no longer in a state where it is impossible to drive.

What is the name of the city, where was it built, why did it take time and effort to build, and what role did it do?

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

Tibet is vast and sparsely populated, there are many uninhabited areas, and the most common words to describe here are desolate and backward, although Tibet is large, but the infrastructure is very incomplete.

The hospitals and schools needed for daily life are very backward, and even the most basic transportation does not connect the area, so there are not many people living here.

And the Ali region is even more so, because this area is not only in Tibet, but also in the most difficult place in Tibet, it is on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the roof of the world, with an altitude of more than 4,000 meters.

Ali Prefecture refers to more than just a region, it is actually the only administrative unit named after a region in Tibet.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

The reason why it is so special is that it is so sparsely populated, and although it covers an area of 345,000 square kilometers, there are not many people living on it.

This area is a true frontier land, and even Lhasa, the provincial capital of Tibet, takes 24 hours, which is enough to see how remote it is.

Because it is located in the plateau, the air is thin, and the oxygen content is only 45% of that of the plains, which is unbearable for the average person, which is one of the reasons why this area is so desolate.

In particular, the land here is barren, most of the land cannot be used for farming, so food is also a problem, there are many mountains, there are often wind and sand, local food is scarce, and it is very difficult to mail from other places.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

The most important thing is that although it has long sunshine hours, but the temperature is very low, the most difficult is winter, long and cold, if people living here do not do a good job of keeping warm, it is possible to freeze to death.

And even if the eyes are full of snow-capped mountains, but in fact, there is very little precipitation, because of the perennial lack of water, plants cannot survive here, so the most here is only the tough and durable red willow trees, and there is almost no other vegetation.

Such a place is obviously not suitable for human habitation, and the border area is also very dangerous, but the mainland government insists on building a city here, which must be extremely meaningful.

After all, this place is a border, and if it is unguarded, then if it is invaded one day, it will not be known, so no matter how difficult it is, a city must be built to defend it.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

In the end, after many difficulties, 20 years of time, and hundreds of billions of yuan of funds, the country was finally able to build a city here.

However, the environment is so difficult and dangerous, and many of the land is either too hard to pile up, or the wetland is not stable at all, so it is not easy to build.

Location is a big problem, if it is too far from the border, it will be difficult to achieve the purpose of guarding the border, and it is difficult to build houses in other places that are closer.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, we found this kind of living conditions that can not only guard the country but also meet the living conditions of local residents, and finally chose to build it next to the Shiquan River.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

Although this place is very barren on the surface and difficult to survive, it has precious resources, and now the proven mineral resources include sulfur, gold and copper.

The name of this city is not the same as that of other cities on the mainland, it sounds like a tourist attraction with beautiful scenery but majestic and magnificent landscapes, Shiquanhe Town.

This name naturally comes from the Shiquan River next to it, and the three words Shiquan River have other origins, after all, it is in Tibet, so it is also taken from the Tibetan language.

A river originates from Tibet, because the birthplace is particularly like a lion's head, so it is called Senge Zangbo, which translates to Shiquan River.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

This town was built in the northern part of Gar County in the Ali region, southwest to India, only 70 kilometers away from India, and the Shiquan River is still the upper reaches of the Indus River, which means that the two of them are originally the same river.

The location where this town was built is obviously to guard against India, what exactly has India done, and why should China guard against India?


China has spent 20 years building a city in a no-man's land, just 70 kilometers from India.

Founded on the upper reaches of the Indus River, the town of Shiquan River is an extremely difficult environment, even with only dirt roads full of sand and gravel at first, and the people who live here are all fighting against nature.

But for the sake of peace on the borders of the motherland, they are willing to eat, why should they face the fact that India spent money to build this city?

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

China and India are adjacent to each other, with a total length of 2,000 kilometers, but the boundary line has never been determined, and this line is just a tradition agreed upon by the two sides.

And it is precisely because there are no explicit regulations that there are always some people who will move some crooked minds and want to move quietly and occupy a certain amount of territory privately.

In 1913, India was still a British colony, and the empire at that time was very strong and domineering, and no one could benefit from him.

India was even more suppressed, and that year China and Britain held a series of discussions on the Sino-Indian border.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

However, because there has been no unanimity of opinion, and China is busy resisting the invading forces of all sides, the matter has been put on hold for the time being, but at this time, the British Foreign Secretary McMahon, who is on duty in the Indian government, has a crooked mind.

He coerced and lured the local representatives of Tibet, and privately negotiated with him to set a border line.

This line was set very unreasonably, and it was moved 150 kilometers in the direction of Tibet, which is enough to occupy 90,000 square kilometers of China's Tibet region, and all of them were included in India.

India at that time was subordinate to the British, and it was clear that this was the idea of the British, who wanted to swallow the land secretly.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

This line was called the McMahon Line at that time, but the Beiyang government did not know about this matter, and it was all set by the local Tibetan officials and McMahon himself, so naturally it was not recognized.

It wasn't until 1936 that he became aware of it, and the line was mentioned in public for the first time.

Ever since China learned about this, no government has recognized this line, starting with the Dalai Lama and the Kasha regime, neither of whom even attended the meeting, and would certainly not agree to this absurd boundary line.

Later, when it came to the Republic of China period, the government of the Republic of China naturally did not agree, after all, no one could bear the territory under their own hands, because a person set the boundary line privately, and inexplicably lost a large piece of land.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

Therefore, the national government and the British government at that time could not agree on the same page, and this line almost became a joke, and no one cared about it at all.

It was only in 1936 that McMahon himself quietly drew the border line on the map, but he was opposed by the Nationalist government, and he was powerless to resist, so the matter was shelved like a joke.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it also expressed serious opposition to the implementation of this line, and at this time Britain had no say in India, and Britain would definitely not meddle in this kind of thing.

Originally, the joke of this line could be forgotten over time, and no one took it seriously, but India just used this as a cover and really wanted to take more territory through it.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

In 1951, India privately crossed the customary boundary line to the boundary line set by McMahon, and occupied 90,000 square kilometers of territory including China.

Later, in 1959, the Indian government proposed to China that the 90,000 square kilometers and the other 32,000 square kilometers be included in its territory.

After receiving a stern refusal, he himself began to send troops to harass the mainland border and encroach on the mainland territory.

On September 20, 1962, the Indian government sent troops across the McMahon Line to launch an offensive against the Chinese border guards.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

The first stage was from October 20 to October 28, 1962, when China had an absolute superiority in theory, and the morale of the army was always high, so India was quickly defeated.

After all, our side does not want to occupy India or anything, after all, the war is cruel, and the mainland has always believed in peace, so after having absolute superiority, it wants to quell this war.

On October 24, the Chinese government began to practice with India in the hope of ending the conflict and negotiating in the hope of resolving the incident amicably.

But unexpectedly, even though it knew that it was not capable of fighting China, India still rejected our overtures, and called on the people to join the army throughout the country, and finally scraped together some troops to harass the mainland border.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

But these are all rabble, and they were dispersed without giving any strength, and it took a month from the beginning to the end of the war, and India was beaten back, but our side did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, and even returned the captured weapons and captured troops.

Although the self-defense counterattack war against India was a comprehensive and arduous victory for China, India has always coveted the mainland border, so the mainland government decided to build a city in such a difficult environment, and how did this city be built?


The construction of Shiquanhe Town on the border of Tibet took 20 years and cost hundreds of billions of yuan, and the construction process was difficult and tortuous.

China spent a lot of money to build this city, the environment here is so bad, how did China, known as the infrastructure madman, successfully build this city, and what is the current situation of Shiquanhe Town?

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

After the successful counterattack against India, the Chinese government also began to think that this undetermined border line was always a disaster, and that it had only been fought for a month, partly because the logistical resources could not keep up with it if it dragged on, and it was the soldiers on the border who suffered in the end.

The town of Shiquanhe is geographically important, connecting Xinjiang and Tibet, as well as other countries in Central Asia, and is an important trade channel for India.

In fact, China had already deployed a force here before the city was built, but military force alone was not enough.

Therefore, this is also one of the reasons why Shiquanhe Town was built, if there is really a border conflict one day, it can also be more convenient for transportation and transportation, so as to prevent the army from losing the war due to the lack of supply of logistics resources.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

Therefore, the first thing that was built in the city was transportation, because if things could not be transported, some buildings could not be built.

The Chinese government first wanted to build a road to connect Shiquanhe with other roads, and it took 17 years.

Because the terrain here is too complex, sometimes high and sometimes low, so the amount of work is very large, and because the altitude is too high, many workers have to adapt to the harsh climate, so it will also slow down the construction progress.

When the road was built, many people lost their lives due to altitude sickness or accidental foot losses, and the road was finally built in 2010.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

In the process of building the road, the construction of the town has not been left behind, after all, China is an infrastructure maniac, and it will save some time by grasping it with both hands.

But in fact, in addition to environmental problems, there are also human problems, and at the beginning, there were more than 500 people on both sides of the river.

And basically the rest are the old people and children, this place is backward, in order to survive almost all young people will go away to work, so almost all workers need to be transferred.

But this is a national business, that is, our own business, as soon as the news of the construction of Shiquanhe Town came out, many people came to sign up and fight for the stability of the motherland.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

In 1965, the construction work finally kicked off, and due to the environmental impact and the safety of most people's lives, even China, which is known as an infrastructure maniac, took 20 years to build a town.

After the town is built, it is also a question of who will live there, there are very few aborigines, and such a large town is naturally dissatisfied, and it is still deserted when it is first built.

But after knowing that such a big change has taken place in their hometown, many young people have returned, after all, who doesn't want to live with their families and children.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

There are more and more people in Shiquanhe Town, so the town is also a lot more prosperous, and the government also has some policies for the construction of the frontier, wanting to build this border town into an economic town.

Now the houses are uniform, they look very neat, and even tourism has developed, and many people who have never seen the scenery of Tibet will choose to travel there.

Although the environment is difficult, the scenery is really good, in order to attract tourists, the government has also built 8 scenic spots, and every year tourists from all over the country come to this place to see the scenery of Biansai.

At a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years, China has built a city on the border, only 70 kilometers from India!

Today's town has long been vibrant, who would have thought that the once defeated border could become such a modern city, and it is no longer the dead silence it used to be.

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