
This Women's Day, how does Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" impress Chinese mothers?

author:Finance is unscrupulous

Text | hickory

In 2023, the number of female car buyers will increase to 38.08%, and as of January 2024, the monthly active users of female users will reach 608 million, and China has nearly 400 million female consumers aged 20-60, with an annual consumption expenditure of 10 trillion yuan......

The above sets of data are enough to confirm the popularity of the "she economy".

In addition to hot topics such as refined parenting, punk baby-raising, and reverse baby-raising, mothers' consumption power has also given birth to the rise of the "mommy economy", which has led to the development of many subdivisions such as maternal and infant products, infant care, and child nutrition.

More and more brands and platforms have also begun to pay attention to and see the needs and value of the "mother" group, taking the past Women's Day women's marketing boom as an example, the long-term mother's circle content IP "Mommy New Trend" jointly launched by Douyin, Giant Engine and Giant Star Map is a case worth observing.

This Women's Day, how does Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" impress Chinese mothers?

Up to now, the total exposure of the topic of the event has exceeded 4.52 billion, and related content has become the focus of heated discussions, such as the topic of focusing on mother's shining point and independent self #Glittering Mom rushed to the 4th place on the Douyin hot list on March 7. At the same time, taking advantage of the unique creative expression and gameplay of content, "Mommy New Trend" has also successfully helped brands such as Pampers, Red Elephant, Ying's Care, and Dr. Natural to achieve strong exposure.

In addition to the results, we are more concerned about how the "Mommy New Trend" impresses Chinese mothers, and as a regular way for brands to connect with the target group, how does this IP help maternal and infant parent-child brands successfully break through the circle?

1. Content innovation: not only to see the mother, but also to understand the mother

As an important node of women's marketing, the annual Women's Day has always been a wrestling field for brands to seize the dividends of "her economy".

From the perspective of IP content marketing, whether it is based on serious discussions on women's issues or by amplifying individual stories to move people, at this node that naturally has women's attention, a good IP topic marketing for brands undoubtedly has a leverage effect, on the one hand, it can better establish connection and communication with female consumers, and convert marketing value into visible sales; on the other hand, it can also show brand value, enhance brand loyalty, and lay the foundation for subsequent long-term operation by taking advantage of IP content to enrich brand connotation.

However, different from women's marketing in the general sense, for brands, it is objectively difficult to market to the "mother group".

At present, there are many stereotypes about the consumption characteristics and behaviors of the "mommy economy". For example, unlike the shopaholic-style "buy, buy, buy" stereotype, mothers in the new era are more rational and scientific in consumption under the influence of the new parenting concept of scientific parenting. For another example, different from traditional concepts such as "being a mother is to give up yourself", for today's mothers, they pay attention to the growth of their babies at the same time, they also pay attention to their independent selves, and being a mother and being themselves is no longer a single choice question.

When the demand changes, the underlying cognition of IP topic marketing must also change with the trend. In terms of IP content innovation, brands should also break the stereotype of mothers in the outside world and fully understand the real demands of mothers in the new era.

From the festival-themed TVC to the content setting of hot topics, it is precisely because of "not only seeing mothers, but really understanding mothers" that the content value of Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" can resonate and be recognized by mothers.

From the perspective of dismantling, in terms of demand insight and value giving, Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" actually does the following two things right.

First of all, in terms of demand insight, "Mommy New Trend" realizes that contemporary women are not only mothers, but also independent selves. Therefore, instead of passively describing personal stories, we choose to let mothers take the initiative to express themselves and show a more vivid and diverse image.

Taking the theme TVC as an example, through the personal stories of Wu Yating, Lin Yilun and Sister Big Bowl, the three mothers break the prejudice from different dimensions such as women's careers, new parenting concepts, life and dreams, and "Mommy New Direction" shows the shining points of women outside the role of "mother".

• Family will not stand in the way of women's careers - from program director to mother of two children to now an entrepreneur of live broadcast e-commerce, Wu Yating copes with the ups and downs along the way with a smile;

This Women's Day, how does Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" impress Chinese mothers?

• Communication between parents and children may not be so complicated - Lin Yilun, known as the "fairy mother" by netizens, records her happy and trivial family daily life on Douyin, which stems from her equal communication style with her children, always sitting down with her children to chat;

This Women's Day, how does Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" impress Chinese mothers?

• Women's dreams will also grow in the kitchen - "Sister Big Bowl", a mother from Chengdu, uses rap to live her ideal appearance in the place closest to the fireworks.

This Women's Day, how does Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" impress Chinese mothers?

It can be seen that "Mommy New Trend" realizes from the perspective of demand insight that mothers are not only fixed family roles, they have more social identities, but also face different challenges, and they are not defined by others, showing diversity, that is, breaking the single narrative framework of motherhood.

Secondly, in terms of value giving, Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" has stepped out of the sensational marketing around the mother group in the past, not exaggerating the anxiety of motherhood, but standing with users from a plain perspective and in a more down-to-earth way, showing the mothers' sense of power in the face of life, "we have our own answers", which is undoubtedly easier for more mothers to resonate.

This Women's Day, how does Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" impress Chinese mothers?

Whether it is from the TVC content, the setting of the dual topics of #妈咪新风向 and #We've got the answer, or the creative directions such as "Mom's Life Museum", "Moms help Moms", "N-sided Moms Go New to the New", "Joy Yourself and Joy Home" and other creative directions, "Mommy New Trend" not only meets the rigid needs of mothers such as refined parenting through mothers' experience sharing and good things recommendations at the content layer, but also gives mothers more emotional value to life stories, lifestyles and other content.

A good content expression is often half the success of IP marketing. There is no education, no anxiety, and no deliberate antagonism, Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" gives us two inspirations at the bottom content layer -

First, at a marketing node such as Women's Day, where women's issues are rich and diverse, and competition is fierce, it is not impossible to achieve innovation. Second, the premise of marketing is to understand people better, and only by identifying the core demands of mothers in the new era and understanding their real situation can we resonate.

2. Connecting moms and brands, what did "Mommy's New Trend" do right?

After understanding the innovation of "Mommy's New Trend" from the bottom content, the next step is to dismantle another core issue from the perspective of the brand:

In the past, there were not a few cases of integrating IP topics into brand marketing with mothers as the core target group, why can brands leverage the "Mommy New Trend" to achieve a successful breakthrough?

In fact, from the perspective of brands, what does a good marketing look like? The answer to this question is not difficult, in essence, it is to use content as a medium to further shorten the distance between brands and mothers.

However, I have heard the truth many times, and in the specific practice process, how the maternal and infant parent-child brands related to the "mommy economy" can achieve a simultaneous increase in product sales with the help of IP potential energy, and there are visible barriers in terms of exposure, interaction, conversion, and brand value communication.

• In terms of early exposure, how to quickly integrate resources, grab traffic, and make maternal and infant brands stand out faster in the highly competitive Women's Day promotion?

• In terms of user interaction and conversion, how to innovate interactive ideas, find the right person, and establish deeper communication?

• In terms of brand value communication, how to "use IP content for my own use" and precipitate the content mind into a real brand mentality?

In response to these headaches for brands, Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" has given its own unique solution.

1. In terms of exposure, through the integration of platform resources, on the one hand, by mining the high-quality creators at the head of the platform, finding key people to shape "big events", concentrating on big things, and helping brands quickly get out of the circle.

In IP topic marketing, it is very important to use big events to build momentum. The "Mommy New Trend" explores the three key figures in the mother's circle on the platform through the festival-themed TVC, this group of KOLs with their own topicality and already content value, while naturally conveying the values behind the IP, arousing users' emotional resonance, invisibly users also empathize with the brand, and establish trust and goodwill towards the brand.

On the other hand, the topic setting based on high-quality content and the laying of hot content also bring double value to the brand - one is to bring more traffic, and the other is to precipitate a good content pool.

Specifically, first of all, the content setting of dual topics + hot spots brings synergy. This event set up the dual topics of #MommyNew Trend and #We've Own Answers, and combined with the hot spots on the site #SparkleMom, the two-pronged approach released greater traffic value. Secondly, on the topic page, the brand's own topic is directly integrated into the IP topic, and the latter attracts traffic to the former, providing more exposure opportunities for the brand and making more efficient use of topic traffic.

Taking Red Elephant, a professional baby care brand founded for 8 years and committed to "making growth more reassuring", as an example, its brand topic #RedElephant Makeup Gift Box aggregates the in-depth grass content created by the head mother and baby experts for the brand and product based on their respective perspectives, and leverages the influence of the influencers on the platform to help the brand convey the selling point and brand concept of the product.

This Women's Day, how does Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" impress Chinese mothers?

2. In terms of interaction and conversion, the linkage between vertical high-quality creators and UGC content on Douyin site, superimposed on the platform's incentive policies, has improved the planting power and transformation power in multiple dimensions.

The topic is just a "shovel", and the key to really making users interested in the brand and ultimately driving purchase conversions is the content value itself. From the perspective of content planting, the key to attracting mothers is still inseparable from "people".

The logic here is that, on the one hand, taking advantage of the topic, vertical creators such as maternal and infant parent-child creators can output more accurate and high-quality content in parenting experience, parent-child relationship, and lifestyle, which solves the anxiety of mothers;

From the "width" of the crowd size, this event invited 45 top influencers such as "Happy and Curious Mom", "Steamed Dumplings and Meatballs" and "Rice Cake Mom" on Douyin to participate in the main topic #MommyNew Wind #我们自有答案 Content Creation, and the differentiated and personalized content created by the influencers has a total video playback of 73.95 million, which has also precipitated a high-quality content pool for the brand.

From the point of view of the "depth" of the crowd's grass planting, the maternal and infant brand Pampers has successfully played the brand mentality of "growth is a good thing, I use Pampers" with the help of high-quality creators' IP topic creation, and the talents "honey Qingqing" and "Meat Mom Million" have completed the natural planting of maternal and infant good things such as "Pampers Black Gold Gang" from a practical perspective by sharing their own life and parenting experience.

This Women's Day, how does Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" impress Chinese mothers?

In addition to crowd planting, in a more direct conversion link, this project also customized a dedicated page for the "Mommy New Direction" activity for the brand, from the grass planting video content to the brand store, one-click direct purchase, which greatly shortened the consumption link.

3. In terms of brand value communication, "Mommy New Direction" not only achieves the "non-inductive" communication of brand value, but also realizes the penetration of brand mind through IP full-link marketing.

On the one hand, different from the "hard Cantonese" marketing, as mentioned above, the "new trend of mommy" really understands the mother, and this unique content value allows the brand to occupy the minds of consumers in a subtle and silent way, so that the brand value can be expressed more naturally.

For example, Ying's Care, a maternal and infant care brand that is consistent with the current mothers' parenting philosophy, took advantage of this IP to convey the brand's concept of "protecting children's happy nature", and Dr. Nature, a professional infant nutrition brand, also achieved a two-way journey with its target group - exquisite mothers who advocate scientific baby raising.

This Women's Day, how does Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" impress Chinese mothers?

On the other hand, from exposure to interaction to conversion, the IP content runs through the whole link of brand marketing, and high-quality content also penetrates into the consumer behavior line, which also invisibly completes the penetration of the brand mind.

In summary, the strong exposure brought by the platform's integration of high-quality content resources, the mutual linkage between high-quality creators and UGC content, coupled with the non-inductive penetration of the brand mind, from point to surface, a set of combinations, "Mommy New Trend" not only finds a new path for the emergence and growth of maternal and infant parent-child brands, but also provides a new reference for IP marketing in the industry.

3. Win certainty for the industry and see the "new future" from the "new trend"

Jumping out of the single perspective of "talking about marketing on IP marketing", from the perspective of the industry, Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" actually hides two definite trends for the future development of the "Mommy Economy".

The first wind direction is about the change of "people".

Under the concept of refined parenting, the consumption of the maternal and infant parenting industry will become increasingly segmented and functional, which means that brands must pay attention to the construction of their own content field, because the new generation of mothers is a generation that is "both rational and emotional".

On the one hand, they will take the initiative to do their homework and advocate rational consumption, so brands need to have a deeper understanding of the needs and pain points of mothers and clearly communicate the selling points of their products through content. On the other hand, mothers also recognize brand values and advocate emotional satisfaction. Referring to the research of the agency Crowley, the current focus of maternal and infant brand marketing has gradually evolved from "efficacy satisfaction" to "emotional satisfaction", such as the reference provided by the "new trend of mommy", the expression of the brand story should also change the perspective, emphasizing temperature and human touch.

The second wind direction is about the change of "channels".

According to iResearch, by 2025, China's maternal and infant online consumption will account for 39%, and the social sharing of online channels and the convenience of purchase determine that maternal and infant brands will pay more and more attention to the layout of online e-commerce channels in the future.

This Women's Day, how does Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" impress Chinese mothers?

The combination of the two trends of "content + online" is essentially the underlying logic of "Mommy's new trend". On the one hand, Douyin, which is already good at content, can help brands improve their content construction capabilities and make up for content shortcomings.

From this point of view, the "Mommy New Trend" and the Douyin ecosystem behind it actually play the role of an "ecological integrator" - on the one hand, to help B-end maternal and infant brands find a more efficient growth path to break the circle, and on the other hand, to provide Chinese mothers with products and services that better understand them.

The times have changed, from the traditional concept of "motherhood is rigid" to the new era of "we have our own answers", Douyin's "Mommy New Trend" not only provides a new idea of IP marketing, but also provides a sample case of platform, brand and user to achieve a win-win situation for the mother, child and parenting industry.

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