
Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

author:Sunflower inventory

Europe is the biggest thief. The so-called ancient Greece and the Renaissance were actually plagiarized from China.

In the fifth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1648), Xiong Zhixue engraved "Gezhicao" in the Chongzhen period (1628-1644) and Xiong Mingyu's son Xiong Renlin's "Diwei" into "Hanyutong".

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

"Gezhicao" talks about astronomy, nature, meteorology, etc.

The "Latitude of the Earth" talks about geography, in which the geography part covers the sea and the land.

However, this book was later banned by Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty!

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

No one expected that such a book, which was considered unscientific by modern scientists, would be plagiarized by foreign missionaries during the Qing Dynasty into highly similar Western versions such as "Spatial Gezhi" and "Qiankun Tiyi", Aristotle's "Cosmology", "On Heaven", "Physics", "Astronomical Phenomena" and so on.

First, they only have data, no observation methods.

In recent years, the records of Zheng He's voyages have been deliberately destroyed!

The history we learned before is that "Zheng He went to the West" went to a total of 37 countries, but according to the "Han Yutong" combined with the "History of the Ming Dynasty", "Western Zhufanzhi", "Waiyi Tribute Examination", "Ming Dynasty Unification Chronicles" and other historical records, there are 180 vassal states on the tributary list of the Ming Dynasty, let's not talk about whether Zheng He has completed these 180 vassal states, but there must be more than 37 countries.

There is a picture in "Gezhicao", called "Kunyu Wanguo Quantu", and it just so happens that there is also a book in the West that is very similar to "Gezhicao".

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

Prior to this, it was believed that this picture was actually painted by Matteo Ricci in 1602, and recent research in recent years has confirmed that this picture was drawn by the Chinese in 1430, and according to historical records, Zheng He made 7 voyages from Yongle 3 (1405) to Xuande 8 (1433), and the time is just right.

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

For example, the whole graph of the secant eight-line table involves all the functions of arc sagittal and secant trigonometry, including sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, cosecant, sagittarius, cosagittarius, arc, coarc,

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

The armillary diagram recorded in the book is the technique of Guo Shoujing in the Yuan Dynasty

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

Schematic diagram of the rotation of the earth, the revolution of the solar system, the rotation principle of stars, and the explanation in the book.

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

The calculation of the distance between the sun and the moon in "Han Yutong" should be understood by many people.

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

Elephant Constant Theory: The sky is covered by the earth, and the self-position is also; The sky is round and the place is round, and it is also self-deed. In fact, the heavens and the earth are all round, and the earth is only a little in the sky.

Second, the auspicious day of the zodiac and the twelve zodiac signs

When we think of the zodiac signs, we naturally think of the West, from ancient Babylon......

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the missionaries introduced many classics of "Western learning from the East", but there were many loopholes and doubts in these classics.

For example, when talking about astronomical terms such as the ecliptic and the equator, these have long been deeply rooted in Chinese culture.

When it comes to the zodiac, Chinese may first think of the "auspicious day of the zodiac" rather than the Western zodiac signs.

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

At present, the cultural relics known about the twelve constellations in China are all from the Sui Dynasty (581~618)

The first complete appearance of the 12 constellations in China was the Sui Dynasty Indian monk Lianti Yeshe translated the eighth volume of the "Dafang and Other Dafang Waiting for the Sun Tibetan Sutra", which is named Special Sheep, Special Ox, Double Bird, Crab, Master, Heavenly Maiden, Scale, Scorpion, Shooting, Grinding Karma, Water Device, and Heavenly Fish.

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

The picture above shows the zodiac signs in Buddhist Sanskrit.

More than a thousand years ago, there were no observatories in the West, and in 1667 France established the Paris Observatory, the first astronomical observatory in Europe.

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

The zodiac signs are also mentioned in the "Han Yutong", and the corresponding positions are marked.

Third, the falsification of Western observation tools

According to the current textbooks:

The telescope was invented in 1608 by Liberch (1570–1619), an eyeglasses merchant from Middelburg, the Netherlands. Subsequently, a scholar named Kepler (1571–1630) designed an astronomical telescope with two convex lenses.

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

In 1609, Gali invented a telescope with nine times magnification, and they began their journey to study the universe.

However, this statement does not stand up to scrutiny, and in 1609 there were no observatories or astronomical calendars, and there were no astronomy-related writings or records of astronomical observations.

There are even netizens who sent out torture that hit the soul directly:

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

This is the observation of Mercury described by Xiong Zhixue in Gezhicao (1648), which mentions the word "glasses".

The earliest record of telescopes on the mainland was in the Ming Dynasty.

In the tomb of Liu Jing, the king of Guangling in the Eastern Han Dynasty, archaeologists found a magnifying glass inlaid with crystal stones by a gold circle, which can magnify the font five or six times.

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

The earliest record of glasses in mainland China was in the Tang Dynasty, when there were only single lenses, called "single photos".

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

By the time of the Song Dynasty, it had evolved into double-lens lenses, which were not called glasses at that time, but "叆叇".

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

By the time of the Ming Dynasty, the appearance of "叆叇" was already very close to modern times.

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

Because ancient spectacle lenses were made of crystal, they were expensive, so they were not very popular, leading many people to think that glasses were imported from the West!

Fourth, the following are the views of netizens

Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology
Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology
Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology
Real hammer! Western civilization is stealing China! Qianlong is an accomplice? Netizen: The Ming Dynasty was too developed in science and technology

At last

The turning point in Western culture and technology was the Italian Renaissance, which coincided with the period of the Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty in China, when a large number of European (or more precisely, Italian) missionaries were active in China.

On the surface, they were missionaries, but in essence they were military, economic, and scientific and technological espionage, and a large number of advanced manufacturing, science and technology were introduced to Italy, and only then did they have the Italian Renaissance.

Marco Polo traveled through China, Europe just after the end of the dark Middle Ages.

Science and technology, whether military, economic, or astronomical, are constantly accumulating, revising, and summarizing, among which it is certain that the Yongle Canon was stolen by the West.

Zheng He's Western Fleet, whether it is ship manufacturing, navigation technology, military technology, is the most powerful in the world at that time!

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