
The key to making a good mandarin fish is that the marinade must be in place This method of salting is simple and effective

author:Meal Creation Classroom

Stinky mandarin fish is one of the most representative dishes in Anhui. Its pickling method is very simple, the key is to master the time and temperature of pickling.

The key to making a good mandarin fish is that the marinade must be in place This method of salting is simple and effective

Stinky mandarin fish marinating method: take 10 kg of fresh mandarin fish slaughtered and cleaned, sliced fish meat (if the weight of the mandarin fish is less than 2.5 kg, then the whole can be pickled; if the weight of the mandarin fish is more than 2.5 kg, it needs to be cut into pieces and marinated), cut into 6×4×3 cm chunks, at this time about 5 kg of net material, wash the fish meat with a dry cloth to absorb the water, add 150 grams of salt, 25 grams of peppercorns to mix evenly, put into a clean wooden barrel and place it neatly, and press it with a large stone. Move the barrel to a constant greenhouse at 25°C-30°C and store the fish naturally for 3-4 days, during which it should be turned over once. After the fish is marinated, take it out and put it in the crisper box and refrigerate it in a 0°C-5°C freezer, but the refrigeration time should not exceed 5 days.

The key to making a good mandarin fish is that the marinade must be in place This method of salting is simple and effective

The following is to introduce the marinating method of Xiang-style stinky mandarin fish: 1. 25 kg of slaughtered mandarin fish are washed, and a shallow one-word flower knife is punched on the skin side. 2. Mix 500 grams of green onion and salt, 250 grams of ginger pieces, 1 kg of cooking wine, 1500 grams of chopped shallots, 15 bottles of stinky tofu of the countryman brand, mix well with mandarin fish, and then put the mandarin fish in a container layer by layer, seal and marinate for 24 hours.

The key to making a good mandarin fish is that the marinade must be in place This method of salting is simple and effective

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