
The four major delicacies that Guangzhou people must order, known as the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantonese morning tea, will be selected in the past when coming to Guangzhou

author:An explorer

When it comes to travel, memories are never blurred. I can't remember where I went, what scenery I saw, or who I met. Although people say that traveling is not about the memory, but about the mood at the time.

If you have a friend who has studied food, you should know that there are many types of food in China, and because of the difference in regions, people have also changed a lot in eating habits, for example, people in the Sichuan-Chongqing region love to eat spicy, while people in Jiangnan are biased towards sweets; or that people in the north like to eat meat in large bites, and people in the south like to cook soup to taste the taste. At the same time, just like the day's plan lies in the morning, our catering will also start from morning tea, and Guangzhou, as a major birthplace of morning tea culture, its domestic cuisine has also become one of the main driving forces for many people to come to Guangzhou to play.

The four major delicacies that Guangzhou people must order, known as the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantonese morning tea, will be selected in the past when coming to Guangzhou

People who often come to Guangzhou should notice that Guangzhou people are very concerned about breakfast, and there are four kinds of rice that have become the four major foods that Guangzhou people must order for morning tea, and some people call it "the four kings of Guangzhou morning tea", now let's get to know it.

The four major delicacies that Guangzhou people must order, known as the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantonese morning tea, will be selected in the past when coming to Guangzhou

The first is the "honey juice char siu bun", as a major representative work in the Guangzhou dim sum circle, it is also deserved to get the title of the first of the four kings of Cantonese morning tea. Different from the buns in the north, the outside of the char siu bun here is very crispy, and the meat filling inside is the soul of the whole char siu bun, fat and thin, and a bite will also splash out a little oil soup.

The four major delicacies that Guangzhou people must order, known as the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantonese morning tea, will be selected in the past when coming to Guangzhou

Then there is the shrimp dumpling, which is no exaggeration to say that the shrimp dumpling can be said to be a major work of art in Cantonese morning tea, but it was already in the early 20th century, but it also underwent a long period of evolution, and gradually became the round appearance we see now. The shrimp meat is incredibly tender, and when you bite it down, it's like trying to be on top of a jelly, which is very delicious.

The four major delicacies that Guangzhou people must order, known as the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantonese morning tea, will be selected in the past when coming to Guangzhou

As the popular king of morning tea, it is not only limited to Guangdong, but also deeply loved by the people of Guangxi. This roasted wheat made of pork and shrimp combined, once bitten, will make people get a full sense of happiness, and start a full day.

The four major delicacies that Guangzhou people must order, known as the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantonese morning tea, will be selected in the past when coming to Guangzhou

Finally, there are egg tarts. Unlike the Portuguese egg tarts we usually see, the egg tarts in Guangzhou morning tea belong to the way of mixing puff pastry, and the first feeling of taking a bite is like eating a cookie, which can also be said to be the star of Cantonese morning tea.

The four major delicacies that Guangzhou people must order, known as the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantonese morning tea, will be selected in the past when coming to Guangzhou

If you have the opportunity to come to Guangzhou, these delicacies must be something you must not miss.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > selected in previous periods</h1>

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