
Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope

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There is a tree in Brooklyn, some call it the Tree of Paradise, which struggles to touch the blue sky wherever the seed falls.

Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope

There Was a Tree in Brooklyn

Author: Betty Smith

Translation: Fang Berlin

Publisher: Yilin Publishing House

It is a thought-provoking piece of literature that reveals the struggles, growth, and hopes in life by describing the protagonist's growth process.

Do you think the book is about a tree in Brooklyn?

The Tree of Heaven that struggled to meet the blue sky was written in a few strokes at the beginning of the book. The whole book is about the protagonist Francie, the daughter of this poor family.

My favorite thing to do since I was a child was to climb the heavenly tree in the yard to read. Because there she can forget about poverty, discrimination and injustice for a while.

Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope

Deep characterization

The author creates a vivid image through the description of the life, inner world and emotions of the protagonist Francie.

Francie's upbringing was full of challenges and difficulties, but she always maintained the kindness and hope in her heart, which made him an admirable figure.

A true reflection of life

Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope

The scenes of life in the Brulin community presented in the novel are real and vivid.

Author Betty Smith depicts the trivialities, joys and sorrows, and emotional bonds between people's lives.

Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope

This sense of realism allows us to deeply appreciate the inner world and emotional changes of the characters. Many people say that this book is almost Betty's autobiography. Thinking about the fact that the author has really grown up like this, and is so good now, it has something to do with her upbringing.

Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope

The theme of growth and hope

Many people say that Betty's novel is "big feminist". For example, in the book, Francie's mother and aunt are virtuous and capable, while her father and uncle-in-law are weak and incompetent.

Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope

Francie and his younger brother, when the family was in financial difficulties and chose who to continue in high school, the mother thought that her son did not like to study and would never go back after suspension, and Francie would "find a way to go back", just like the heavenly tree in the Pacific Ocean.

The mother understands her daughter, so she chose to suspend Francie from school, although it is a bit patriarchal, but it also proves once again the strength and courage of the women in this family.

Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope

When Francie encounters the bad guys, she can stand up bravely and fight the bad guys, and when she loses her husband, she doesn't even cry in front of her children, she is pregnant, and supports a family for her children. This is characteristic of great feminism.

Francie's growth, her continuous upward movement, and her progress in adversity, moved people to tears. At the same time, as parents, we should also reflect on the education of our children, give them a comfortable life, and let them be full of energy in their hearts and have the ability to love and warm others.

As parents, we educate our children by encouraging, recognizing, praising them, understanding and supporting them, even without their rich resources and cultural background. Avoid passing on your anxiety, fear, and dissatisfaction to your children.

Let children be sensible and have the correct three views.

Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope

The main character, Francie, grows and learns to persevere as she faces challenges in family, community, and self-perception.

Despite the difficulties and uncertainties in her life, she always maintained hope for the future, and this optimistic attitude was encouraging and moving.

It is a literary work full of warmth and depth, showing the power of growth and hope through vivid character portrayals and real life descriptions.

Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope

As Betty puts it:

Living and struggling, loving our life, loving all the joys and sorrows that life gives, that is a kind of realization. The fullness of life is always there, and everyone can get it.

After reading this novel, I cherish every moment of my life even more, and firmly believe that no matter what difficulties I face, I must maintain hope and courage to pursue my inner dreams. While educating your children, reflect on your own ways and grow with your children.

Read "There's a Tree in Brooklyn": The Power of Growth and Hope