
Qi Wei calls herself Sister Lang 5 tool person, and she "connotated" the program group without taking the C position, is this appropriate?

author:Honey Snow Tea Party

Qi Wei revealed that her small goal was not achieved, and bluntly said that she was a "tool man".

As we all know, "Riding the Wind 2024" is the leading variety show on Mango Channel. After recording on the night of the group on July 22, Qi Wei accepted a group interview with the media. When asked if she had set a small goal for herself, Qi Wei bluntly said that she wanted that C, but unfortunately she didn't get her wish in the end. Later, I was asked what role she was in the show, and Qi Wei's answer made everyone stunned: "I can do my best to bear whatever I want, and if I don't bear it well, everyone will take care of it." The implication is that he is used as a tool of the program team? Although the final round said that "everyone will take care of it if it is not good", the sound outside the strings has been revealed.

Many netizens expressed their understanding of this and expressed sympathy: "I feel sorry for my sister and I have been a blood bag all season." "Don't you want to talk about being a tool man?" But there are also voices questioning whether Qi Wei is deliberately sympathizing: "The link settings have made way for her, and the X leader has also been decided, and she is still not satisfied?" Some people even said bluntly: "The only one who has been sitting in the captain's position throughout the whole process is you, and the program team is already very face-saving."

Qi Wei calls herself Sister Lang 5 tool person, and she "connotated" the program group without taking the C position, is this appropriate?

"Thunder is loud and rain is small" is constantly questioned, and the theory of "ambition" is refuted

During the interview, the host threw out the audience's doubts about Qi Wei in the show. Faced with the evaluation of "the thunder is heavy and the rain is small", Qi Wei responded disappreciatively: "The thunder is loud, but the raindrops are even bigger, so big that they all dance in front of me." The implication is that you feel that your stage effect has been out of the circle? However, in the eyes of many netizens, the "raindrops" in Qi Wei's mouth are just "7" and ducks called "bangbang" for everyone to play stalks, and this kind of self-feeling is too good.

Regarding the word "ambition", Qi Wei was very sincere: "Ambition is not guilty, and it is taken in a proper way." However, netizens didn't buy it: "Ambition is innocent, but where is your 'Tao'?" What everyone criticizes is never the ambition of the sisters, but whether the way to realize the ambition is appropriate.

Qi Wei calls herself Sister Lang 5 tool person, and she "connotated" the program group without taking the C position, is this appropriate?

Counting the five seasons of Mango Channel's "Riding the Wind", who is the real king of the C position?

Looking back on the five seasons of Mango Channel's "Riding the Wind", who is the deserved king of the C position?

In the first season, Tranquility made great progress all the way and became a well-deserved C position. In the second season, Na Ying and Wang Xinling's double C position strategy is also clear. In the third season, Ella has both strength and popularity, and the C position is well deserved. In the fourth season, Xie Na lived up to expectations, but some viewers thought that Cheng Xiao was also indispensable.

On the other hand, this season, whether it is from the stage performance or the popularity of the topic, no sister can have an absolute advantage to win the C position like in previous seasons. Even Qi Wei herself, although she has been praised by the program team all the way, if you really want to say how brilliant it is, I am afraid it will not be tenable. As a person with vested interests, he still has to pick up the bowl and scold his mother, which is inevitably a little undignified.

Qi Wei calls herself Sister Lang 5 tool person, and she "connotated" the program group without taking the C position, is this appropriate?

What do you think of Qi Wei's "tool man" remarks? Is it really aggrieved to do a talent show?

Variety shows pay attention to a mutually beneficial and win-win situation. The contestants use the show to increase their popularity, and the producer earns traffic through the star effect. The so-called "tool man" is just a self-deprecating statement in the entertainment industry, not a derogatory term.

As an artist, participating in the talent show must accept the arrangement of the program group, which is the tacit understanding between the two parties. If you don't want to be "called", you can politely decline the invitation to record, so why complain about your grievances afterwards? Besides, the program team has taken care of Qi Wei in various ways, whether it is stage resources or topic creation, she is probably the one who benefits the most. Although he didn't win the coveted C position, the titles of X-Leader and Captain of the Year were well deserved. Instead of suffering from gains and losses, it is better to improve your strength in a down-to-earth manner, and it is more convincing to speak with your works.

Qi Wei calls herself Sister Lang 5 tool person, and she "connotated" the program group without taking the C position, is this appropriate?

Career advice for celebrities: learn to be content, greedy and lose

In fact, the show "Riding the Wind" has given celebrities a good workplace cultivation: learn to be content, and if you are greedy, you will lose.

Xie Na back then, her popularity was no worse than Qi Wei, but she only got the title of "Founder of Chengfeng", and she didn't have any complaints. On the other hand, Qi Wei has obtained a lot of resources with the support of the program team, but in the end, instead of being grateful, she has intensified her complaint about her "tool man". As everyone knows, insatiable greed will only make people feel unseemly.

In the artist industry, the stage has always been big, and there is no absolute protagonist. Instead of worrying about personal gains and losses, it is better to calm down and do your job well, treat every opportunity with a humble attitude, and believe that there is always a reward for paying, and time will give the best answer.

Qi Wei calls herself Sister Lang 5 tool person, and she "connotated" the program group without taking the C position, is this appropriate?

Interactive topic: What do you think of Qi Wei's remarks?

Dear readers, what do you think of Qi Wei's "tool man" remarks? In your opinion, does "Riding the Wind 2024" really treat Qi Wei badly? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section to share your insights! Let's pay attention to this popular variety show and witness the wonderful moments of the group night!

Qi Wei calls herself Sister Lang 5 tool person, and she "connotated" the program group without taking the C position, is this appropriate?

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