
The production date is difficult to find and cannot be seen clearly, and the shelf life has to be calculated by itself? The State Administration for Market Regulation has taken action

author:Modern Express

Have you ever encountered the embarrassment of not being able to find the production date when you visit the supermarket? In view of the problems that the production date has been complained about by consumers for a long time, it is difficult to find, cannot be seen clearly, and it is difficult to calculate, recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation has issued the "Announcement on Encouraging Food Enterprises to Optimize the Production Date and Shelf Life Label Identification of Prepackaged Food" (hereinafter referred to as the "Announcement"). On April 1, the Modern Express reporter walked into several supermarkets in Nanjing, looking for the production date of "hide and seek" with consumers, on the bottle cap, in the bottle cap, on the bottle body, above, below, in the middle, on the side, almost every position can be marked with the production date.

The production date is difficult to find and cannot be seen clearly, and the shelf life has to be calculated by itself? The State Administration for Market Regulation has taken action

The description of Genki Forest products has a large number of words, and the production date is difficult to find


Question one

The production date is difficult to find, and the location is unclear and unclear

In a community supermarket in Qinhuai District, there are many customers in the snack section who are shopping. The reporter picked up a pack of charcoal-grilled beef slices, the packaging bag was green as a whole, and the product information on the back used a white background, "The shelf life is indicated as 12 months, and the production date is shown on the back of the package." The reporter did not find the production date on the back of the package, and then picked up a bag, moved the bag up and down, and searched carefully to find the production date in the plastic seal at the upper end of the bag.

The production date is difficult to find and cannot be seen clearly, and the shelf life has to be calculated by itself? The State Administration for Market Regulation has taken action

The production date of charcoal-grilled beef fillet is hard to find

"Some production dates are really hard to find, especially when we're old and can't see clearly. Aunt Wu, who was visiting the supermarket, complained to the reporter, she took the Yuanqi Forest as an example, the bottle of the drink was densely introduced with black characters on a white background, and all the small words were squeezed together, and it took a long time to stare at it to see "the production date is the shoulder or cap".

The production date is difficult to find and cannot be seen clearly, and the shelf life has to be calculated by itself? The State Administration for Market Regulation has taken action

The production date position is difficult to find on the side of the package

Whether it is a drink or a snack, many products are marked with "see XXXX for the production date", and the places you see are varied. Like bottled drinks, some are on the lid, some are on the bottle, and some are on the bottom. Like bagged snacks, some are in the plastic closure at the top of the front, some are under the front, and some are on the side. To find a date, you have to rummage through the bags (bottles). For example, a puffed food barbecue steak flavor block, the back of the package indicates the production date to see the packaging, the reporter did not find the production date above and below the package, and finally found a string of black numbers "20240313Z3" on the side of the product.

Question two

The production date is not clear, and the color and size are not uniform

Everyone should be familiar with the green bottle of Sprite, but do you know where its production date is? The outer packaging shows that the production date is marked on the cap (bottle body), "20231216 2155NJ9", in a bottle of Sprite close to the mouth of the bottle, the reporter found two strings of numbers, but because the numbers are not marked with words such as year, month and day, it is easy to confuse. At the same time, the number is small, and the color of the number is difficult to "jump" from the color of the bottle and is difficult to identify.

The production date is difficult to find and cannot be seen clearly, and the shelf life has to be calculated by itself? The State Administration for Market Regulation has taken action

The date of production of Sprite is difficult to identify

In a large import supermarket in Xinjiekou, the reporter found that the "shelf life" and "production date" of a yogurt were written together with the ingredient list and other commodity information, and the font and size were not distinguished, so they needed to be carefully identified.

The production date is difficult to find and cannot be seen clearly, and the shelf life has to be calculated by itself? The State Administration for Market Regulation has taken action

The date of production of this milk is not clear

The specific production date of another milk is shown in the bottle cap, and the bottle cap is dark blue, and the production date and market date are very light in color, almost white, and the contrast with the background color is not clear, and it is difficult to identify.

The production date is difficult to find and cannot be seen clearly, and the shelf life has to be calculated by itself? The State Administration for Market Regulation has taken action

The production date of this orange juice is not clearly coded

And a certain Internet celebrity juice, "see the bottle for the production date" and "shelf life of 45 days", although it is white on a black background, it is mixed with other information Lala. The production date of the bottle is black, but I don't know if it's because of the font or the printing technology, each digital stroke has a breakpoint, and against the background of yellow juice, coupled with the reflection of the transparent plastic bottle on the supermarket light, it is very difficult to identify.

Question three

When the expiration date is, you have to calculate it yourself

The reporter visited and found that almost none of the products are marked with a specific shelf life to the year, month and day, and the common labels are marked with the length of the shelf life, such as 12 months, 9 months, and even some are specific days.

The production date is difficult to find and cannot be seen clearly, and the shelf life has to be calculated by itself? The State Administration for Market Regulation has taken action

The shelf life should be calculated by yourself

In the food area of this large imported supermarket in Xinjiekou, the production date of a certain slice ham is very eye-catching, and a separate column, white on a yellow background, is very clear, but the shelf life is only marked 80 days, and the expiration time has to be calculated. Another type of milk, which has a shelf life of 15 days on the product information on the bottle, also needs to calculate the expiration date by yourself.

Question four

Many food packages are packaged without production information on the inside packaging

There is also a problem with the labeling of the production date of the packaged food, a butter sold in the above-mentioned imported supermarket, a product contains 6 sub-packaging, only the production date is marked on the overall outer packaging, and the expiration time should also be calculated by itself, and the outer packaging of the internal single sub-packaging, in addition to the product name and net content, no other information is marked.

The production date is difficult to find and cannot be seen clearly, and the shelf life has to be calculated by itself? The State Administration for Market Regulation has taken action

The production date and shelf life of the butter in portions are not separately indicated

In this community supermarket in Qinhuai District, the bread and miscellaneous grains are more popular, but the reporter found that not all the internal packaging of the packaged food is marked with production information, a puffed food made of rice, marked with the production date just above, but there is no production information on the small packaging bag contained, only the brand name is printed on the packaging bag.

The state shot

The production date is no longer "hide and seek", and the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Announcement"

A few days ago, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Announcement" to encourage food companies to optimize the production date and shelf life label of prepackaged food in accordance with the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws, regulations and standards.

The announcement encourages food enterprises to prominently mark the production date and shelf life of pre-packaged food on the main display page of the minimum sales package of pre-packaged food, and if the minimum sales package has multiple layers, mark the production date and shelf life of the pre-packaged food on the outermost packaging.

At the same time, if the production date and shelf life are marked in the form of "see a certain position of the package", the location should be clear and obvious, the description should be accurate, and it should be easy to find.

The font size of the production date is also standardized, and the minimum height is not less than 3 mm, and the ratio of height to width is not more than 3:1 words, numbers, and symbols are used to mark the production date and shelf life. The production date and expiration date are clearly marked in the form of a clear contrast between the background color and the date color, such as black on a white background.

Regarding the calculation of the shelf life, it is proposed to clearly mark the production date and the expiration date of the shelf life in the order of year, month and day.

It is also clarified that if there are multiple single-piece pre-packaged foods in the same pre-package, the expiration date of the shelf life of the earliest expired single piece of pre-packaged food shall be marked on the outer packaging, or the expiration date of each single piece of pre-packaged food shall be marked on the outer packaging. For pre-packaged food produced by sub-packaging, the production date and sub-packaging date of the sub-packaged pre-packaged food shall be marked at the same time, and the expiration date of the shelf life of the pre-packaged food shall be marked with the shelf life of the sub-packaged food.

In addition, food companies are also encouraged to improve date marking technology and equipment such as coding and printing to ensure that the production date, shelf life and other labeling content are lasting and clear.

Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Committee reminded

Food enterprises shall mark the production date and shelf life according to the regulations

The production date and location of some goods are difficult to find and marked clearly, which makes shopping not only cost money, but also test eyesight and patience, which affects the quality and experience of consumption. Especially for elderly consumers, it is even more difficult, bluntly saying that "what you must bring to the supermarket is not a shopping bag, but reading glasses".

The Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission believes that individual businesses have made a big fuss about the food production date, and have played "hide and seek" with consumers by concealing and blurring the production date, which is obviously contrary to the spirit of the law and relevant documents.

China's "Product Quality Law" stipulates that "products that are used within a limited period of time shall be clearly marked with the production date and safe use period or expiration date in a conspicuous position". The Food Safety Law stipulates that the packaging of prepackaged food shall be labeled, and the label shall indicate the name, specification, net content, production date and shelf life, etc.;

The Provincial Consumer Protection Committee reminds that food enterprises should learn the law and abide by the law, clearly mark the food production date and shelf life in accordance with the regulations, and optimize and improve the date marking technology and equipment such as coding and printing, so as to ensure that the production date, shelf life and other labeling content are lasting and clear, so that consumers can easily identify, buy and eat with peace of mind.

Relevant departments should also further strengthen supervision and service, and carry out training and guidance for enterprises through holding special classes and other forms; increase the publicity and popularization of legal norms and policy documents in the process of law enforcement; establish a mechanism for supervision and random inspection, and strictly punish businesses that use the "hide and seek" production date to make it difficult or even harm consumers, resolutely order corrections, deter unscrupulous businesses, and purify unhealthy tendencies.

Modern Express/Modern + reporter Wang Yi Xu Mengyun

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