
The blood feud in the history of the Three Kingdoms: the truth about the destruction of the Guan Yu family!

author:Interesting history

Guan Yu, the word cloud is long, this famous general of the Shu Han Dynasty, in the name of his loyalty, shocked China. However, the fate of Guan Yu's family is full of twists and turns and pathos. After the fall of the Shu Han regime in 263, what kind of disasters befell Guan Yu's descendants?

1. The demise of Shu Han and the tragic fate of Guan Yu's descendants

The blood feud in the history of the Three Kingdoms: the truth about the destruction of the Guan Yu family!

Under the pressure of Cao Wei's army, the Shu Han regime finally came to an end after 42 years of glory. Although Shu Han died, the fate of the deceased monarchs and ministers was different. As the king of the dead country, Liu Chan was named the Duke of Anle and was able to die a good death. However, Guan Yu's descendants suffered a huge disaster in this historical change.

According to the "Shu Chronicle", the Guan Yu clan was wiped out after the fall of the Shu Han. So, who has such a deep hatred for Guan Yu and his family, and what is the grudge behind this?

2. The origin of the grievance: the fierce battle between Guan Yu and Pang De

The blood feud in the history of the Three Kingdoms: the truth about the destruction of the Guan Yu family!

To uncover the truth about the extermination of the Guan Yu family, we have to start with a grievance in 219 AD. At that time, Guan Yu led an army to attack the Xiangfan area, and the Wei general Cao Ren could not resist, so Cao Cao sent Yu Ban, one of the five good generals, and Pang De, a fierce general, to support. Pang De's brother Pang Rou was under Liu Bei and was suspicious of the Wei generals. However, Pound firmly said: "I have received the grace of the country, and righteousness is in the service of death." I want to hit Guan Yu myself. ”

In the ensuing battle, Pang De and Guan Yu had a fierce confrontation. Pang De bravely crowned the three armies, and once shot Guan Yu in the forehead with an arrow, which made Guan Yu's army quite jealous. In the end, Guan Yu successfully captured Pang De with his wit and bravery. However, after being captured, Pang De was loyal and unyielding, preferring to die rather than give in, and was eventually killed by Guan Yu.

3. Pang Hui, the son of Pang De, took revenge: Guan Yu's family was tragically wiped out

The blood feud in the history of the Three Kingdoms: the truth about the destruction of the Guan Yu family!

When the news of Pang De's death reached Xuchang, Cao Cao was deeply saddened, wept over him, and named Pang De's two sons liehous. However, Pang Hui, the son of Pound, has always remembered his father's hatred and is determined to take revenge.

In the years that followed, Pang Hui followed Wei and Zhong Hui to crusade against Shu Han. After the fall of Shu Han, Chengdu fell into war. Zhong Hui, Deng Ai and other generals were killed after taking the lead, and the Wei generals burned and looted in Chengdu. At this time, Pang Hui took the opportunity to rush into the mansion of the Marquis of Hanshou Pavilion and killed Guan Yu's family, and Guan Yi was also killed in this catastrophe.

Fourth, the mystery of history: Was Guan Yu really destroyed?

The blood feud in the history of the Three Kingdoms: the truth about the destruction of the Guan Yu family!

However, there are still many controversies in history about whether the Guan Yu clan was really exterminated. "Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms" records that Guan Yu only has two sons, Guan Ping and Guan Xing, and there is no Guan Suo in the romance. Guan Ping was killed in Linfu, and Guan Xing also died young. After that, Guan Xing's son Guan Tong inherited the title, but he also died soon after and had no children, so he had to be renewed by Guan Xing's concubine Guan Yi. If Guan Yi is killed, then Guan Yu is likely to have no heir.

However, the discovery of the Guan Yu Genealogy in Dengzhou, Henan Province in 2008 provides us with another possibility. This genealogy details the migration of Guan Yu's descendants from Shanxi to Dengzhou, and mentions that Guan Yu had a third son, Guan Suo. This indicates that Guan Yu may still have a large number of descendants. However, the authenticity of "Guan Yu's Genealogy" still needs to be verified.

5. The immortal legend of Guan Yu's image

The blood feud in the history of the Three Kingdoms: the truth about the destruction of the Guan Yu family!

Regardless of whether Guan Yu is really destroyed or not, his image has lived in people's hearts for generations. Guan Yu's spirit of loyalty has become an important part of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, inspiring generation after generation to move forward bravely and serve the country loyally. Today, we can still feel the inheritance and development of Guan Yu's spirit in the Guan Di temples in various places. Let us remember the immortal legend of this national hero and continue to inherit and carry forward his spirit!