
Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

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Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

Text: Huai'an

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got married, but was told by her husband to be a "Dink".

I'd rather get divorced than have children of her own.

Years later, one child is complete, and the other marriage is a mystery.

How is "Jujube Flower" Wu Yuhua now?

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't


"I still want a child. ”

Wu Yuhua didn't expect that he played the role of "jujube flower", but in the end he became "jujube flower".

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

1989 was a "watershed" in the new era.

The society has progressed, and the people's minds have become more open-minded.

In this context, cultural films are more "blooming".

Among them, a "Fence, Woman and Dog" has set off a craze for people to chase dramas.

And Wu Yuhua is also a "household name" with the role of "jujube flower".

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

In that era, there were few women like Zaohua who bravely said "no" to unfair marriage.

As a result, the role was a significant achievement at the time.

Even in the face of the villagers' fingers, Zaohua has to live her own life.

Such an independent personality has inspired many female audiences.

But I don't know why, but the "old drama bone" Wu Yuhua disappeared after the explosion?

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

Wu Yuhua was born in Shandong.

Later, due to his father's work, the family moved to Zhejiang, in the south.

And Wu Yuhua's body not only has the gentleness of a southern woman, but also the straightforwardness of a northern woman.

Such a character also laid the foundation for her future attitude towards marriage.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

Wu Yuhua's grades are very good, and her biggest wish is to be admitted to university.

But it's a pity that the "reality" is not what people want.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

In 1976, Wu Yuhua graduated from high school.

Due to the times, she had to go to the countryside to work.

It was two years before he returned to the city again.

However, she never expected that this experience would advance her future acting career.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

After returning home, Wu Yuhua aimed to learn acting, and applied for the "Northern Film" and "Chinese Opera" respectively.

It's a pity that she didn't study for two years and had no foundation in art, and both schools failed.

However, as the so-called "perseverance", how can a setback defeat Wu Yuhua?

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

For the sake of his dream, Wu Yuhua prepared for the exam again.

Finally, "hard work pays off".

She was successfully admitted to the "Military Arts" in the second year.

It was also in this school that Wu Yuhua met the man who had been entangled with her for 20 years.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

When other students are "anxious" for their studies.

Wu Yuhua has been invited by the director to star in the movie.

It really attracted the envy and attention of many students.

Not only that, but her superior appearance also made her receive many "love letters" from boys during her college years.

Among them, there is a boy named Wang Jun.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

In the dark, a "bad fate" is quietly kicking off.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't


Just talking about the name Wang Jun, everyone may not be familiar with it.

But his film and television works.

It can be described as a "household name".

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

Wang Junke is a "scholar".

Not only actors and "national first-class directors".

He also obtained a Master of Arts degree in the Department of Chinese Opera Directing.

Each of his directorial works is "a classic of classics".

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

2000's "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind", co-directed by Wang Jun and Zhao Baogang.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

In 2009, "Four Worlds in the Same Hall" starring Huang Lei and Jiang Qinqin.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

and "The Legend of Ruyi", "Little Farewell" series, etc., are all from him.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

is such an excellent director.

But for the sake of his career, he resolutely chose "Dink".

What is the "love-hate entanglement" between Wu Yuhua and him?

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

In 1982, Wu Yuhua was invited to participate in the filming of the movie "Backlight".

The film was also shortlisted for the 23rd Golden Rooster Awards and won the "Best Cinematography Award".

Wu Yuhua, one of the leading actors, was only 23 years old at this time.

And her performance in the film once became the audience's "screen goddess".

Wu Yuhua's acting beginnings can be described as "the peak of debut".

But after that, she didn't wait for more brilliant results.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

After graduation, Wu Yuhua was assigned to the Nanjing Military Region Repertory Troupe.

And with her, there was also a classmate Wang Jun.

Wang Jun's talent and empathy also attracted Wu Yuhua.

The two fell in love for a long time in the process of getting along.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

One day in 1987, Wang Jun confessed to Wu Yuhua, and the two quickly fell in love.

And the following year, the handsome man and woman walked into the marriage hall hand in hand.

But I thought it was the beginning of a happy life, but I unexpectedly fell into the "trap".

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't


In the same year of marriage, Wang Jun was also successfully admitted to the Chinese Opera Director Department.

In order to follow in her husband's footsteps, Wu Yuhua also left the art troupe and went to Beijing.

I have to say that Beijing does have more opportunities.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

Not long after coming to Beijing, Wu Yuhua received the play "Fence, Woman and Dog".

Due to the experience of working in the countryside in the early years.

She played the role of "jujube flower" "vividly".

also let Wu Yuhua have a role in the last two sister chapters of the play.

The days are visibly getting better with the naked eye.

However, these have become the "fuse" for the breakdown of her relationship with Wang Jun.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

Wu Yuhua's acting career is in full swing.

But Wang Jun, who just graduated from Chinese opera, is "doing nothing".

The huge gap between husband and wife makes Wang Jun eager to prove himself.

He was so focused on his career that he neglected his family.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

And as she grew older, Wu Yuhua also felt that it was time to have a child.

But every time I mentioned this to Wang Jun, I would be perfunctory.

Over time, the couple's contradictions became bigger and bigger, and there were more and more quarrels.

The marriage eventually "fell apart".

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

How can the relationship that started in college be broken off?

The divorce also had an impact on Wu Yuhua.

But fortunately, in 1999, Wu Yuhua met someone worthy of entrusting him for life.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

Through a friend's introduction, Wu Yuhua met the painter Mo Dafeng.

After a few chats, she was surprised to find that both of them had graduated from military arts.

After having a common topic, Wu Yuhua was like opening the conversation.

Mo Dafeng has the romantic atmosphere of an artist.

He didn't care that Wu Yuhua had a marriage.

The two came and went, and they came together.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

In the blessing of their families, Wu Yuhua and Mo Dafeng joined hands to make a vow to "spend the rest of their lives together".

And after marriage, Wu Yuhua gave birth to a son and a daughter.

Not only that, but she also gradually moved from being an actress to going behind the scenes.

While his career is successful, he also runs his family very well.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

Although it has rarely appeared on the screen.

But Wu Yuhua's social platform is still actively updated.

It's uncomfortable to travel around the mountains and rivers.

What about Wang Jun?

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

Wang Jun seems to be the "leader" of a new generation of directors.

But masterpieces appear frequently, but his love life is still a mystery.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't


No matter what kind of lifestyle.

It's all a person's right and choice.

There is "no fate" between Wu Yuhua and Wang Jun.

But fortunately, they all lived the life they expected.

Wu Yuhua: I'd rather divorce my husband than be a dink, men have the opportunity to regret it, women don't

Thank you for every reading and liking and comment~

Information sources:

[1] Wu Yuhua: Actor Open Encyclopedia

[2] Wang Jun: Actor Open Encyclopedia

[3] The filming of "The Legend of Ruyi" was too hollowing out of the body? Even director Wang Jun spoke

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