
Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

author:Finish C chatting about the world

Sunlight shines through the window lattice and shines on the face of 64-year-old Wu Yuhua. She sat quietly in the courtyard, her eyes tenderly gazing at her frolicking children. The years have left traces on her face, but they can't hide the sparkle of happiness in her eyes.

However, at this beautiful moment, the past flooded back and made her fall into deep thought. She couldn't help but think back to those crucial life decisions: Why did she choose to retreat into the background when her career was in full swing? Why did you insist on parting ways with your first husband? Did these seemingly risky decisions really bring her the life she longed for? Wu Yuhua stroked his forehead, his eyes revealing complex emotions.

Her life experience is like a movie of ups and downs, and every choice has a profound impact. At this moment, she couldn't help but start to look at her past and think about whether these decisions would be made.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

Sub-heading: From the girl who fell off the list to the shining movie star Wu Yuhua's thoughts drifted back to the hopeful and heartbreaking summer of 1978. The blow of failing the college entrance examination was like a heavy punch, which made the 18-year-old so sad that tears rained down.

However, the stubbornness in her bones did not allow her to admit defeat. Drying away her tears, she secretly vowed: "I must be admitted to university!" This decision became a turning point that changed the trajectory of her life.

After a year of preparing for the exam, in 1979, Wu Yuhua got his wish and was admitted to the Performance Department of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts. The moment she stepped onto the campus, she seemed to see a bright future beckoning to her.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

However, fate always likes to joke. When he was a freshman, Wu Yuhua passed by with the opportunity to star in the movie "Homesickness", and he couldn't help but feel a little lost. But she always believed that "gold always shines", so she studied acting more diligently.

Hard work pays off. During college, Wu Yuhua ushered in a turning point in his life - starring in the movie "Backlight". plays the role of "Xia Yinyin", who dares to break through the shackles and run to love, as if it is tailor-made for her.

After the film was released, Wu Yuhua became an instant hit and became an idol in the hearts of countless young people. Recalling his childhood, the corners of Wu Yuhua's mouth unconsciously raised a smile. Born in Shandong in 1959, she settled in Hangzhou with her father since childhood.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

The gentle nourishment of the Jiangnan water town allows her to not only retain the hearty and straightforward of the Shandong people, but also integrate the graceful and soft beauty of the Jiangnan women. The little girl who loves to laugh and make trouble, and has a compelling aura, has now transformed into a slim lady.

Wu Yuhua stroked the hair in front of his forehead, as if he had returned to the high-spirited green years. She vividly remembers how eager she was to succeed and how much she loved the performing arts.

That perseverance and enthusiasm not only became the driving force for her to chase her dreams, but also laid the groundwork for her future life choices. From failing in the college entrance examination to being admitted to the military arts, from missing "Nostalgia" to becoming famous in "Backlight", Wu Yuhua's study path is full of ups and downs and opportunities.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

Every setback made her more determined, and every opportunity made her cherish it more. She knows that on the road of art, only perseverance and unremitting efforts can bloom the most dazzling light.

This experience not only established Wu Yuhua's status in the entertainment industry, but also shaped her tenacious character. It is this indomitable spirit that supports her to make one key decision after another in her later life.

From a rural girl to a shining movie star, Wu Yuhua's transformation is not only outward, but also inner growth. Her story seems to be an inspirational hymn to struggle, inspiring countless young people with dreams.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

Sub-heading: The balance of love and career flies, and Wu Yuhua's thoughts drift to the time when he met Wang Jun. During their work in the Nanjing Military Region Repertory Troupe, the two evolved from classmates and best friends to lovers.

Wang Jun's encouragement gave her the courage to chase her dreams and prompted her to make a bold decision to resign and go north. Recalling the mood at that time, Wu Yuhua can still feel the excitement and apprehension.

"I want to try it in Beijing." When she confided this idea to Wang Jun, her tone was both firm and uneasy. Wang Jun's support undoubtedly gave her great encouragement and made her more determined to drift north.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

In Beijing, Wu Yuhua's acting career is in full swing. She has successively starred in works such as "No. 5 Confidential Officer", "Sue", "Babel", "Longing", "Wheel, Woman and Well", and gradually became a hot actress.

At the same time, Wang Jun chose to continue his studies and was admitted to the graduate school of directing at the Central Academy of Drama. In 1997, Wu Yuhua, who was at the peak of his career, came up with the idea of having a child.

Every time she sees an innocent child, her heart involuntarily softens. "How happy it would be to have a child of your own." She secretly longed, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

With apprehension, Wu Yuhua proposed the idea of giving birth to Wang Jun. However, Wang Jun's response was like a basin of cold water poured on her head: "We are so busy with work, and the children will only be a burden."

Is Dink bad? This disagreement became a turning point in their marriage. Wu Yuhua tried to convince Wang Jun and even expressed his willingness to reduce his work to take care of the children. But Wang Jun always insisted on his own opinions, and the two had many disputes because of this.

After each argument, Wu Yuhua felt exhausted, and she began to question the future of the marriage. After a heated argument, Wu Yuhua sat alone in the dimly lit room, tears streaming silently.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

She understood that deep affection seemed so pale in this matter. After much deliberation, she made a difficult decision. "I'm almost 30 years old and I really want to be a mom.

Since we can't agree on this issue, maybe... We should be separated. When he said this, although Wu Yuhua's voice trembled, his eyes were firm.

This decision shocked everyone, but Wu Yuhua knew in her heart that in order not to leave herself with regrets, she had to go out bravely. After the divorce, she took a break from work and gave herself some time to adjust her mood.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

Looking back on this marriage, Wu Yuhua was full of emotion. She and Wang Jun used to love each other so much, but they parted ways because of different plans for the future. This experience made her understand that marriage requires not only love, but also shared life goals and values.

Although the decision to divorce put her at a low point for a while, Wu Yuhua did not regret it. She believes that true happiness can only be found if you are true to your heart. This difficult choice became another turning point in her life, laying the groundwork for her later encounter with true love.

Sub-heading: Regaining Hope and Encountering True Love The days after the divorce were not all smooth sailing, but Wu Yuhua was not defeated by life. She recalled her fighting spirit and courage, and the self who was not afraid of difficulties and moved forward bravely seemed to be back.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

Recalling the years when he went to the countryside after graduating from high school in 1976, Wu Yuhua couldn't help but wonder. At that time, although she was faced with monotonous and boring work, she could always find happiness outside of work.

What she likes most is to sing loudly in the vast fields, expressing her yearning for a better future with a loud singing voice. This memory gave Wu Yuhua strength, and she secretly made up her mind to face life bravely and set sail again.

By chance, Wu Yuhua met Mo Dafeng, a painter who was also a graduate of military arts, at an alumni meeting. Mo Dafeng talks elegantly and behaves decently, giving people a sense of elegance and easy-goingness.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

The two talked happily with each other, as if they had endless topics. Time passes unconsciously, and their common artistic background and similar life experiences give each other an inexplicable sense of closeness.

Friends keenly sensed the spark between the two and encouraged Wu Yuhua to give himself a chance. However, Wu Yuhua, who has experienced a failed marriage, is inevitably a little apprehensive in her heart, she is worried that she is not worthy of Mo Dafeng.

"I see, this Mo Dafeng is not bad, do you two want to try it?" The encouragement of his friends made Wu Yuhua's heart move. What she didn't know was that her dignified and beautiful appearance and gentle personality were exactly the ideal partner that Mo Dafeng had been looking for.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

With the help of everyone, Wu Yuhua plucked up his courage and decided to give himself and Mo Dafeng a chance. The two began dating and slowly cultivated their relationship. Every time he was with Mo Dafeng, Wu Yuhua felt extremely relaxed and happy.

She found that Mo Dafeng was not only a talented artist, but also a thoughtful gentleman. What makes Wu Yuhua most happy is that Mo Dafeng likes children very much and expresses his willingness to take on the responsibility of being a father.

This is exactly the family life that Wu Yuhua has always dreamed of. She felt her heart slowly melt and was full of anticipation for the future. The development of this relationship made Wu Yuhua rekindle his enthusiasm for life.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

She began to think about what she really wanted, and she became more aware of her heart's desire. After confirming that they were both ideal partners, Wu Yuhua and Mo Dafeng entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

This time, Wu Yuhua felt unprecedented happiness and peace. She understands that this marriage is not only a union of two people, but also a fit of two hearts that understand and support each other.

Looking back on the years of Beipiao, Wu Yuhua was full of emotion. From the ups and downs of her career to the loss and recovery of love, every step has made her grow, and every choice has brought her closer to her true self.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

She is glad that she was not knocked down by the failure of her first marriage, but bravely gave herself a chance to start over. This experience made Wu Yuhua understand that life is like a picture scroll, which needs to be depicted with courage, wisdom and love.

And she is using her own way to draw a unique and beautiful picture of life. Sub-heading: The moment of the dream come true, the happy life Soon after marriage, Wu Yuhua ushered in the long-awaited good news - she was pregnant.

When she felt the baby's fetal movement for the first time, tears of happiness could not help but burst out of her eyes. The dream she had been dreaming of for years had finally come true, and she was about to become a mother! Mo Dafeng behaved exceptionally well in this process, not only fully supporting Wu Yuhua in his career, but also taking the initiative to take on many family responsibilities.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

Looking at her husband's busy figure, Wu Yuhua's heart was full of gratitude and love. She felt that she had made the right choice and found a life partner who truly understood and supported her.

The birth of a child brought great joy to the family. Wu Yuhua gradually shifted his focus to his family and reduced his participation in film and television works. While this means she may not be able to return to the top of her career, she feels that everything is worth it when she sees her child's innocent smile.

Soon after, Wu Yuhua ushered in the birth of his second child. A son and a daughter just form a "good" word, which makes the family more complete. Busy taking care of children and housework every day, Wu Yuhua feels more fulfilled and satisfied than ever.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

At the same time, her ex-husband Wang Jun has made great achievements in his career. His works such as "Little Farewell", "Little Joy" and "The Legend of Ruyi" have been widely acclaimed, and he has won many outstanding director awards.

However, in the 25 years since the divorce, Wang Jun has always remained single. Compared with his current life, Wu Yuhua is more convinced that his original choice was correct. She may have lost the glory of her career, but she reaped more precious family happiness.

Looking at the scene of her husband and children having fun, she felt that her life was complete. Looking back, Wu Yuhua deeply felt the wonder of fate. From a young actress who aspired to success to a full-time mom who is now willing to eat, her role has changed, but her inner satisfaction has increased day by day.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

She understands that true happiness lies not in external achievement, but in inner peace. Sub-heading: No regrets of choice, a fulfilling life Looking back on the past, the corners of Wu Yuhua's mouth flashed with a gratifying smile, and his fingers gently stroked the wrinkles at the corners of his forehead.

Her life story is like a movie with ups and downs, and every important decision shows her determination to take control of her own destiny. From repeating the college entrance examination to drifting north, from resolutely divorced to bravely remarrying, Wu Yuhua's every step has confirmed a truth: life should be in your own hands.

Today, although she does not have the aura of the limelight of the past, she has the life she really desires in her heart. Looking at the frolicking children and the beloved husband, Wu Yuhua knew that her choice had never been missed.

Zaohua Wu Yuhua: I don't want Dink to divorce her husband, and after marrying a painter for the second time, my children and daughters have all realized their dreams

Her story tells us that only by being true to our hearts and having the courage to make choices can we reap the rewards of a truly happy life.

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