
The deputy mayor of the town, who had died in the line of duty, raised his right hand when he was found


Zhu Ruxin, a member of the Party Committee and deputy mayor of Zhongbu Town, Leping City, Jiangxi Province, was unfortunately missing on April 3 because of his heroic rescue of people who had fallen into the water, and after 17 hours of intense search and rescue, he was found in the farmland more than 20 meters away from the vehicle in the early morning of April 4, but he had lost his vital signs.

According to previous reports, at about 10:15 a.m. on April 3, a small car carrying four people was accidentally washed into the river by the flood when passing through the flooded section of Fangjia Village, Zhongbu Town, despite the discouragement of wading through the water. Zhu Ruxin, who was on duty for flood control in the vicinity at the time, saw this and immediately rushed into the water to carry out rescue. With the assistance of the surrounding village cadres and the masses, the driver of the vehicle was successfully rescued ashore, but the other three people in the car unfortunately drowned. However, during the rescue process, Zhu Ruxin was also swept away by the flood and his whereabouts have been unknown.

The deputy mayor of the town, who had died in the line of duty, raised his right hand when he was found

The search and rescue work was carried out quickly, and the local government and rescue teams went all out to find Zhu Ruxin's traces. He Ansheng, a member of the Leping Blue Sky Rescue Team, said: "We have a very complicated mood, we hope that we can't find him, but also hope to find him as soon as possible, and we always hope that a miracle will happen in our hearts." During the search and rescue process, the search and rescue personnel found a piece of farmland near the place where the vehicle was recovered, and Zhu Ruxin's body was eventually found in this farmland. According to the personnel involved in the search and rescue, the flood gradually receded in the early morning of the 4th, and the vehicle surfaced, and Zhu Ruxin's body was found near the vehicle.

Zhu Ruxin's death made everyone feel sad and regretful. He is a conscientious and responsible leader who has a deep affection for the masses. During the flood control duty, he has always stuck to his post and fulfilled his duties. His death is undoubtedly a great loss for the Zhongbu town government and the local people.

Regarding Zhu Ruxin's heroic behavior, the Zhongbu town government said that it would study whether to apply for the title of righteousness and bravery. A town government staff member said: "In my work contact with Deputy Mayor Zhu, I think he has always been a serious and responsible leader, who has done many things himself, and has a good mass base in ordinary times. At the same time, the staff member expressed his gratitude to the masses for their condolences, and said that the declaration of the memorial service and the title of righteousness and courage is still being studied, and there is no exact information yet.

The deputy mayor of the town, who had died in the line of duty, raised his right hand when he was found

According to Jingdezhen's previous release, Fang Guangming, secretary of the party branch of Fangjia Village, Zhongbu Town, who was on flood control duty with Zhu Ruxin, once recalled: "Due to the recent continuous heavy rainfall, the water level in Zhongbu Town has risen. Zhu Ruxin, as a cadre stationed in Fangjia Village, has been sticking to the front line of flood control a few days ago. On the morning of the incident, we happened to patrol to Fangjia Village halfway and saw someone calling for help in the middle of the water at this location. The Zhu Party Committee gave me the mobile phone and told me to make a rescue call quickly, and he ran down alone to save them. After going down, the water may have been too big, and he was washed away. Fang Guangming's words were full of admiration and regret for Zhu Ruxin.

According to another staff member of the Fangjia Village Committee, Zhu Ruxin was mainly responsible for water conservancy work during his stay in Fangjia Village. When the water level rose due to heavy rains, he was on duty with other village cadres to prevent floods. The staff member revealed that Zhu Ruxin also has a daughter at home, and his death is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the family.

Zhu Ruxin's heroic deeds have attracted wide attention and praise in the local area. His selfless dedication and self-sacrificing spirit to save others have become a role model in the hearts of people. His death is deeply saddened, but at the same time, it also makes people cherish life and respect heroes even more.

During the search and rescue process, the search and rescue personnel bowed to Zhu Ruxin's body and expressed their respect and sorrow for him. His remains were placed in the funeral home pending further arrangements.

Zhu Ruxin's death is not only a personal tragedy, but also a loss to society. His heroic actions have opened people's eyes to the brilliance of humanity and the power of kindness. His deeds will always be engraved in people's hearts, inspiring more people to care for others and contribute to society.

The deputy mayor of the town, who had died in the line of duty, raised his right hand when he was found

Here, we would like to extend our high respect and deep condolences to Zhu Ruxin. May he rest in peace in heaven, and may his family and relatives and friends be able to come out of the gloom and regain the courage to live as soon as possible. At the same time, we also call on the general public to pay attention to flood prevention safety, enhance their awareness of self-protection, and jointly create a safe and harmonious social environment.