
Internet celebrity Xiao Shenlong had an accident in the live broadcast, and the 30,000 gold bracelet was mistakenly changed to 3,999 yuan on the shelves, with a loss of more than 10 million


In recent years, influencers and their influence have made huge waves in the consumer space. With their star charm and huge fan base, they are frantically promoting various products on live streaming and short-form video platforms. But what is the secret behind this? Let's unravel the mystery.

Internet celebrity Xiao Shenlong had an accident in the live broadcast, and the 30,000 gold bracelet was mistakenly changed to 3,999 yuan on the shelves, with a loss of more than 10 million

In this seemingly glamorous "goods industry", many celebrities and bloggers have become business masters who are well-versed in people's hearts. They use a variety of psychological techniques to manipulate customers. And those consumers who lack the ability to discern are like a tempting big cake, which is harvested wave after wave. Perhaps because of the fanatical pursuit of idols, or because of the low prices, reason is often thrown out of the sky in this crazy shopping frenzy.

Internet celebrity Xiao Shenlong had an accident in the live broadcast, and the 30,000 gold bracelet was mistakenly changed to 3,999 yuan on the shelves, with a loss of more than 10 million

Among the many Internet celebrities, Shen Long is undoubtedly an eye-catching existence. Since getting rid of the shackles of Benshan Media, Shen Long has quickly emerged in the field of short videos. With his humorous and unique way of speaking, he has earned a place in the live broadcast circle. However, in a live broadcast, Shen Long encountered an unprecedented "accident".

Internet celebrity Xiao Shenlong had an accident in the live broadcast, and the 30,000 gold bracelet was mistakenly changed to 3,999 yuan on the shelves, with a loss of more than 10 million

At that time, Shen Long was enthusiastically recommending a 3D handmade gold bracelet to the audience in front of the camera. He described in detail the bracelet's beautiful appearance, exquisite craftsmanship and high-quality materials, claiming that it would sell for up to 28,000 yuan in the store. But in his live broadcast, this bracelet can be owned for only 3999 yuan. As soon as this sentence came out, the entire live broadcast platform instantly boiled, and countless netizens rushed to place orders. In just a dozen seconds, more than 80,000 gold bracelets were snapped up.

Internet celebrity Xiao Shenlong had an accident in the live broadcast, and the 30,000 gold bracelet was mistakenly changed to 3,999 yuan on the shelves, with a loss of more than 10 million

However, it was at this point that the "accident" happened. The staff nervously explained to Shen Long that this bracelet is not made in 3D, but uses more advanced 5D technology, so the value has increased accordingly. Hearing this news, Shen Long's expression instantly became embarrassed. He angrily reprimanded the supplier for being irresponsible, and said he had lost a lot of money as a result. This sudden change made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room tense and intense, and many netizens began to pay attention to this dispute. There are not a few viewers who sympathize with Shen Long.

Internet celebrity Xiao Shenlong had an accident in the live broadcast, and the 30,000 gold bracelet was mistakenly changed to 3,999 yuan on the shelves, with a loss of more than 10 million

However, it's not that simple. Some insiders quickly revealed the truth of the dispute. It turned out that the dispute between Shen Long and the supplier was actually a drama arranged by them in advance. They used this dispute to heat up the atmosphere and attract more people's attention and orders. In fact, the cost of this gold bracelet is much lower than 3999 yuan, so Shen Long still made a lot of money in this live broadcast.

Shen Long's live broadcast undoubtedly brought profound enlightenment to everyone. He skillfully exploits human greed and lust to play with customers. And those customers who were harvested may still be immersed in the joy of winning the lottery, unaware that they have become the prey of Shen Long's careful planning.

Internet celebrity Xiao Shenlong had an accident in the live broadcast, and the 30,000 gold bracelet was mistakenly changed to 3,999 yuan on the shelves, with a loss of more than 10 million

The exposure of this shopping scene makes us sigh: in this era of material supremacy, it is indeed not easy to protect your wallet. The sheer volume of marketing tactics by celebrities and influencers can be overwhelming. As consumers, we must always be vigilant and sensible, and not be swayed by blind trends and impulsive purchases. Otherwise, you may well be the next to be harvested!

Internet celebrity Xiao Shenlong had an accident in the live broadcast, and the 30,000 gold bracelet was mistakenly changed to 3,999 yuan on the shelves, with a loss of more than 10 million

In this seemingly glamorous world of consumption, there are countless temptations and pitfalls hidden. Only by maintaining a calm and rational mind can we gain a foothold in this complex society. Therefore, it is important to keep a clear head and firm beliefs when faced with various attractive products and marketing methods. Only in this way can we protect our interests in this time of temptation.

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