
Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

author:Sister Wuxing is short of money

On April 5th, in the variety show "Infinite Transcendence Class", Xiang Zuo, who attracted much attention because his family was too rich, and Ji Lingchen, who bravely entered the "two stunned" track with his own strength, rushed to the hot search together, just because the two tried their skills in the latest Reuters, but Xiang Zuo finally came by surprise!

Just this kick directly rushed to the hot search!

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

It can be seen in the picture that at the beginning, the two of them were going back and forth a few times, Xiang Zuo kept approaching Ji Lingchen, Ji Lingchen was a strong retreat, and it could be seen that they were all possessed by drama spirits, with a smile on their faces, and they had a lot of fun!

(I don't know if you think Ji Lingchen is letting Xiang Zuo?)

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

But just when the two of them were standing closer at the end, Xiang Zuo directly raised his leg and gave a kick to Ji Lingchen's crotch, and in an instant Ji Lingchen turned into a bitter gourd face and immediately bent over with his hand on his crotch, it should be painful!

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

Then Xiang Zuo saw it and said: "I didn't kick you, what are you pretending to be there, I kicked the pants, I kicked it accurately!"

Ji Lingchen smiled and said, "I'll play it!"

Netizens commented: Laughing to death, are the pants okay?

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

Although the two of them said so, but from the video, you can hear that there is obviously a sound when Xiang Zuo kicks that kick, and it's not light, if you don't kick this sound?

Some netizens commented:

Amitabha: The poor monk looks at it and it hurts

I kicked out the sound and said I didn't kick it....

I can feel the pain through the screen, Brother Dahai is a vegetable and loves to compete

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

Because of his performance in "Infinite Transcendence Class", Ji Lingchen was rated as "second stunned" by everyone, but after being kicked, the editor saw it: People are not stunned, people understand the world, and they also make jokes!

To be honest, if it weren't for Xiang Zuo and another person, maybe even kicking his pants and joking would be unpleasant, after all, the crotch position is not very good.

Besides, if you really kick it, as a boy, you have to save some face, and you will be angry because of it!

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

Some netizens ridiculed:

This kick is more or less a personal vendetta

Looking at the reaction, I feel like I've really kicked it, and I dare not be angry

Ji Lingchen: This is not the crotch, but the sophistication of human feelings

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

It is reported that when Ji Lingchen and Tranquility were playing together, many netizens complained and scolded them for holding Tranquility, so after seeing Xiang Zuo kick Ji Lingchen, everyone felt that they were taking revenge on Tranquility, and they also praised Xiang Zuo's good kick!

Netizen: Help Tranquility get angry!

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

Then the editor enlarged the picture and looked at it, Xiang Zuo did not kick Ji Lingchen, and Xiang Zuo also said that he did not kick it, and it is estimated that Xiang Zuo's character and personality will not deceive everyone.

Then it can only be said that Ji Lingchen's acting skills are good this time, and he successfully "deceived" many people!

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

Some netizens also discussed the skills of the two, some think that Ji Lingchen can beat Xiang Zuo, and some think that Xiang Zuo can beat Ji Lingchen!

Netizens commented:

And to the three-legged cat. If you really fight, you will be beaten to death by Ji. He was born as an athlete and is 1.9 meters tall

Xiang Zuo was born as a professional martial arts actor, Ji Lingchen is a three-legged cat, is he tall and powerful, it's too funny

One thing to say, Xiang Zuo was born as a professional martial arts actor and received formal training in Hong Kong before.

To the left is obviously a beautiful action, and if you have practiced, you have practiced! The thing in red clothes is stupid, stupid.

Who do you think can "" whom?

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

But seriously, Xiang Zuo and Ji Lingchen really contracted most of the jokes in "Infinite Transcendence Class", and many netizens rushed to see the two of them.

One has no idol baggage at all, and he is completely let go, and he was ridiculed by netizens for "shower" because he vomited blood!

also broke everyone's inherent impression of him, and felt that this Xiang Zuo, the rich second generation, was also quite easy to get along with!

There are even netizens: Brother Zuo is so good at being funny, what should I do if I like you a little?

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings
Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings
Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

One is that you don't have to act, you play a stable "second stunned", and you are stupid and stupid, so that everyone can laugh when you watch it!

And even if he was scolded and sprayed by netizens, he was not angry and still did himself!

Therefore, who would have thought that Ji Lingchen would continue to play steadily on the "two stunned" track!

Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings
Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings
Xiang Zuoji Lingchen rushed to the hot search because of one foot, and everyone laughed after reading it, netizens: I don't understand the sophistication of human feelings

Okay, back to the topic: what do you see from this "kick"?

Come, despite the review, rest assured bold review!

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