
Sister Lang 5: Zhou Zhou cheered for Zhu Dan, Xiang Zuo was nowhere to be seen, and it was the children who cheered for Guo Biting

author:Plain and simple

Text: Wu Qingqian

In the video letter of the variety show "Riding the Wind 2024" "Annual Seat Final", Zhou Zhou appeared in the video to cheer for Zhu Dan without accident. I thought that Xiang Zuo, who had cheered for his wife during Guo Biting's participation in Sister Lang, would also appear in the video blessing, but I didn't expect that only a batch of small animals and a pair of children she raised cheered for Guo Biting.

Sister Lang 5: Zhou Zhou cheered for Zhu Dan, Xiang Zuo was nowhere to be seen, and it was the children who cheered for Guo Biting

Zhou Yiwei and Zhu Dan have become fairy couples in the minds of many people since they merged on "Love's Study Trip", and Zhou Yiwei has also become a warm man from the previous "scumbag". He didn't want to be on "Love's Study Trip", and once politely refused the show, but later, in order to let Zhu Dan have light, he turned back to the program team and agreed to participate in the recording of the show. This choice not only made Zhu Dan shine again, but during the recording of the show, Xi Mengyao's words also cured Zhu Dan's demon of always calling the wrong name and ruining his hosting career.

Sister Lang 5: Zhou Zhou cheered for Zhu Dan, Xiang Zuo was nowhere to be seen, and it was the children who cheered for Guo Biting

So it's not surprising at all that he sent a video to cheer for Zhu Dan on Monday, but if he didn't appear in the video, it would make people think more. Zhou Yiwei in the video still doesn't care about winning or losing, and cares more about his wife's other gains, such as the glow. He thanked Chengfeng for this special fitness weight loss training camp for making Zhu Dan lose weight, he hadn't seen Zhu Dan so thin for a long time, and he felt that Zhu Dan's whole person was glowing, and she had completely become a vitality person, as if she had returned to the time when he first met her. And this light is much more important than Zhu Dan's group, with this light, she can continue to shine in other places.

Sister Lang 5: Zhou Zhou cheered for Zhu Dan, Xiang Zuo was nowhere to be seen, and it was the children who cheered for Guo Biting

And before Zhu Dan, what cheered Guo Biting was a group of small animals and a pair of children she adopted. Her son doesn't seem to be able to speak very well when he is young, all babbling sounds, while her daughter, who is almost four years old, is very good at talking, so what can be turned into subtitles in the video are her daughter's heartwarming words - "Mom has worked hard, wait for you to come back, love you, mom come on......"

Sister Lang 5: Zhou Zhou cheered for Zhu Dan, Xiang Zuo was nowhere to be seen, and it was the children who cheered for Guo Biting

I thought that after the small animals and children finished refueling, Xiang Zuo would appear, after all, the two still interacted a lot, during Guo Biting's participation in Sister Lang, Xiang Zuo would also cheer for his wife from time to time, but I didn't expect Xiang Zuo to not appear in the end. Maybe he's too busy. Like on his son's birthday on June 18, Xiang Zuo didn't celebrate the child's birthday, it was Guo Biting who celebrated the child's birthday, and Xiang Zuo sent blessings on Weibo, saying that he was too busy and regretted not being able to celebrate his son's birthday.

Sister Lang 5: Zhou Zhou cheered for Zhu Dan, Xiang Zuo was nowhere to be seen, and it was the children who cheered for Guo Biting

Guo Biting's marriage belongs to an actress marrying into a wealthy family, this kind of marriage is often the focus of netizens' attention, although the two show affection from time to time, but rumors about their discord will also come out from time to time. For example, during Guo Biting's participation in Sister Lang 5, she did not mention her husband or even contact her husband from time to time like Zhu Dan, which will become "evidence" for some people to say that their husband and wife are not in harmony. But Sister Lang's program team doesn't stipulate that the sisters should be themselves, don't talk about their husbands and families, other sisters such as Qi Wei didn't mention her husband Li Chengxuan, and it is normal for Guo Biting not to mention Xiang Zuo.

Sister Lang 5: Zhou Zhou cheered for Zhu Dan, Xiang Zuo was nowhere to be seen, and it was the children who cheered for Guo Biting

On June 1st this year, Guo Biting and Xiang Zuo spent June 1st with their children together, and the couple looked very happy, not like the husband and wife were not in harmony. Earlier, even when Xiang Zuo participated in "Infinite Transcendence Class" at the beginning of this year, he would mention Guo Biting from time to time, and even had a video with Guo Biting, in which Guo Biting held her child and chatted happily with Xiang Zuo. Therefore, the so-called discord or even marriage change should not exist, even if there is discord, it is just a small quarrel between the husband and wife, which is not very normal in the life of husband and wife.

Sister Lang 5: Zhou Zhou cheered for Zhu Dan, Xiang Zuo was nowhere to be seen, and it was the children who cheered for Guo Biting

After the cheering video letter, Zhu Dan said that he joked with Qi Wei at the beginning of participating in the show that they don't talk about family or husband, and the implication is that we only do ourselves. But in fact, it is they who have the support of these people behind them, and if they don't have these people who love them, how can they be so wanton, so they are happy. Whether it is Zhu Dan, who mentions her husband from time to time in Sister Lang, or Guo Biting, who does not mention her husband, they are all happy, and it is because of the support of their husbands and other family members that they shine on the stage.

Sister Lang 5: Zhou Zhou cheered for Zhu Dan, Xiang Zuo was nowhere to be seen, and it was the children who cheered for Guo Biting

This article is original by Qing Qianzhi, and it is forbidden to reprint without the author's authorization! Welcome everyone to pay attention and explore the connotative entertainment life together!

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