
"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

author:Words and snow

There is such a popular figure in domestic entertainment, in terms of appearance, beauty has not been replaced by meal so far.

In terms of popularity, bloody and bloody physique, it was once recorded in the history of Weibo hot searches.

In terms of financial resources, he created a new unit of measurement by himself, 1 Shuang = 299 million, and Shuang one day = 2.08 million.

That's right, it was the amateur Shuangzi who was banned, and the former "No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment".

Unexpectedly, after three years, Zheng Shuang entered the public's sight again.


The former "top stream" Zheng Shuang once again topped the hot search list, not to come back and unblock, but to "be collected for debts".

Since the "collapse of the house", Zheng Shuang has been in a debt crisis, including tax evasion and the fines generated, the "Top Secret" movie, the payment of major dramas and the liquidated damages of endorsement brands, etc......

Some fans speculated that with a number of high fines and the money from the lawsuit during the period, Zheng Shuang has almost been executed for nearly 500 million!

Recently, court documents said that Zheng Shuang still owed hundreds of millions of dollars in case money, and there was no property to enforce in his name, which caused quite a stir.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Tianyancha

Shuangzi, who once earned more than 100 million yuan and earned 2.08 million a day, is really facing bankruptcy?

Some people believe that it is just a transfer of property in advance, and it is not strange for the "old lai" to do so.

Some people think that maybe it is really the high compensation that overwhelms Zheng Shuang, "life ups and downs".

When rumors broke on the Internet that Zheng Shuang was selling a small video of colors two years ago, Zheng Shuang issued a clarification through the media, and revealed that he was living in embarrassment abroad, and all the assets and equity of himself and his family were frozen, and he could only rely on friends to help him live.

I lived a poor life of drinking only tap water, not being able to order takeout, and using sanitary napkins and toilet paper frugally。。。。。。

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Weibo

However, in January this year, some netizens posted a photo of Zheng Shuang meeting Zheng Shuang in the United States, dressed as an international brand, and his state is no different from that of a beautiful female star.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Weibo

Whether Shuangzi is really bankrupt or deliberately conceals his property, he may have to wait for the law to restore the truth.

From a "little white flower" to a "legal coffee", Shuangzi's willful and crazy life is inevitably embarrassing.


Does Zheng Shuang still have any money?

The people who eat melons can't find clues, but they pick up Zheng Shuang's "second career".

After the ban, Shuangzi started his own fashion career and founded his own trendy brand in North America.

According to fans, the brand name is "Hi Shuang", inspired by the warm greetings of fans to Zheng Shuang, hoping that "Hi Shuang" can become an emotional carrier that links and accompanies fans.

It is not difficult to see from the brand naming that the main audience of this trendy brand is clearly positioned, that is, "only visible to fans".

Although "reemployment" after the collapse of a celebrity is not a new thing, it is not strange to sell tea and clothes to open a restaurant, but this is Zheng Shuang who does not take the usual path, and even entrepreneurship is full of "cool style".

What I know is selling clothes, and what I don't know thinks I have entered some "underground intelligence bureau".

After Zheng Shuang was named by the official media, he no longer appeared in the public eye, so the publicity work of the trendy brand fell on the shoulders of fans.

Last year, Zheng Shuang commissioned a blogger to broadcast live to announce the launch of the trendy brand to fans, and showed some of the designs on his upper body.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Douyin

For example, on the front of this hat is the "ZS" logo composed of Zheng Shuang's name pinyin abbreviation.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Weibo

There are 4 xxxx letters printed on the back, which seem to represent Zheng Shuang and the genuine version, invisibly interacting with fans.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Weibo

Another example is a loose T-shirt with a flaming pattern.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting
"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Weibo

There are also some in the form of design drafts, the Year of the Rabbit New Year series set.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Weibo

At the beginning of the establishment of the trendy brand, Zheng Shuang also held a wave of lottery activities to give opening gifts to lucky fans.

If you don't win the lottery, it will be even more difficult to buy.

The trendy brand "Hi Shuang" is only sold in the form of offline "flash mob" in China, and the time and place follow the group notification, and if you want a discount, you have to show your X fan number (the fan group name is X-Band).

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Weibo

Due to extreme mystery and secrecy, the price level of "Hi Shuang" clothing has not been announced, and the sales data is unknown.

The trendy brand "Hi Shuang" is tailored for the fan base, and the audience and the brand go both ways, and it is not expected to be bleak.


Having said that, why did Zheng Shuang's "re-employment" enter the trendy brand circle?

First, it is the founder's dream to establish a women's clothing brand.

As early as 2019, Zheng Shuang launched his personal clothing brand MESSIERVIIVII and opened a brand flagship store on Tmall.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Weibo

Zheng Shuang was involved in the sampling, design and promotion of MESSIERVIIVII, working as a model and shooting advertising posters and short films.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Weibo

Most of the design patterns and elements are derived from the relationship with fans, and some time nodes, events, etc., which have special significance for both parties, and hold the hearts of fans.

At that time, after Zheng Shuang and his partner "boyfriend" broke up, the operation of MESSIERVIIVII was suspended.

Now, Zheng Shuang's second venture shows his determination to carry out the trendy brand business to the end.

Second, Zheng Shuang is well versed in the commercial value of traffic realization and harvesting the fan economy.

Zheng Shuang, who is at the "top of the traffic pyramid", has always had a clear understanding of his own appeal and influence, and is good at promoting sales conversion with a top-notch halo.

In the past, Zheng Shuang's every move was enough to slaughter the hot search list, Zheng Shuang once left Weibo twice in order to retain his traffic popularity, spent millions to develop personal exclusive APPM77 and ice cream groups, created a fan community, and tried to stand on his own and take a piece of Weibo.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Ice Cream Group APP

The APP section is mainly based on her mood dynamics, whereabouts and trajectory, and activity information, and at the same time provides an interactive platform for fans, completely replicating the Weibo Chaohua community ecology.

Because Zheng Shuang underestimated the support of Weibo's "public domain traffic" and the systematic operation ability of the non-ordinary team, both apps ended in failure.

When the celebrity live broadcast boom rose, Zheng Shuang was not to be outdone, and teamed up with the hot "Kuaishou First Brother" Simba to start live broadcasting.

The time node was deliberately chosen the day before his birthday, and the emotional value and implication were full, and a consumption consensus was reached among fans that "placing an order is equivalent to giving a birthday gift to an idol".

However, that night, the assistant broadcaster focused on bringing goods, and Zheng Shuang suddenly had a big emotional outburst, causing a catastrophic live broadcast accident, and Zheng Shuang's first broadcaster with goods was unfavorable.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

For Zheng Shuang fans, as long as there are idols involved, they can stimulate consumer demand and motivation, and empty their wallets to buy, buy, buy, buy.

Zheng Shuang's brand MESSIERVIIVII sells a black simple T-shirt that mainly promotes "Zheng Shuang's same style" at a price of 319, and the general price catches up with most trendy brands.

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

Source: Tmall


Not only that, Zheng Shuang has also tried to pay for knowledge quizzes, resell second-hand items at a high price in Xianyu, set up a column in Zhihu to sell photography tutorial classes, etc., where the money comes quickly, there is Zheng Shuang's figure.

In an interview with the show, Zheng Shuang, a "business ghost", once revealed that the reason for rejecting many brand endorsements was to keep the opportunity to make money to himself。。。。。。

"The No. 1 Little White Flower in Internal Entertainment" went bankrupt, and the trendy brands under his name became more and more exciting

On the road of traffic monetization, Zheng Shuang gave full play to his advantages, constantly expanded his business territory, and obtained the economic benefits of fans.

With mature experience in the operation mode and a highly sticky fan audience, I believe that Zheng Shuang's trendy brand can also do well.

Let's just say, the world is still too crazy.

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