
The 65-year-old single man announced the conditions for choosing a mate, whether it is high or low? Will there be a wisher to hold hands?

author:Pencil zx for thinking


The 65-year-old single man announced the conditions for choosing a mate, whether it is high or low? Will there be a wisher to hold hands?

In today's society, people have a variety of opinions and requirements about the conditions for choosing a mate. Recently, a 65-year-old retired old man announced his unique views on the conditions for choosing a mate through an article titled "What kind of woman is good?". This has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions. What are the special requirements of this old man, and what phenomena do his mate selection conditions reflect in the current society? Let us take a closer look.

The 65-year-old single man announced the conditions for choosing a mate, whether it is high or low? Will there be a wisher to hold hands?

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The 65-year-old single man announced the conditions for choosing a mate, whether it is high or low? Will there be a wisher to hold hands?

In this article, the retired old man proposes several conditions that he considers important. The first is height and weight. The old man said that a woman should be more than 172 centimeters tall and weigh between 60 and 80 kilograms. He used height as a symbol of equality, believing that only women of his height could communicate with him on an equal footing. As for weight, he is relatively tolerant, believing that he doesn't have to be too slim, but he can't be too obese. This view may reflect the general perception of body shape in society and the preference of individuals for physical appearance.

The 65-year-old single man announced the conditions for choosing a mate, whether it is high or low? Will there be a wisher to hold hands?

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The 65-year-old single man announced the conditions for choosing a mate, whether it is high or low? Will there be a wisher to hold hands?

Secondly, the old man emphasized the requirement for age. He said the woman should be a young woman under the age of 50. He believes that young women can bring vitality and vitality to his life, and that they are more comfortable taking care of their daily lives. This preference may stem from the expectation of one's own health and quality of life, as well as the pursuit of youthfulness.

The 65-year-old single man announced the conditions for choosing a mate, whether it is high or low? Will there be a wisher to hold hands?

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The 65-year-old single man announced the conditions for choosing a mate, whether it is high or low? Will there be a wisher to hold hands?

In addition to appearance and age, the old man also mentioned the requirements for appearance, economic conditions, education level, and housework ability. He believed that women should be beautiful, financially independent, well-educated, and competent in household chores. This set of requirements may reflect the full range of expectations for a partner, from appearance and intelligence to financial and family responsibilities.

The 65-year-old single man announced the conditions for choosing a mate, whether it is high or low? Will there be a wisher to hold hands?


Through this article, we can not only get a glimpse of this retired old man's personal attitude and value orientation towards mate selection, but also reflect the diversity and changes in the current society's concept of marriage and love and mate selection standards. Perhaps in the eyes of this old man, finding a partner who meets his standards is a beautiful yearning for the rest of his life, and this has also triggered our thinking and discussion about love and marriage.