
The man died suddenly after walking through the underground garage after being drunk, and his family sued the property for 1.5 million claims, and the court: no compensation

author:It stands to reason
The man died suddenly after walking through the underground garage after being drunk, and his family sued the property for 1.5 million claims, and the court: no compensation

After being drunk and causing sudden death, this time I didn't sue the person who drank with me, and sued the property, but the question is can the law support you?

In recent years, there have been many cases of sudden death while drunk, and relatives have to find a scapegoat, and relatives have to find ways to find some people to sue them, so that they can bear the responsibility for the death of their relatives in the family. But the question is, does it make sense for you to accuse it?

The man died suddenly after walking through the underground garage after being drunk, and his family sued the property for 1.5 million claims, and the court: no compensation

For example, there was a case in Beijing recently, a man in Beijing had a few days ago and his friends had a lot of wine, but maybe he didn't feel the amount, so he came to the door of his community by himself, he felt that the distance from the community was a little far, he suddenly said, I just pass through the underground garage, so it will be faster to walk in a straight line.

However, unexpectedly, in the process of crossing the underground garage, he was unsteady on his feet when he walked through a staircase, and he fell down, after all, people who drink alcohol have limited control over their bodies, which is why we don't allow drunk driving. Due to the late day of the incident, there were no pedestrian vehicles passing by in the entire garage, and the man passed out directly after falling, so no one noticed him for a long time. By the time someone actually noticed him, the tragedy had already happened, and the man was already dying.

This kind of thing often happens in the Northeast and in Russia, and some of them did not pay attention when they drank too much and went home, and they fell on the side of the road at once, and because the weather was very cold at night, they could only find the body when they were found the next day. Therefore, we also remind all good friends that when you drink in winter, you must discuss with the people around you, and how to send you home.

The man died suddenly after walking through the underground garage after being drunk, and his family sued the property for 1.5 million claims, and the court: no compensation

This gentleman may have suffered such an accident at that time, so that he lost his life directly after a fall, and then the family members quit. Because this underground garage is managed by your property, and there is no railing on your staircase, our family members fell carelessly when they passed this staircase, and your property did not send people to patrol 24 hours a day, so no one found out after our family fell, and they stayed overnight, and finally lost their lives.

So his relatives sued the property in court with a complaint, demanding compensation of 1.5 million yuan. You said that this property people recruited who provoked whom, this underground garage has been in use for many years, the underground garage is a car, it is not a person, this gentleman has to walk through the underground garage after drinking, and he did not consider safety, which eventually led to the death. Even after he fell, he stayed all night, and his family didn't go to look for him? So the property said that they were very wronged, and that the death of this gentleman was an accident and had nothing to do with them.

The man died suddenly after walking through the underground garage after being drunk, and his family sued the property for 1.5 million claims, and the court: no compensation

The court also fully accepted the property argument and dismissed the plaintiff's lawsuit. This gentleman is responsible for his own death, and not for others. I think the verdict of this case is really good, and it also makes a warning, let's not think that the so-called deceased is the greatest, that is, any time anyone dies, his family can make a fuss, and some unrelated people can be involved, and ask people to pay him money!

The man died suddenly after walking through the underground garage after being drunk, and his family sued the property for 1.5 million claims, and the court: no compensation