
The doctor has been detained just because she is too beautiful

author:It stands to reason

When I went to the hospital to see a doctor, I was forcibly kissed by a doctor in his 50s, just because the woman was too beautiful? Who would have thought that when I went to the hospital, I would encounter such a bad thing.

The doctor has been detained just because she is too beautiful

A woman in Xinzheng, Henan Province, recently said that a few days ago she went to a small local clinic to see a doctor, prescribed a few pairs of medicines, the effect is not very good, the doctor told her that I will give you acupuncture again, the doctor is a doctor in his 50s, although the woman is young, but she does not feel that there are too many problems.

What's more, during the first acupuncture, not only the doctor was present, but also the doctor's daughter-in-law was present, and the second acupuncture was only the doctor, and during the process, the doctor also said that in order to cooperate with the treatment, you should close your eyes.

The doctor has been detained just because she is too beautiful

The patient thought that it was not the first time for acupuncture, and the doctor was in his 50s, and he was old enough to be his father, so she didn't think much else, but she didn't expect that as soon as she closed her eyes, the doctor's stinky mouth came up and kissed her directly in the clinic.

Unexpectedly, when the doctor's family arrived, they instead beat a rake, not admitting that the doctor harassed the patient at all, but said that it was not the patient who was seducing the doctor, fortunately today we have monitoring everywhere, and there is also monitoring in the hospital involved, under the strong request of the woman, the hospital transferred the monitoring out, and the truth is revealed, it is indeed a doctor who is inferior to a beast and directly violates other patients.

To be honest, we have never heard of such a thing before, we have seen a pervert, I have never seen such a ruthless pervert, of course, after the incident came out, there was surveillance as evidence, the police immediately intervened, the doctor liked to mention a few days of detention, and some relevant people also asked the doctor, why are you so bold, you go to kiss a female patient in the hospital.

The doctor has been detained just because she is too beautiful

The doctor held back a sentence for a long time and said that because the woman was too beautiful, to be honest, as soon as his words came out, many netizens really wanted to see the photos of this woman, what kind of beautiful appearance was it, so that this doctor dared to stretch out such a claw of Lushan in broad daylight, knowing that there was surveillance in public, of course, we also know that this is the privacy of other girls, and no one can spread the photos of women.

On the other hand, this incident happened in the hospital, and the patient came to you for medical consultation out of trust in the hospital, and as a result, the doctor was detained, and the hospital also said that they would fire the doctor immediately, and this kind of person is not worthy of continuing to be a doctor. However, the patient asked the hospital to make financial compensation, and the two parties have not reached an agreement on the amount of compensation, so they must continue to communicate.

On the other hand, we think that in addition to detaining him, in addition to firing him, a doctor like this also has to have a blacklist system, otherwise this clinic will fire him, and the next clinic will hire him, and see that other female patients are too beautiful, and then stick up that stinky mouth, and then go to kiss him? Not only will the patient suffer, but he himself will be punished, so will the next hospital also have to make financial compensation?