
The warm-up for the return of Warcraft lasted for three days, and the price of the monthly card did not increase, and NetEase also revealed relevant information

author:Mushan game recommendation

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is the 439th day of Blizzard's national server suspension. In this long wait, we have never given up our nostalgia and anticipation for that unique gaming experience. World of Warcraft is attracting our attention with its unique charm. Let's stay tuned to the latest developments in this game and look forward to bringing us that unforgettable adventure and excitement once again.

The warm-up for the return of Warcraft lasted for three days, and the price of the monthly card did not increase, and NetEase also revealed relevant information

Now there are a lot of game internal numbers on the market.,As a result, when you enter the game, you find that everyone is treated the same.,And the old drivers are playing the support version of the game.,This kind of account is not as exaggerated as the internal number, but there is no routine.,I heard that there are a small number of support places on the official network every day.,If you're interested, you can try your luck.。

On the third day of Weibo robot brushing World of Warcraft, Zhang Dong talked about the future of Blizzard games

Since the night before yesterday, a large number of bot accounts have sprung up on Weibo, constantly fueling the "World of Warcraft" and it has not stopped. It is reported that this series of operations is aimed at hyping up the keyword "World of Warcraft" and paving the way for subsequent publicity work.

Xiao O also deeply explored Weibo's keyword data and found that the dynamics in the past three days were extremely significant and unprecedented. Such a large-scale concentrated and rapid posting campaign is undoubtedly accompanied by an investment of funds. Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that there are already professional companies that are doing sufficient warm-up work for the promotion of World of Warcraft.

If this speculation comes true, then the World of Warcraft campaign may be close at hand and worth looking forward to.

The warm-up for the return of Warcraft lasted for three days, and the price of the monthly card did not increase, and NetEase also revealed relevant information

Recently, Mr. Dong, the former head of NetEase, once again discussed the prospects of Blizzard games on Weibo. He made it clear that has lost its relevance in the future of Blizzard games, and that the so-called family bucket will no longer exist. Mr. Dong's statement undoubtedly opens a new chapter for the future development of Blizzard games.

The warm-up for the return of Warcraft lasted for three days, and the price of the monthly card did not increase, and NetEase also revealed relevant information

Not long ago, he mentioned the possibility of Blizzard games coming to XGP (Xbox Game Pass) and predicted that will eventually be replaced by XGP. This is not unfounded, and considering that Blizzard has become part of Microsoft, the shift is only a matter of time. Blizzard has long been regarded as a collection of Blizzard games, which is commonly known as the "Blizzard Family Bucket", but with the full integration of XGP, this title may gradually disappear.

This view is insightful, but it also reveals some important information to us. In the past, NetEase, the national server agent, negotiated with Activision Blizzard about the agency rights of Blizzard games, but now it has turned into an exchange with Microsoft. If Blizzard games are fully integrated with XGP, this could herald even greater changes, such as the introduction of XGP into the national server. This undoubtedly reveals to us the new trends and possibilities of the game industry in the future.

Blizzard announced that the price of the World of Warcraft monthly card will not increase, and NetEase also revealed relevant news

In a recent public speech by Blizzard, World of Warcraft producer John Hight solemnly announced that the game's subscription price has remained the same throughout its 20-year operation. What's even more exciting is that Blizzard has made it clear that it will stick to this pricing strategy in the future, that is, the monthly card fee of World of Warcraft will not increase. This decision not only demonstrates Blizzard's strong belief in player loyalty, but also conveys its commitment to the continued development of the game.

At the same time, NetEase, a domestic partner, also revealed to players the price information of point cards after the return of the national server. In the "Stick to the National Service Spring Festival Activity" launched during the Spring Festival this year, the official made it clear that the price of the monthly card of the World of Warcraft national service is 75 yuan, and the price of the half-year card is 360 yuan, and what is surprising is that the value of the 10-year game time is as high as 7200 yuan. This means that, both in terms of price and value, World of Warcraft will remain as high as it was before the shutdown. This commitment not only gives players peace of mind, but also brings them endless anticipation and excitement.

The warm-up for the return of Warcraft lasted for three days, and the price of the monthly card did not increase, and NetEase also revealed relevant information

Since last year, there have been many voices hyping rumors that the price of monthly cards will rise after the return of the national server. The basis for these voices is that the current price of the national service is relatively low compared to the rest of the world, especially the Asian server. However, this is not a reasonable reason for the price increase, and is more likely to be the subjective speculation of some people. What's more, some people even assert from the perspective of conspiracy theories that the suspension of the national service is for the subsequent monthly card price increase, which is too far-fetched.

Referring to the information disclosed by Blizzard and NetEase, we have reason to believe that the price of monthly cards will remain at the level before the suspension after the restart of the national server and will not rise.


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