
Facing the back of the fans should not be Wang Shangyuan, it should be Li Weifeng and Nan Jiyi

author:Fat watch fat listen

Facing the back of the fans, it should not be Wang Shangyuan, it should be Li Weifeng

Facing the back of the fans should not be Wang Shangyuan, it should be Li Weifeng and Nan Jiyi

Lost, unsurprisingly lost, after losing 0-2 to Shenzhen Pengcheng, Henan team drew two and lost two in four games, and the first win of the season has not yet come. After the loss, the fans criticized and pointed the finger directly at Ji Yi and General Manager Li Weifeng, and I will not repeat them here. As a senior Henan fan, I am really angry when I see such results and operations. In response to that sentence, there is great hope and disappointment. At the beginning of the season, everyone was full of confidence, and everyone gave the team reasons in the first game, but in the second game, everyone found out that it was not like that.

Facing the back of the fans should not be Wang Shangyuan, it should be Li Weifeng and Nan Jiyi

Such a video circulated on the Internet, after the game against Shenzhen Xinpengcheng, the players thanked the game, and the fans turned their backs to the players, to be honest, as a Henan fan, it was the first time to see Henan fans treat their home team like this. There was no such situation in the first eight games of last season. Captain Wang Shangyuan shouted to the fans with a loudspeaker, and kept emphasizing that he must lead the players to fight back, and he also respected the fans' practices, after all, he didn't play a good game.

Facing the back of the fans should not be Wang Shangyuan, it should be Li Weifeng and Nan Jiyi

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but feel sad, why is it the players who come to accept the accusations from the fans at this time, who is responsible for the current situation of the Henan team Shouldn't he be the one who should accept the accusations from the fans?

Facing the back of the fans should not be Wang Shangyuan, it should be Li Weifeng and Nan Jiyi

Facing the back of the fans should not be Wang Shangyuan, but Li Weifeng and Nan Jiyi.

Li Weifeng entered the Henan team in a high-profile manner, and almost changed the exploits of the Henan team, as a new general manager, it is understandable, after all, everyone loves to use their own people, and Li Weifeng is the same. With a wave of his hand, Sarko left class, and Nanji took office as soon as he left. Li Weifeng began to lead the Henan team to vigorously carry out reforms to abandon the previous defensive counterattack, change to pass control, and control the ball at his feet. But ignoring the most important factor, any place wants to grow a thing, not they are simple, and there is no suitable soil, Henan team's defensive counterattack has always been the foundation of the team, it is easy to discard, but the establishment of a new system is a long time. Without any investigation, they overturned everything that had been done before and insisted on implementing something new. This is where Li Weifeng's failure lies.

Nan Jiyi, in the name of the South Korean young marshal, came to break into the Chinese Super League, and his head was bloody. The arrogance and paranoia of the Koreans are not left behind. Let's talk about arrogance first, as we all know, Gu Cao has entered the coaching staff last season, although there are more players, but there is no doubt that this move is an important move for the coaching staff and players to get closer, and Gu Cao is the best bridge. When Nan Jiyi first joined the team, Gu Cao communicated with the coaching staff as the captain, which was enough to prove Gu Cao's ability. However, at the beginning of the new season, Gu Cao only has the identity of a player, what about the members of the coaching staff? Outsiders don't know. But arrogance can be seen in the tube. Also, Nan Ki-ichi has said in public more than once that this year's recruited players do not meet their own requirements, and you have bought them all back, but you still do not meet your own requirements, what do you make the players think, will these players sell their lives? The Korean arrogance does not know where it comes from, but the performance is obvious.

Facing the back of the fans should not be Wang Shangyuan, it should be Li Weifeng and Nan Jiyi

Let's talk about paranoia, in the first game of the season, Xue hid two foreign aids, only used three foreign aids, felt that in the face of the promotion horse won steadily, and finally succeeded in raising the opponent's momentum, after changing foreign aid to play, the general trend has gone, and I have no choice but to accept a draw. After finally understanding that the lion fighting the rabbit also needs to go all out, five foreign aid on the field, one paranoia fell into another paranoia, one was reluctant to show his cards, and the other was to show all his cards at the beginning. The opponent has already studied it thoroughly, and the final result is either a draw or a loss.

Facing the back of the fans should not be Wang Shangyuan, it should be Li Weifeng and Nan Jiyi

The captain faced the backs of Henan fans, who knows who is bitter. Wang Shangyuan carried the pot this time, but what about the next time? Or next time, even the backs of the fans will be gone, and only the empty stands will be left, who will be responsible?

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