
Folk local cuisine

author:Chinese kitchen

Bamboo shoots earth eel

Folk local cuisine

raw material:

250 grams of eel, 150 grams of bamboo shoots, 50 grams of celery segments, 20 grams of herbs leaves, 15 grams of millet pepper knots, 20 ml of spicy fresh sauce, 20 grams of flower peppercorns, salt, chicken essence, aged vinegar, cooking wine, pickled pepper oil, pepper oil, salad oil


1. Cut the eel into sections, add millet pepper, spicy fresh sauce, chicken essence, flower pepper and cooking wine and marinate for 5 minutes. In addition, put the bamboo shoots into a boiling water pot with oil and salt, blanch a water, fish out and put them on the bottom of the plate.

2. Heat the pot with pickled pepper oil, sauté the eel section until it is straight, add the celery section and add salt, vinegar, pepper oil, etc. to adjust the taste, stir-fry and then sprinkle the herbs leaves, and put it on a plate with nan bamboo shoots to make a dish.

Iron stick yam baked abalone

Folk local cuisine

Iron stick yam 500 g, live abalone 6 pcs, mint 1 g.


Bone broth 1 kg, Gangshun abalone juice 100 g, dark soy sauce 5 g, sugar 10 g, Yaozhu juice 15 g.

1. Put the live abalone in warm water and heat it to a fixed shape, fish it out to take the meat, and length everything for two.

2. Wash and peel the yam, cut into long sections of 4 cm-5 cm, blanch the water into a sand pot, pour all the spices, bring to a boil on high heat, reduce the heat to about 1 hour, put in the abalone meat, continue to simmer for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and put it into a sand pot that is heated in advance, garnish with mint.

Chicken shredded root is crispy

Folk local cuisine

500 grams of potatoes, 50 grams of chicken breast, 5 grams of knife-edged chili peppers, 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 1 gram of chicken powder, 5 ml of Donggu Yipin fresh soy sauce, 10 ml of balsamic vinegar, 10 grams of sugar, 1 gram of pepper noodles, 50 ml of red oil, shredded green pepper, shredded red pepper, ginger slices, green onion knots, and white shredded shallots

1. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut the hob into slices, then cut into two coarse wires, put into a pot of boiling water and cut off, fish out and rinse. The chicken breast is cooked in a pot of water with slices of ginger and green onion, then removed and torn into strips.

2. Put the shredded potatoes into the bottom of the plate, put the chicken shreds, green pepper shreds, red pepper shreds, green onion white shreds, pour with knife-edged chili peppers, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, Donggu Yipin fresh soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, pepper noodles, red oil and mix the sauce, and serve.

Osmanthus vermicelli red crab

Folk local cuisine

1 red crab (about 750 grams), 100 grams of galaxy vermicelli, 2 eggs, 50 grams of leeks, 20 grams of XO sauce, 3 grams of salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 1 gram of chicken powder, 10 ml of meiji fresh soy sauce, 5 ml of spicy fresh sauce, 50 ml of red oil, dark soy sauce, sesame oil, green onion, salad oil

1. Red hair crab to clean, change the knife into pieces, into the oil pot over the oil, start the pot; leeks are clean and cut into sections, all set aside.

2. The vermicelli rises with warm water, put in a pot of boiling water, add a little soy sauce to color, and drain the pot to set aside.

3. Heat the oil in the net pot, after scrambling the eggs into egg osmanthus flowers, put in the vermicelli to dry the water, then add the red crab pieces and leek segments, add XO sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, beautiful fresh soy sauce, spicy fresh sauce, red oil, sesame oil, turn well, sprinkle with green onions, and plate the pot.

Stone pot pig hand

Folk local cuisine

The combination of pork hands and taro is rare, both are soft and sticky, flavored with a large amount of pickled pepper, and the dish is sour and spicy.

1 pig's trotter (about 500 grams), 250 grams of taro, 50 grams of pickled pepper knots, 40 grams of pickled ginger shreds, 20 grams of pickled pepper sauce and chopped pepper sauce, 30 grams of celery knots, 10 grams of chives, 10 grams of garlic cloves, 5 grams of dried green peppercorns, sliced ginger, green onion, cooking wine, and pickled pepper oil

1. Clean the pig's trotters, chop into small pieces, put into a pot of boiling water, and then add a pressure cooker with ginger slices, green onions and cooking wine, and press until soft and sticky. Also press the taro until soft.

2. Heat the pan with pickled pepper oil, add garlic cloves (beat through), pickled ginger shreds, pickled pepper knots, dried green peppercorns, pickled pepper sauce and chopped pepper sauce and stir-fry until fragrant, press down on the pig's trotters and taro, mix with an appropriate amount of water, when the juice is thick, sprinkle in celery knots and chives and evenly, out of the pot in a hot stone pot, ready to serve.

Appetizing foul-mouthed frogs

Folk local cuisine

2 bullfrogs, 10 pieces of dough (i.e. wonton skin), 60 grams of green and red peppers, 25 grams of flower peppers, minced ginger, wild mountain pepper festival, salt, cooking wine, spicy fresh sauce, monosodium glutamate, corn starch, sesame oil, rattan pepper oil, salad oil

1. Slaughter the bullfrog and change the knife into small pieces, add salt, cooking wine and corn starch to the bowl and sizing it first, and then put it into the oil pot and slide it out. Add the dough to a 70% hot frying pan and fry until golden and crispy, then pour out and drain.

2. Leave oil at the bottom of the pot, first stir-fry the wild mountain pepper festival, pickled ginger and flower pepper, then add green and red peppers, bullfrog pieces, put spicy fresh sauce and MSG, until the frog meat is flavored, drizzle sesame oil and rattan pepper oil to continue stir-frying, and finally put in the dough and stir-fry well to plate.

Ginger pop duck

Folk local cuisine

This dish is only slightly improved on the basis of the traditional preparation method, not to fry the duck directly under the pot, but first put the white brine pot to marinate, and then back to the pot to fry, so the improvement adds a halogen flavor to the duck.

1. Slaughter the duck and clean it, first put in a pot of boiling water with ginger and shallots and cooking wine, fish out the blood foam on the surface of the duck, and then put it into the white brine pot, marinate until it is just ripe, fish it out, let it cool and chop into small pieces.

2. Heat the salad oil in the pot, first sauté the peppercorns and duck pieces, then add the bell pepper pieces and ginger slices, stir-fry at the same time add Pixian bean paste, sweet noodle sauce and pickled pepper, out of the pot and plate it.

Cumin smoke shoots

Folk local cuisine

150 grams of water smoke shoots, 100 grams of cowpea, 8 grams of dried chili knots, 3 grams of peppercorns, cumin powder, ginger, green onion, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper oil, spice oil

1. Put the water smoke shoots into a pot of boiling water and blanch the water, remove the odor before fishing out; cut the cowpea into short knots.

2. Heat the spice oil in the pot, first put the dried chili pepper festival, peppercorns, ginger and other stir-frying, then add tobacco shoots and cowpeas, stir-fry until dry, add salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper oil and cumin powder to taste, and finally put the pot on the plate and sprinkle with green onions.

Blood boil

Folk local cuisine

1. First put the duck blood in the pot of boiling water, fish it out and cook it in the pot of open water together with the pig fat intestines, and fish it out for later.

2. Heat the oil in the net pot, first stir-fry the watercress sauce, ginger and minced garlic, mix it with water and bring it to a boil, add the chili noodles and add the duck blood and pork fat intestines, put the salt, monosodium glutamate and chicken essence, and then put the pot into the utensils. Sprinkle with chili, green onion and peppercorns and pour hot oil to bring out the aroma and serve.