
In a mixed-sex garment factory, the daughter was unexpectedly pregnant, but the boss did not approve the abortion

author:Ninth Lou Little Brother

In a small town, there is a small garment factory, and there is a dormitory building where both male and female employees live, but don't worry, the male and female floors are separated. My daughter Xiaoqing and I live in the girls' dormitory in this building. Xiaoqing was only 19 years old at that time, and she was slim and well-born, with a good personality, and she was really loved by everyone.

Every day, the two of us are busy in this garment factory, although we are tired, but we feel quite content to be with our daughter. Xiaoqing, she is also a worker in the factory like me, she is quick with her hands and feet, and everyone likes her very much.

However, one day, Xiaoqing's face was very ugly when she came back, as if she had something on her mind. I asked her what was wrong, and she didn't say anything, just silently shed tears. I muttered in my heart, this girl is usually very cheerful, what's wrong now? Looking at her aggrieved little appearance, I was really anxious like something.

Looking at Xiaoqing's pale face and red and swollen eyes, I knew that this must be a big deal. I asked her softly, "Xiaoqing, what's going on?" ”

She bit her lower lip and finally spoke, "Mom, I... I'm pregnant. ”

The word pregnancy exploded in my head like a bomb. I froze, feeling like the whole world stood still for a few seconds.

"Are you sure?" I said, my voice trembling a little.

Xiaoqing nodded, tears welling up again, "Mom, what should I do?"

I forced my composure and took a deep breath, "That's... Whose child does it belong to?"

"It's... It's Li Qiang downstairs in the dormitory. Xiaoqing whispered.

Li Qiang: The young man who often helped us carry things? I gritted my teeth in anger, but more helplessly and heartbroken.

"What are you going to do?" I tried to keep my voice as calm as I could.

Xiaoqing shook her head blankly, "I don't know, Mom, I'm really scared." ”

I hugged her and let her cry as much as she could in my arms. After a while, I helped her up, "Let's go to the boss for leave first, and then go to the hospital to solve this problem." ”

The next day, I took Xiaoqing to find the boss. The boss was a shrewd middle-aged man, and after listening to our request, he frowned, "Xiaoqing, you know that the factory is busy now, and it is difficult for me to approve your leave." ”

I was anxious, "Boss, please understand, this is a special case." ”

"Special circumstances?" the boss glanced at us, "I've seen a lot of this situation, you can handle it yourself." ”

In a mixed-sex garment factory, the daughter was unexpectedly pregnant, but the boss did not approve the abortion

I was choked by his words, but I was still unwilling, "Boss, Xiaoqing has been working hard, you should help her." ”

The boss sighed, "It's not that I don't help, it's just that I also have my own difficulties." ”

I looked at his shirk look, and knew in my heart that this matter was probably out of play. I took Xiaoqing's hand, "Let's go." ”

Back in the dormitory, Xiaoqing cried again. I looked at her helpless look, and my heart felt like I had been cut by a knife. What should I do about this?

In the next few days, Xiaoqing became more and more silent, and I looked at her increasingly depressed appearance, and my heart was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. And Li Qiang, on his side, was also dodging and didn't dare to face this problem head-on.

I know this can't be delayed any longer. I decided to talk to Li Qiang again.

I found Li Qiang and asked him bluntly: "Li Qiang, what are you going to do?"

He lowered his head, not daring to look me in the eye, "Auntie, I really didn't know it would be like this... I..."

"You don't know?" I interrupted him, "Now that Xiaoqing is pregnant, you can't just hide from it!"

He raised his head, a hint of determination flashed in his eyes, "Auntie, I am willing to be responsible." It's just that... My parents' side..."

"Your parents' side, you can solve it yourself!" I looked away a little angrily, "Xiaoqing needs you now, not you need to make excuses." ”

Li Qiang was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath, "Auntie, I know." I'll fix it, please give me some time. ”

Looking at the back of him leaving, I had mixed feelings in my heart. Can this kid take on this responsibility?

A few days later, Li Qiang found me, his eyes were much firmer than before, "Auntie, I have decided, I will take Xiaoqing to the city, and we will face it together." ”

I was stunned, I didn't expect him to make such a decision, "You... Are you sure?"

He nodded, "I'm sure." I will look for a job and take care of Xiaoqing and the children. ”

I looked at him, and the anger in my heart gradually subsided, replaced by a hint of relief. This kid has grown up after all.

In a mixed-sex garment factory, the daughter was unexpectedly pregnant, but the boss did not approve the abortion

"Does Xiaoqing know?" I asked.

"I haven't told her yet, but I think she'll agree. Li Qiang said.

I sighed, "Then your parents..."

"I'll convince them. A hint of firmness flashed in Li Qiang's eyes, "This is the responsibility I should bear." ”

I patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, I hope you can do it." ”

In the evening, I called Xiaoqing to my side and told her about Li Qiang's decision. She was stunned when she heard this, tears rolling in her eyes, "Mom, he... Did he really say that?"

I nodded, "Yes, he said so." ”

Xiaoqing covered her mouth, tears sliding down, "I... I don't know what to say. ”

I hugged her, "Child, it's your choice." No matter what you decide to do, Mom has your back. ”

A few days later, Li Qiang and Xiaoqing left the small city and went to a bigger city to start a new life. I stood at the station, watching their backs fade away, with both reluctance and blessing in my heart. I hope that they can bravely face the challenges of the future and find a path of their own.

"Xiaoqing, take care of yourself when you get there, you know?" I admonished, my eyes a little moist.

Xiaoqing nodded and hugged me tightly, "Mom, I will." You have to take care of yourself, and I'll take you over when I'm stable. ”

Li Qiang also came over and said to me with a serious expression: "Auntie, don't worry, I will take care of Xiaoqing." ”

I looked at them, although I was reluctant in my heart, but I also knew that this was the beginning of Xiaoqing's new life, "Li Qiang, I handed Xiaoqing over to you, if you treat her badly, I can't spare you." ”

They both laughed, and Xiaoqing wiped her tears, "Mom, we'll come back to see you often." ”

The train approached slowly, and I put them on board. The scenery outside the car window gradually blurred, but the figure of Xiaoqing and Li Qiang sitting hand in hand was deeply imprinted in my heart.

In a mixed-sex garment factory, the daughter was unexpectedly pregnant, but the boss did not approve the abortion

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