
Don't know what to eat for breakfast, come here, simple and easy to make, nourishing stomach bergamot rib soup

author:Food culture education internal reference

Fasting is to eat food directly to stimulate the stomach is relatively large, and it is easy to have stomach problems or indigestion after a long time. Drinking some stomach soup before meals is like preparing the stomach for activities, which can make the entire digestive organ active in advance and make the digestive glands secrete enough digestive juice to digest food. At the same time, it is also more conducive to the full absorption and utilization of nutrients in food by the human body. The ingredients of the stomach soup can be selected from pumpkin, spinach, carrot, red dates, papaya, yam, etc., which can not only strengthen the spleen and appetize, but also replenish the blood and qi.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, come here, simple and easy to make, nourishing stomach bergamot rib soup

Bergamot pork rib soup

Ingredients: pork ribs, chayote 300 grams each, almonds 20 grams.

Seasoning: sliced ginger, green onion, cooking wine, salt.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, come here, simple and easy to make, nourishing stomach bergamot rib soup


Wash the pork ribs, cut the bones into single roots, cut into 3 cm segments, blanch the water and remove the blood foam; wash the chayote melon and cut into pieces; soak the almonds in warm water and set aside. Pour in the pot with an appropriate amount of water, add the blanched pork rib segments, almonds, ginger slices, green onion segments, cooking wine, bring to a boil on high heat and turn to a low heat for 1 hour; add chayote pieces, bring to a boil on high heat and then turn to low heat for 30 minutes, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast, come here, simple and easy to make, nourishing stomach bergamot rib soup


Pork ribs provide high-quality protein, fat, and especially rich calcium to maintain bone health, which is necessary for human physiological activities. In addition to protein, fat, vitamins, ribs also contain a large amount of calcium phosphate, bone collagen, bone mucin, etc., which can provide calcium for young children and the elderly.

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