
Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

author:Such as the Dream History Museum
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Text丨Rumeng History Museum

Editor丨Rumeng History Museum


When people reach middle age, what they are most worried about is a sudden class reunion, if it is just a simple reminiscence, it is fine, but if someone takes the initiative to invite guests to dinner, it will be really a big disaster.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

So normally, if a classmate has a class reunion, I usually don't attend, but that time it was an accident......

Sudden phone calls

My name is Zhang Xia, I am 56 years old this year, and in the past few years of retirement, I have been at home every day to see my granddaughter, go downstairs to dance square dance, and live a very comfortable life.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

On this day, I sent my granddaughter to kindergarten, and when I came back and passed by the garden of the community, my old sisters hurriedly beckoned me over, and I hurriedly went up to charge my mobile phone, and then went down to dance with a fan.

It is said that people can move more when they are old, and they feel that their bodies have become neat and tidy when they dance every day, and I went home after the exercise, and I saw that it was already half past ten, I took the paper and wiped the sweat, took the mobile phone and went out.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

When I went out, I opened my phone to see, how could there be so much information unread, and when I opened it, I found that it was a group of our elementary school, and I remember that this group was not long after it was established.

Because when I was a child, we were all in the same village, and most of my parents worked together, and when we were children, we went to school and left school together, and the relationship was quite good.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

It's been more than 40 years, and it's really not easy to reconnect, so when I was contacted by the best friend at that time, I didn't hesitate to join the group.

After entering, I realized that almost everyone is not in the same city now, some went out when they were young, and some went to other places with their children.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

But my wife and I have never left this place, we both grew up together, and we have different feelings for our hometown, my son was originally working in the field after graduating from college, but after having a child, I took my daughter-in-law back to my hometown to develop.

I opened the group chat and flipped it up, and saw that Fa Xiao Zhang Hui invited us to eat together, and the people below were also saying yes, okay, we haven't seen each other for many years, and I didn't expect to see my childhood friends again in my lifetime.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

Although it is true that everyone has not seen each other for a long time, it would be a good thing if I had the opportunity to meet again, but my gut tells me that things are not that simple, so I did not reply to messages in the group.

After dinner in the evening, my wife washed the dishes, I went down to exercise, and when I went back in the evening, my wife took my mobile phone and handed it to me and said: "Your mobile phone has been ringing non-stop, it is a strange number, I picked it up for you, the other side said it was Wang Hui, I said wait for you to come back and give her a back." ”

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

I hurriedly took the phone and dialed this unfamiliar number, Wang Hui was the best relationship with me when I was a child, but we haven't been in touch for a long time, but as soon as the other party answered the phone, I could feel that she hadn't changed much.

"Ah Xia, oh, how are you doing, we haven't seen each other for a long time!" There was a very hearty laugh from the other side, and I couldn't help but laugh along.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

After we chatted for a while, we mentioned the class reunion mentioned in the group, Wang Hui asked me if I would go, I said I was not sure, and also told the worries in my heart, after all, I haven't seen each other for so many years, who would suddenly invite a guest to dinner?

Wang Hui also had the same doubts in her heart, but after all, people opened their mouths, and it was not appropriate not to go, so Wang Hui persuaded me: "Why don't you go and see, let's chat, anyway, we haven't seen each other for a long time, by the way, let's see what he wants to do." So I agreed.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

A different class reunion

After discussing with Wang Hui, I replied to the message in the group, and within a few days, Zhang Hui posted the time and place in the group, I clicked on it to see, this is the most luxurious hotel in our hometown, so it costs thousands of yuan to eat a meal.

While sighing that he had to be generous, I felt that there must be something here, and I wanted to see what this person was going to do, but there was an accident before the agreed time.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

That night I was dancing downstairs, and as I was jumping, I suddenly felt like I was stepping on the air, and I fell to the grass next to me, and the sisters quickly helped me up.

My wife took me to the community clinic, and the doctor said that my foot was sprained, so I went back to rub some blood circulation and blood stasis medicine, and just rest well and don't run around.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

Regardless of whether I want to go or not, in short, this class reunion is now impossible to go, I quickly called Wang Hui to tell me about my situation, Wang Hui is more concerned about my feet than the class reunion.

When she finished attending the class reunion, she came to see me, and now I lay down at home with peace of mind, and as soon as my foot was injured, the work of picking up my little granddaughter and buying vegetables and cooking also fell on my wife's head.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

On the day of the class reunion, I never received any news from Wang Hui, but in the afternoon, Wang Hui called me and asked me for the address of my home.

As soon as Wang Hui entered the door, she shouted excitedly: "You really told me about it!" I hurriedly asked her what happened, and she told me the ins and outs of the matter.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

That morning, Wang Hui packed up and prepared to go to the agreed hotel, and when she arrived, she found that in addition to Zhang Hui, there was also a young man, and they greeted him warmly and knew that the young man was his son.

At that time, Wang Hui was still thinking in her heart, isn't it a class reunion, how to bring her son here, but everyone else is praising his son for his talent, and no one asks this question.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

When everyone sat down and started eating, everything was quite normal, and they chatted briefly about family life and the recent situation, but when the dinner was about to end, Zhang Hui suddenly stood up and introduced his son.

It turned out that his son had opened a local company, mainly for trade and investment, and his son also stood up to toast everyone and introduced his company's projects and the rate of return.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

However, Wang Hui said that in fact, most people did not understand what his son said, and Zhang Hui's son took out the brochure, and the projects on it were very profitable, and in short, it seemed that the money invested in the project was much more than the interest in the bank.

As soon as everyone heard that the interest rate was higher than that of the bank, they all became interested in this project, after all, when they were old, it would be much better to make some money on their own than to reach out to the children for money.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

So at the dinner, many people were consulting his son, and Zhang Hui's son hurriedly said that he could go to his company and introduce all the projects to everyone.

Wang Hui didn't go because she was not interested in this, and she was a little suspicious, and after saying goodbye to everyone, she quickly contacted me and came to my house to find me.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

After listening to Wang Hui's words, I had a very bold guess in my heart that those investments must be problematic, and Wang Hui also agreed with my idea.

After the two of us finished chatting, Wang Hui went home, and sure enough, as I measured, something happened within a few days, because I don't usually look at my mobile phone, and my family calls directly when there is something.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

On this day, Wang Hui called me and asked if I had read what they said in the group, so I opened the group chat, and it turned out that they did make money for the first time after buying investment products at Zhang Hui's son's company that afternoon.

But when they saw the sweetness and bought the second one, they found that the account was frozen, and the website couldn't be opened after a while, so they hurried to Zhang Hui's son's company to ask what was going on.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time

But when they arrived, the building was already empty, and everyone realized that they had been deceived, and they didn't answer Zhang Hui's calls, and he didn't reply when they talked in the group.

Everyone was desperate, and in the end, they had to go to the police together, and I was very glad that I didn't go to this sudden class reunion.

Fa Xiao, who hadn't been in touch for many years, suddenly had a treat, and I didn't go under the pretext that I had something, and then I was glad about the choice at that time


When people reach middle age, they will enjoy their retirement life steadily, and now the rapid development of network information has led to all kinds of scams in our lives.

Even if you are in a close relationship, you will be regarded as prey because of interests, so before we have figured out the specific situation, do not invest rashly, otherwise it is very likely to be deceived.