
Ma Ying-jeou made a rare statement at a critical moment, and the DPP jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Hong Xiuzhu responded

author:Mu Feng said

Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland is coming to an end, and the core of Ma Ying-jeou's peace trip is to recognize that both sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation. Ma Ying-jeou stressed that the two sides of the strait adhere to the consensus of '92, and at the same time quoted Lu Xun's quotation: "The brothers who have survived the calamity are here, and they have met with a smile and a grudge." Xie Hanbing, a veteran media person in Taiwan, said that quoting Lu Xun's quotations just fits the current situation between the two sides of the strait, that is, the situation between the two sides of the strait.

Ma Ying-jeou made a rare statement at a critical moment, and the DPP jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Hong Xiuzhu responded

Xie Hanbing pointed out that after the Kinmen ship collision incident, the situation between the two sides of the strait in Kinmen was very tense, and the Taiwan military carried out live firing in Kinmen, but at the critical moment, the Taiwan military canceled the live firing in Kinmen, which means that the atmosphere of saber rattling can no longer be suppressed, and Ma Ying-jeou said that "when we meet, we will laugh and laugh at each other." The implication is very clear, that is, we have already met, and we will resolve past grievances with a smile, and we are still brothers, and brothers are their profits.

Ma Ying-jeou made a rare statement at a critical moment, and the DPP jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Hong Xiuzhu responded

On the 10th, Ma Ying-jeou ushered in the highlight of his trip to the mainland, which corresponds to the Year of the Dragon, the Dragon Moon, the Dragon and the Dragon Day, which is very important to the meaning of cross-strait relations. Li Zhengjie, a retired major general from Taiwan, bluntly said that there will be no act of war between the two sides of the strait. At present, the cross-strait situation is tense and has reached an undeniable situation of fierce warfare, and after Lai Qingde takes office, the two sides of the strait may enter a relatively critical moment.

Ma Ying-jeou made a rare statement at a critical moment, and the DPP jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Hong Xiuzhu responded

Ma Ying-jeou has made it clear that the current situation of cross-strait military confrontation has escalated, but the crisis in which the cross-strait situation has fallen into a crisis is caused by the DPP authorities, but the ultimate solution to the Taiwan Strait issue is the reunification of the two sides of the strait; after all, both sides of the strait are compatriots and are family flesh and blood, and there is nothing that cannot be resolved; moreover, when Ma Ying-jeou talks about the future situation between the two sides of the strait, if a war breaks out between the two sides of the strait, it will be an unbearable burden for the Chinese nation.

Ma Ying-jeou made a rare statement at a critical moment, and the DPP jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Hong Xiuzhu responded

Looking back at Ma Ying-jeou's statement, that is, there can be no conflict between the two sides of the strait, and both sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation, and they must work together to reproduce and extend future generations. Regarding Ma Ying-jeou's stress, the two sides of the strait adhere to the consensus of '92. The Taiwan People's Party pointed out that Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland in his personal capacity and his efforts for cross-strait peace are worthy of recognition.

The Taiwan People's Party bitterly criticized the DPP authorities, and in the press release issued by the Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council, it continued to focus on confrontation and only cared about the interests of its own party, and could not imagine that the deadlock would be resolved after Lai Ching-te took office in 520. It can be seen that the DPP authorities are still committing public anger on the island, and more and more people are seeing the DPP's face clearly.

Ma Ying-jeou made a rare statement at a critical moment, and the DPP jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Hong Xiuzhu responded

Zhao Chunshan, a former core think tank of Ma Ying-jeou, said that Ma Ying-jeou's emphasis on the cross-strait adherence to the '92 consensus and the Chinese culture and national interests are all completely in line with historical facts, and this is a matter of great significance that no force can cut off cross-strait relations. Whether or not the future of the two sides of the strait is promising depends on how Lai Qingde will figure out and draw experience from it and make adjustments after he takes office.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun said that the Kuomintang firmly opposes "Taiwan independence" and told Lai Ching-te that Taiwan's future lies in the DPP's thoughts. The gradual easing of cross-strait relations directly caused the DPP to break its defenses and jump over the wall in a fit of rage. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) went so far as to shout that Ma Ying-jeou's visit to China was a personal itinerary and did not represent anyone, and Ma Ying-jeou's views could not represent the people of Taiwan. Obviously, this is the DPP seeing how successful Ma Ying-jeou's trip to the mainland is, and can only continue to criticize Ma Ying-jeou with this kind of trick.

Ma Ying-jeou made a rare statement at a critical moment, and the DPP jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Hong Xiuzhu responded

In this regard, Kuomintang Legislator Lai Shih-pao said that the cross-strait adherence to the consensus of '92 and opposition to the war are the common aspirations of Taiwan and the mainland, and the face of the green camp that keeps singing about Ma Ying-jeou has been swollen. With Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland, the atmosphere of extreme cross-strait tension created by the DPP has subsided by more than half, and the DPP should thank Ma Ying-jeou well!

Hou Hanting said that the DPP should be very grateful to Ma Ying-jeou for the easing of the cross-strait situation, but it cannot say it, and it can continue to act recklessly in the future. If there is any tension in the future, and Ma Ying-jeou is invited to visit again, the DPP and Lai Qingde will definitely be happy in their hearts, but the DPP will not thank Ma Ying-jeou, and will still be engaged in cognitive warfare, that is, Taiwan will become a battlefield.

Ma Ying-jeou made a rare statement at a critical moment, and the DPP jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Hong Xiuzhu responded

In this regard, Hong Xiuzhu, former chairman of the Kuomintang, was very affirmative and praised Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland 100 percent, and had previously suggested that Ma Ying-jeou frankly express his views on cross-strait reunification to the mainland, and even said that he would lead nearly 200 young people from Taiwan to visit Zhejiang on the mainland in July, hoping to deepen in-depth cross-strait contacts and make the two sides of the strait as closely linked as Velcro, rather than confrontation.

Ma Ying-jeou made a rare statement at a critical moment, and the DPP jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Hong Xiuzhu responded

Peaceful reunification is still the first choice, but if the DPP continues to provoke, the cross-strait peace situation will be precarious, and once the mainland is reunified by force, the DPP will seek evil consequences for itself!