
Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

author:Xiao Jiu said finance

I don't know if you have noticed, recently the old community has suddenly become a "sweet spot" that everyone is chasing. From young people to investors, everyone is looking to those old houses that are old and have outdated facilities.

Where does this "buy, buy, buy" craze come from? What's the mystery behind it?

In fact, with the introduction of a series of policies in 2024, the old community is quietly ushering in a new spring.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

Favorable policies: policy dividends brought by the transformation of old communities

The renovation of old residential areas is a livelihood project that has attracted much attention in recent years. In 2024, this renovation boom will usher in a new peak. The reason for this is inseparable from the strong support of the national and local governments.

Recently, many local governments have intensively introduced relevant policies for the renovation of old communities, which are unprecedented in intensity and scope.

In Beijing, for example, it plans to renovate 1,500 old residential areas in 2024, involving more than 1 million residents. The renovation includes the installation of elevators, the renovation of water supply and power supply, the renewal of pipeline lines, etc., and the living conditions of the old community after the renovation will be greatly improved.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

At the same time, it is not only the residents of the community who benefit from the renovation process.

The policy clearly states that the transformation funds can be subsidized by the central budget, and local governments will also set up special funds to subsidize them. This will undoubtedly bring a wave of employment to the construction, decoration and other industries.

According to data, every 150,000 square meters of old residential area renovated can provide 300 jobs for the society.

It is estimated that in 2024, the renovation of old communities across the country will "add firewood" to nearly one million job opportunities in the job market.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

Not only that, the renovation of the old community will also benefit home appliances, furniture and other industries.

Some old residential areas have been renovated, the house type has become more square, and the lighting and ventilation effect has been greatly improved, and many owners want to take the opportunity to change to a large refrigerator, add new furniture, and decorate it well.

In addition to residents and related industries benefiting from this, some keen investors have also sniffed out the "business opportunity".

They have rented houses in the old community, planning to wait until the community is renovated before changing hands at a high price.

From this point of view, the introduction of a series of policies in 2024 can be called a "shot in the arm" and press the "fast forward button" for the transformation of old communities. Among them, there are huge benefits to people's livelihood and industrial development opportunities, which may be unimaginable to ordinary people.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

Location advantage: Old communities often sit on prime locations

The reason why the old communities are favored is that in addition to favorable policies, there is another factor that cannot be ignored, that is, their unique location advantages.

As we all know, most of the old communities were built in the seventies and eighties of the last century, and the urban planning layout at that time paid attention to the "job-housing balance".

As a result, in some important commercial districts and administrative districts, there are often corresponding residential communities. These communities are what we call "old neighborhoods" today.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

Taking Shanghai as an example, the area around Yuyuan Road and Wukang Road, which are located in the prime area of the city center, is dotted with a large number of old-fashioned apartments built in the last century.

Although it is old, it has a unique location advantage. It is surrounded not only by the famous Hengshan Road and Xujiahui business district, but also by leisure and cultural places such as Fuxing Park and Shanghai Library. Here, you can almost "take a step at a time, and go out to be prosperous".

It is no wonder that the housing prices in these old communities have already risen, and tens of thousands of flattened at every turn.

Interestingly, in addition to the traditional geographical location, in recent years, a new location advantage has also become a "new selling point" for the old community. This is the maturity and convenience of the package.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

Taking transportation as an example, near many old communities, there are dense subway and bus lines, and it is very convenient to travel.

In contrast, although many emerging communities have updated their houses, the supporting facilities cannot keep up, and the transportation is not so convenient.

In terms of educational resources, many old communities have famous urban schools, while some emerging communities are facing the problem of shortage of places and difficulty in choosing schools.

Xiong Bingqi, a well-known education expert, once pointed out that most of the old famous schools are rooted in the old city, and this is precisely the distribution area of the old community. Before the change in the distribution of educational resources arrived, the old community undoubtedly had an advantage.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

In fact, it is precisely thanks to these location advantages that the old community not only continues to increase its own value, but also brings popularity and commercial prosperity to the surrounding area.

In some areas where old neighborhoods are densely populated, many new businesses are quietly emerging. For example, the above-mentioned Wukang Road in Shanghai has seen the emergence of many Internet celebrity cafes and creative studios in recent years, attracting many young people to come to "check in".

It can be said that the location advantage of the old community is not only a gift of history, but also an important resource for future development.

As more and more people realize this, the value of the old community is being re-examined and explored. They are no longer just the "relics" of the old city, but also the "sweet spots" of the new era.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

Housing price depression: The housing price in the old community is relatively low, and there is a lot of room for appreciation

In addition to favorable policies and location advantages, the old community also has an irresistible "trump card", that is, relatively low housing prices and huge appreciation space.

You must know that housing prices have always been the focus of people's attention. Although the old residential area is older, the price is often not low because of the superior location and the limited supply of new homes. However, compared with the surrounding new communities, the old communities still have certain advantages in price.

Taking Beijing's Dongcheng District as an example, in 2022, the average price of new houses in the Jingshan School District will exceed 150,000 yuan per square meter, while the Yongwai Old Community, which is also located in the school district, will have a housing price of about 100,000 yuan.

Although the price of the old community is not low, there is still a price difference of nearly 50% compared to the new house. Considering the comparable location, the cost-effective advantage of the old community is self-evident.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

In addition to the price depression, the greater attraction of the old community lies in the appreciation space after the transformation.

Data shows that in 2022, residential prices in Beijing will rise by 5% year-on-year, but the increase in some old neighborhoods will far exceed this figure.

Take Liufang Beili as an example, this old community built in the 80s of the last century is located near the Wangjing business district.

In 2021, when the renovation of the community was just completed, the housing price was still hovering around 70,000 yuan. In 2022, the highest transaction price has exceeded 90,000 yuan. In just one year, house prices have risen by more than 25%.

Although the starting price of the old community is not low, it still shows amazing appreciation potential after renovation.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

In fact, this potential has long been sniffed out by some "smart money".

According to the survey, more than 30% of the buyers in the past two years were investors. What they are looking for is the appreciation prospect of the old community.

Of course, not all old neighborhoods can "soar to the sky". Industry insiders pointed out that those old communities that have been renovated and continuously improved are the "potential stocks" for appreciation. However, some communities that have fallen into disrepair and have no hope of renovation have relatively limited investment value.

Despite this, in the context of the overall high housing prices, the old community is still a "safe haven" for many ordinary home buyers. Compared with luxury houses with tens of millions of dollars, the total price of the old community is more affordable to the people, and it is also more realistic for young people who buy a home for the first time.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

It can be said that the depression effect and appreciation potential of housing prices in the old community not only provide investors with "gold rush" opportunities, but also open up a new path for ordinary home buyers.

Behind the resurgence of the "old community", it reflects the theme of the times of urban renewal and improvement of people's livelihood.

Favorable policies have pressed the "fast forward button" for the renovation of old communities, and their location advantages have made them "golden treasures" in the city, and relatively low housing prices and huge appreciation space have attracted buyers and investors.

Why was the "old community" robbed? Just because of the official tone: starting in 2024, 3 types of people may benefit

In this alternating change between the old and the new, each old community carries the memory of a generation. Those mottled walls and narrow corridors have witnessed the laughter and tears of countless families.

Now, when they put on a new coat and usher in a new round of vitality and vitality, perhaps we should think more about how the future of the city should carry the memories of the past.

The "counterattack" of the old community is not only the inevitability of the times, but also full of infinite possibilities.
