
The top self-discipline in life, to be forgetful, can live a happy life!

author:Overnight Crossing

As the old saying goes: "Troubles have no roots, don't pick up nature, confusion has no source, don't look at yourself." ”

People live a lifetime, there are too many entanglements, and the troubles increase unabated, which not only hurts the body, but also hurts the spirit.

Instead of blindly calculating, it is better to empty yourself, and instead of being painful, it is better to learn to let go.

Those who are in a perfect mental state understand that proper forgetfulness can not only lead to a free and easy life, but also become richer and richer in their hearts, and not be troubled by complicated things.

The top self-discipline in life is to forget your age, forget the past, and clear your troubles in order to live happily.

1. Forget your age and challenge the future

The top self-discipline in life, to be forgetful, can live a happy life!

Age is never just a number, it can't control our lives, if we want to embark on a smooth path, we might as well turn it into a stepping stone to help us.

The seventy-year-old grandmother Li Mei is the inheritor of the "Shanghai-style velvet knitting technique".

Before her retirement, she worked in magazine editing and editing, and after her retirement, she was interested in the art of braiding and decided to devote herself to the business of velvet braiding.

Someone once ridiculed her: "I'm 70 years old, I can't enjoy it at home, and I still have to toss it." ”

Grandma Li said frankly: "Because of interest, either don't do it, or do your best." ”

The elderly, the velvet knotting does not know anything, but Grandma Li did not retreat, but chose to face the difficulties, after 22 years, Grandma Li did not dare to have any slack, she continued to study the knotting skills, and strive to do the best.

God rewards hard work, hard work pays off, Grandma Li won the opportunity to be responsible for the Beijing Winter Olympics award bouquet, from the design, training, quality control and final assembly, she was bent on how to do this best, in order to make the bouquet more realistic and moving, Grandma Li chose a more time-consuming and laborious fine line for crocheting, each flower has leaves and flowers, are handmade.

It is understood that the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics awarded a total of 1,251 bouquets, a total of 16,731 flowers.

She carved out a new world for herself in her later years, regardless of her age, just as the bouquet in her hand "never withers".

Ji Xianlin once said: "Although I am old and the internal parts are not all sound, I am calm. ”

For those who are truly aspiring, age is never an excuse to hinder their progress, but the confidence to make a calm choice after going through a lot of hardships.

As long as a person is determined to do something, has enough self-confidence to withstand the doubts of the outside world, is consistent with his dreams, and does not stop or give up, the dawn of the future will eventually come for him.

Not afraid of age, not afraid of challenges, let life be wonderful.

2. Forget grievances and let yourself go

The top self-discipline in life, to be forgetful, can live a happy life!

Mo Yan once told about the most painful experience in his life.

Once, Mo Yan followed his mother to pick up ears of wheat in the collective field, but unfortunately, the people who guarded the wheat field came, and the people who picked up the ears of wheat ran away in a panic.

The emaciated mother shook her body and fell to the ground, the caretakers confiscated the ears of wheat they had picked up, and left with a whistle, the corners of her mother's mouth bleeding, and the desperate look made Mo Yan's heart ache, which he will never forget.

Many years later, Mo Yan and his mother met the person who guarded the wheat field on the street, and the man had become a gray-haired old man by this time.

His mother hurriedly stopped him and said calmly: "Son, the person who beat me back then was not this old man, you recognized the wrong person." ”

Mo Yan instantly understood her mother's intentions, she didn't want to keep her past resentment, hatred is like a magic barrier, if her heart has been controlled by it, it is easy to crush her body, and the gains outweigh the losses, let go of the past resentment against others, let go of her past obsessions, and let go of her past obsessions, in order to be relaxed.

As Mo Yan said in "Fatigue of Life and Death": "The world is like a book, turning page by page." People should look forward and avoid turning over old accounts of history. ”

Life is like this, the more you care, the more troubles you have, on the contrary, forget the past and free yourself.

Throw away resentment, clear the past, and let life go freely.

3. Forget your troubles and laugh at life

The top self-discipline in life, to be forgetful, can live a happy life!

The famous writer Lin Qingxuan once said: "Nine times out of ten, if life is unsatisfactory, I often think about one or two, but I don't think about eight or nine." ”

Troubles are a common thing, we need to learn to forget it, good things and bad things are all in the past, why not spend every day happily, don't care, why worry about it, know how to let go, and be at ease.

In the Tang Dynasty, the famous poet Du Fu was born in a prominent family; in his early years, he had no worries about food and clothing under the protection of his grandfather, traveled all over the world, and only after he got married was he ready to take the Jinshi examination, but the road was bumpy and difficult, and he finally did not get an official position.

In Chang'an, the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt has risen all the way, and the housing prices have also skyrocketed, so he has no choice but to settle his family in the desolate suburbs of the capital.

But even so, he was not defeated, and with the help of his friends, they built a hut and provided for themselves, never asking the government and the opposition.

The wife sews and mends, the husband paints and writes, the children play and play, and the life of the family is not warm, compared with thousands of homeless people, Du Fu thinks that his current situation is lucky.

And write the most beautiful vision: "Ander has thousands of mansions, and the poor people in the world are happy." ”

In the face of the difficulties of the past ten years, Du Fu did not stay depressed all the time, but spent most of his life wandering away from the years to brew more than 1,500 poems that have been handed down to this day.

The Four Precepts of Lifan once said: "Yesterday's things are like yesterday's death, and today's things are like today's birth." ”

If you think about it, it's true, life is only a few decades, and if you waste too much time thinking about the past, it will only add to your troubles, and it will not do you any good.

People must learn to look forward, the past is a foregone conclusion, rather than painting the ground as a prison and becoming a trouble, it is better to turn the page and relax and go into battle.

Only by cutting off troubles and laughing at life can we embrace the present and the future without distractions.

Zhuangzi has a saying: "Forget your feet, you can wear the right thing, forget your waist, you can wear the right belt, and you can forget right and wrong, and your heart is suitable." ”

It means that if you forget about your feet, you can wear any kind of shoes, if you forget about your waist, you can wear whatever kind of belt you wear, and if you forget about right and wrong, you will be calm and calm no matter what you encounter.

Learning to forget is a realm, but also a kind of wisdom, forget age, face yourself, make life colorful, forget grievances, free your heart, let your steps move forward lightly, forget your troubles, be content with the status quo, and let life be safe and sound.