
Qihe Town, Taoyuan County, carried out a party day activity with the theme of "paying tribute to heroes and martyrs and carrying forward the revolutionary spirit".

author:New fingertips

In order to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, recently, the branch of Qihe Town, Taoyuan County, went to the Taoyuan County Martyrs Cemetery to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "paying tribute to the martyrs and carrying forward the revolutionary spirit".

Qihe Town, Taoyuan County, carried out a party day activity with the theme of "paying tribute to heroes and martyrs and carrying forward the revolutionary spirit".

At the event site, the party members of the branch lined up neatly, expressed their sorrow and reverence for the martyrs in the loud national anthem, and presented flower baskets and flowers to the revolutionary martyrs, bowed silently, and expressed their high respect and deep nostalgia for the revolutionary martyrs.

During the event, Comrade Qin Yingjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Qihe Town, gave a speech on the topic of "Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Striving to Be a New Man of the Times". He pointed out that as party members and cadres in the new era, we must doubly cherish the stable and peaceful beautiful life that the revolutionary martyrs exchanged for their blood and lives, and strive to inherit the great patriotic spirit of the revolutionary martyrs and the sense of responsibility that they dare to undertake, and we must vigorously carry forward and inherit this kind of national soul that will shine through the ages and will forever be recorded in the annals of history.

Qihe Town, Taoyuan County, carried out a party day activity with the theme of "paying tribute to heroes and martyrs and carrying forward the revolutionary spirit".

Next, Qihe Town will take this theme party day activity as an opportunity, under the inspiration of the revolutionary heroic spirit, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, inherit the revolutionary tradition, absorb revolutionary strength, and contribute to the high-quality development of Qihe Town with high morale, inspiring spirit and pragmatic style.

Source: Fingertip News

Author: Nie Zirou

Editor: Liu Meixin

Qihe Town, Taoyuan County, carried out a party day activity with the theme of "paying tribute to heroes and martyrs and carrying forward the revolutionary spirit".

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