
Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

author:Kittens love the kitchen

Hi @Hello everyone! I am the kitten of "Kitten Loves Kitchen", and today I met you again to share life, share food, and share happiness! Today's kitten brings you a "fried shredded meat with folded ear roots", which is a special appetizing and delicious next meal.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

Folded ear root Chinese medicine called houttuynia cordata, it is a kind of can clear heat and detoxification, reduce swelling and cure sores, diuretic dehumidification, clear heat and diarrhea, stomach digestion, into the medicine can be used to treat heat, heat poison, wet evil, fever for the lung carbuncle, sores and swelling poison, hemorrhoids and stool blood, spleen and stomach heat and so on. Fresh houttuynia cordata has a crisp texture and a sweet taste, so houttuynia cordata can also be eaten as a delicacy, and the taste is quite good.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

Houttuynia cordata is used as an ingredient, but it has a fishy smell, so many people don't like to eat it. It seems that people in our southwest region like to eat it the most, and few people in other places seem to eat it. The most common way to eat houttuynia cordata is "cold mix", in addition to cold mix, you can also stir-fry meat, stew soup, hot pot to eat. Today's sharing of "folded ear root fried meat shreds" is a good approach, made out of the houttuynia crisp and refreshing taste, delicious taste, no little fishy taste, very tasty, like to eat folded ear root can try this method, to ensure that you will not regret, the following introduction of specific methods.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

——【Stir-fried shredded meat with folded ear root】——

【Ingredients】: 200 grams of tenderloin, 150 grams of folded ear roots

【Cured meat seasoning】: 1 spoon of soybean soy sauce, 1 egg white, 1 g of salt, 1 tbsp of pepper, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 spoon of starch, 1 spoon of vegetable oil

【Stir-frying seasoning】: 1 spoon of watercress paste, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 section of green onion, a pinch of salt, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 spoon of chicken essence, 1 spoon of chili oil

——Production methods and steps——

【Step 1】: The root of the folded ear root should be picked and washed, cut into about 4-5 cm segments, and cut the garlic and green onion into small particles at the same time, and then plate separately for later.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

【Step 2】: Wash the tenderloin and cut it into strips, the size of the loin is thinner than the chopsticks, the length is about 3-4 cm, wash it with water several times, wash the blood and water and squeeze the water into the bowl, then add soy sauce, egg white, salt, pepper, cooking wine, starch.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

【Step 3】: Then grasp and mix with your hands, then add a spoonful of plants and stir evenly marinate for 10 minutes.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

【Step 4】: Put 2 spoonfuls of oil in the pot, turn on the low heat, put the marinated meat shreds inside and scatter, be sure to use low heat, the fire is large, the meat shreds are easy to stick to the pan.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

【Step 5】: After the meat is slipped and scattered, turn on the high heat to fry the meat and then fish it out and drain the oil for later.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

【Step 6】: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the shallots and garlic and a spoonful of watercress sauce, and stir-fry over medium heat to bring out the aroma and red oil.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

【Step 7】: After the spices are fried, pour the folded ear roots inside and stir-fry evenly.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

【Step 8】: After the folded ear root is stir-fried evenly, pour in the shredded meat, and at the same time add a little salt, sugar, balsamic vinegar, chicken essence, turn on the heat and quickly stir-fry evenly, then put in a spoonful of chili oil, turn off the heat and stir-fry evenly, then put it on the plate.

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

【Product picture】:This dish is crisp and tender, and the flavor of the "folded ear root fried meat shredded" is made, it looks very appetizing, if you like it, go buy some folded ear root!

Teach you the home-cooked method of stir-fried shredded meat with houttuynia, which is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is particularly good, better than mixing

——Cooking Tips——

The method of stir-frying shredded meat with folded ear root is shared with you here today, which is a simple stir-fry dish. The taste is made with a clear fragrance, the taste is crisp, with a slight spicy, delicious rice; this is a stir-fry dish without technical content, basically can be done in a few minutes, like to eat the ear root can try this method, that is, pay attention to these points when making.

(1) When houttuynia is used to fry, you should choose the white rhizome part, do not choose the hairy one, too big, too fine do not choose, to choose the thickness of moderate, more uniform, relatively fresh houttuynia cordata. Because houttuynia cordata has been left for a long time, its moisture will evaporate, and it will be very soft and not crunchy when eaten.

(2) The whiskers on the houttuynia cordata can be pinched or not, and these whiskers can be eaten. Generally, the color of houttuynia cordata must be fried after it is fried, if it is left too much, it will make the whole dish look "black", affecting the appearance and appetite. So in general, we cut off the whiskers.

(3) Shredded meat should be marinated before frying, shredded meat can not be fried too old, generally slippery and white can be.

(4) Stir-fry this dish with watercress sauce and chili oil and aged vinegar, so that houttuynia will be covered by the spicy and slightly sour taste of chili peppers.

(5) Fold the ear root do not fry for too long, basically stir-fry a few times, stir-fry for a long time will lose the taste is not good.

The above content is the method of "folding the ear root and stir-frying meat shreds" that I share with you, I hope it will be helpful to you today. Welcome to pay attention to the "kitten love kitchen" for reservation, I will update your food practices and techniques every day, if you have any comments or suggestions, you can interact with me in the comments below, if you like the sharing of kittens, just forward + favorite + like support it! Every one of your likes is the motivation for the kitten to continue to work hard! Thanks for the support, thanks for the company! We'll see you tomorrow!

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