
10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

author:Flower City migrant girl

Now I feel that when I was a child, I really missed too many wild vegetables. But fortunately, now a lot of wild vegetables have become a commodity, as long as you have money, many vegetable markets, you can buy seasonal wild vegetables, give yourself a mouth addiction. Let's take stock of the 10 kinds of wild vegetables you've eaten.

The first: folding the ear roots

10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

In the fields and sands of my hometown, there used to be a lot, but now I find more to sell, and it is difficult to find a trace. There are many kinds of products on the market, green leaves, pure buds, pure roots, and I like to buy red-backed leaves the most, I think that kind of fragrance.

I have three ways to eat it: (1) Fold the ear root and mix it cold with cucumbers or broad beans. (2) Fold the ear root and stir-fry the shredded meat (3) Fold the ear root to stew pork belly or small intestine.

The second type: bamboo shoots

10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

There is a forest of nan bamboo and golden bamboo in front of the old home, and every year the bamboo shoots are given away, but the family does not eat much.

I usually blanch the chicken or stir-fry the meat back into the pot.

The third type: purslane

10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

Purslane, there are many fields, but before I came to climb, I really hadn't tasted it.

My way of eating is simple and rough: after boiling water, rinse the cold water, filter out the water, put on a variety of spices and mix well, sour and astringent.

The fourth type: toon

10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

The two tall toon trees next to the old house will use bamboo poles to beat some cold mix or scrambled goose eggs to eat during the germination season.

Fifth: dandelions

10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

On the field, in the vegetable field, everywhere, when I was a child, I watched the flowers, and I only ate it a few times after I came to climb: soaking water, stewing meat and boiling soup, but the delicious taste in other people's mouths, I dare not compliment.

Sixth: plantain

10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

When I was a child, I hated it, because it was not good to uproot, pull up every year, grow old, come to climb, buy it twice, once soak water to drink, once fried eggs to eat.

Seventh: Chai Hu

10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

When I was a child, before killing pigs every year, my father would tell us to dig firewood, silk grass roots, March ymu roots, etc., boil water and drink together, saying that it was drunk, eating meat would not be closed in the heart, although there was no scientific basis, but it was done every year.

The eighth species: wild onions

10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

It is generally grown on the mound, edge of the soil or field mound, dug out, washed, chopped, mixed in egg liquid to spread the cake, or used to fry bacon, be fragrant.

The ninth kind: Cunalis grass

10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

Rice grass, also a kind of weed that grows everywhere, was cut to feed pigs when I was a child, and when I grew up, I knew that I could blanch water, chop it, mix glutinous rice flour, knead it into a ball, steam it with stuffing, eat it once, and taste good.

Tenth species: bracken

10 kinds of wild vegetables that Chuan Meizi has eaten

Some places in the hometown are covered with fern moss, the buds are relatively smooth, and the other is thicker, and the buds are hairy around the body, we call it "cold fern chicken grass", the old man said that he could not eat it, but now I see someone selling. I usually blanch the bacon after cold mixing or sautéing bacon, and the taste is pretty good.

Obviously, I am a rural baby, who once lived in a land full of wild vegetables, but only tried to eat various wild vegetables after coming to the city. Comments are welcome.