
If you often drink millet porridge, is it "blood sugar" or "blood sugar reduction"? Don't guess, the doctor tells the truth

author:Dr. Shen popularized science

Nowadays, the incidence of diabetes is increasing year by year, which is a serious threat to the health of patients. We all know that the complications caused by high blood sugar levels can be potentially dangerous and even life-threatening.

Therefore, controlling blood sugar has become an important task in our lives. On the road to regulating blood sugar, the role of diet cannot be ignored.

And millet porridge, with its unique charm, is loved by people. However, some people are worried that the consumption of millet porridge by diabetics will cause blood sugar to rise and aggravate the condition. So, is this statement correct?


First of all, let's understand the benefits of millet porridge

Millet, the first of the five grains, is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are boiled in the process, making millet porridge a nutritious and healthy product.

If you often drink millet porridge, is it "blood sugar" or "blood sugar reduction"? Don't guess, the doctor tells the truth

Drinking millet porridge has a unique advantage for nourishing the stomach and protecting the stomach. The dietary fiber in millet is soft and easy to digest, which will not cause irritation to the gastric mucosa, but can protect the gastric mucosa, promote the secretion of gastric juice, and help digestion.

For people with stomach pain and excessive stomach acid, millet porridge is a good medicine, which can relieve stomach discomfort and allow the stomach to be healed in the warm aroma of porridge.

Not only that, millet porridge also helps to nourish the blood and skin. Millet is rich in iron, which can effectively prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia. At the same time, the vitamin E and antioxidants in millet can also delay skin aging, leaving the skin hydrated and shiny.

In addition, millet porridge also has the effect of calming the nerves and helping sleep. Millet contains tryptophan, a substance that promotes the secretion of serotonin in the brain, which has a calming effect.

If you often drink millet porridge, is it "blood sugar" or "blood sugar reduction"? Don't guess, the doctor tells the truth

When night comes, a bowl of hot millet porridge can not only dispel the fatigue of the day, but also help you have a sweet dream.


If you often drink millet porridge, is it "blood sugar" or "blood sugar reduction"? Don't guess, the doctor tells the truth

Millet is loved for its ease of cooking and digesting, but can we still enjoy this simple taste when we face the challenge of blood sugar control? A recent study gives us the answer.

Studies have shown that a daily intake of 80 grams of millet for 90 days resulted in a significant improvement in blood sugar status in patients with type 2 diabetes. Glycosylated hemoglobin and fasting blood sugar in the blood have both decreased, which undoubtedly brings new hope to patients with high blood sugar and diabetes.

But behind this hope, there are also some things to be aware of. Millet porridge, a common way to eat, is not ideal for blood sugar control.

If you often drink millet porridge, is it "blood sugar" or "blood sugar reduction"? Don't guess, the doctor tells the truth

The GI value (glycemic index) of millet soaked and steamed for a long time will increase significantly, exceeding 93, which is not conducive to the stability of blood sugar.

So, how to better use millet to control blood sugar? Xue Qingxin, a member of the Chinese Nutrition Society and a registered dietitian, gave advice. He recommends that if you want to use millet to stabilize blood sugar, you should avoid millet products that have been soaked for a long time.

On the contrary, it is better to try some millet pancakes or millet steamed buns once in a while, along with protein foods such as meat and eggs and green leafy vegetables.

This kind of diet not only ensures the balance of nutrition, but also takes into account the stability of blood sugar, so that we can enjoy food while protecting our health.

If you often drink millet porridge, is it "blood sugar" or "blood sugar reduction"? Don't guess, the doctor tells the truth


Diabetics should pay attention to these few things when drinking millet porridge

First and foremost, controlling the amount of food consumed is key. Although millet porridge is highly nutritious and easy to digest, it should not be consumed in excess by diabetics due to its high carbohydrate content. It is recommended to keep the amount of each serving within a certain range, and make appropriate adjustments according to the individual's blood sugar level and the doctor's advice.

Secondly, diabetics can drink millet porridge with some foods rich in dietary fiber, such as whole-wheat bread, oats, etc. These foods help slow the rate at which blood sugar rises, increase satiety, and reduce the intake of other high-sugar foods.

In addition, diabetics also need to pay attention to the pairing of millet porridge with other foods. Try to avoid eating high-sugar and high-fat foods at the same time, so as not to increase the burden on the body and affect the stability of blood sugar. It is recommended to exercise moderately before or after meals to help burn excess calories and promote blood sugar metabolism.

If you often drink millet porridge, is it "blood sugar" or "blood sugar reduction"? Don't guess, the doctor tells the truth


Although millet porridge is good, please touch these 4 types of people less

First of all, for those who have a hot constitution and are prone to fire, millet porridge may not be an ideal choice. For people with a hot physique, excessive consumption may aggravate the discomfort of the body, like adding fuel to the fire.

Secondly, people with gastrointestinal disorders should also consume it with caution. Although millet porridge is rich in nutrients, it also contains a certain amount of starch and fiber, which may increase the digestive burden for people with weak gastrointestinal function, which is not conducive to the control of the disease.

In addition, diabetics should also be vigilant about millet porridge. Although the sugar content in millet porridge is relatively low, the starch in it is converted into glucose in the body, which is undoubtedly a potential hidden danger for diabetics who need to control their blood sugar.

Finally, it is important to note that for people who are allergic to millet, eating millet porridge may trigger allergic reactions, such as itchy skin, difficulty breathing, etc., which may even be life-threatening in severe cases.

If you often drink millet porridge, is it "blood sugar" or "blood sugar reduction"? Don't guess, the doctor tells the truth


If you want to control your blood sugar, how should you eat staple foods?

As the cornerstone of the Chinese diet, the amount of rice consumed directly affects blood sugar levels. For people with high blood sugar, the intake of white rice should be moderately reduced, and the intake should be reduced in favor of whole grains rich in dietary fiber, such as brown rice, oats, etc. These foods are digested more slowly in the gastrointestinal tract and help slow the rise in blood sugar.

In addition, the pairing of staple foods is also crucial. When eating staple foods, you can pair them with some foods rich in protein and fat, such as fish, tofu, etc. These foods help to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, which slows down fluctuations in blood sugar.

At the same time, vegetables are also an indispensable part, they are rich in vitamins and minerals, which not only help control blood sugar, but also provide the body with essential nutrients.

If you often drink millet porridge, is it "blood sugar" or "blood sugar reduction"? Don't guess, the doctor tells the truth

In the way of cooking, we should also try to avoid overly processed and refined staple foods. For example, you can choose to use low-oil, low-salt cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and roasting to handle staple foods, rather than high-calorie methods such as frying and frying.

Not only does this help control blood sugar, but it also keeps the food authentic, allowing people to enjoy their food while keeping their bodies healthy.

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