
Under what circumstances are red lights not allowed to turn right, remember that you will not be deducted points!

author:Released by Longnanli County

The red light hangs high at the intersection, and you happen to be parked in the right-turn lane, and you are in a dilemma: turn around, you are afraid that you will be punished for running the red light, and if you don't turn, the eyes and horn of the driver behind you seem to urge you to "go on the roadshow". Under this red light, is it okay to turn right? And listen to me, a veteran driver with 30 years of driving experience, analyze the middle door for you in the vernacular.

Under what circumstances are red lights not allowed to turn right, remember that you will not be deducted points!

Can you turn right at a red light?

First of all, we have to understand a truth: turning right at a red light, you can't turn if you want to, it all depends on the face of the signal light. At present, there are two types of common signal lights: round screen lights and arrow lights, which have completely different attitudes towards turning right.

Round screen light red light: In most cases, there is no pressure to turn right

When you are facing a red light on the round screen, as long as there are no special circumstances, you can rest assured and boldly turn right. Why? Because the round screen light assumes that you have the freedom to turn right, unless otherwise specified at the intersection. Of course, don't forget the premise - don't obstruct the normal passage of other vehicles and pedestrians. In other words, you have to be safe and don't "bump" into someone who is going straight and crossing the street.

Arrow light red light: It is strictly forbidden to turn right, otherwise the deduction will not be negotiable

If you run into an arrow red light, especially the guy pointing to the right with a red face, brother, turning right at this time is equivalent to taking the initiative to jump into the pit of "running the red light", and you will be deducted 6 points at a time without negotiation. So, no matter how the car beeps in the back, you have to honestly wait for the arrow to turn green.

Under what circumstances are red lights not allowed to turn right, remember that you will not be deducted points!

Exceptions to the red light on the round screen

Even in the face of a red light on the round screen that allows you to turn right, you have to take it easy in the following three situations:

(1) The "No Right Turn" sign is prominently visible

If there is a sign at the intersection that says "no right turn", you have to resist the urge to turn right, even if the round screen light is red and lonely. Otherwise, the traffic police will invite you to tea in the name of running a red light.

(2) The lane is wrong, and it is illegal to turn around

The right turn lane or the straight right turn shared lane is the stage for you to turn right. If you insist on turning right in a pure straight lane, you are "not driving in the guide lane", which can result in warnings, fines, and demerit points. Remember, be particular about lane selection, don't mess around.

(3) There are pedestrians crossing the sidewalk

The "Road Traffic Safety Law" says that when there are pedestrians passing through the crosswalk, we have to be polite. So, even if a red light on the round screen allows you to turn right, if there are pedestrians on the sidewalk, you have to be patient and wait until they pass safely.

Turn right at the red light, don't ignore these details

If you want to turn right smoothly and not get into trouble, there are a few more things to keep in mind:

(1) Find the right lane, and the right turn lane is preferred

In general, the rightmost lane is the right-turn lane, so don't run the wrong line.

(2) Cross the stop line and do not compact the line

The rear wheel crosses the stop line and then gracefully turns right, resisting the temptation of the compaction line during the process.


Especially if there is a zebra crossing at the intersection, the right turn should be made after the rear wheel crosses the sidewalk, and the reverence for pedestrians should be maintained throughout the process.

Under what circumstances are red lights not allowed to turn right, remember that you will not be deducted points!

Avoid running a red light by mistake, we have a trick

(1) Slow traffic at intersections, safe and fine-proof

When crossing the traffic light intersection, remember the word "slow", and control the speed at 20-30km/h, which can not only prevent the red light from accidentally running the red light and rear-end collision, but also gain a good mood all the way.


If you run a red light by mistake, don't even think about going backwards. Reversing = driving in the opposite direction, that is a penalty for deducting points. If you break through, you will break it, and next time you will have a snack.

Rules go hand in hand with understanding

When driving on the road, we have to strictly abide by the traffic rules and drive according to the requirements of signal lights and sign markings. At the same time, it is also a requirement for every driver to understand and respect the needs of other road users, such as the right to turn right without hindering others. After all, there are thousands of roads, safety first, mutual understanding and harmonious travel, in order to share the unimpeded driving pleasure.

Under what circumstances are red lights not allowed to turn right, remember that you will not be deducted points!

What confusion or interesting experiences have you encountered about turning right at a red light in actual driving?

Source: Baidu smiles like a flower

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