
Have you ever seen such an anti-drug and anti-fraud bus line?

author:China's drug control

"I really didn't expect to learn anti-drug knowledge by taking the bus. "There are too many telecom scams now, and this kind of down-to-earth propaganda is very effective. "These anti-fraud and anti-drug slogans are so creative that it's hard to remember. ”...... On the afternoon of April 11, Dongqiao Development Zone, Ningde City, Fujian Province, officially opened the "Anti-drug and Anti-Fraud Bus Line", starting a publicity journey with the theme of anti-drug and anti-fraud, which was well received by the public. It is reported that this is the first anti-drug and anti-fraud bus line in Ningde this year.

Have you ever seen such an anti-drug and anti-fraud bus line?

Public transport is the main artery of urban transportation. The Dongqiao Narcotics Control Office, together with the Anti-Fraud Center of the Dongqiao Branch, has turned the No. 6 bus into a "special anti-drug and anti-fraud propaganda line" with a large flow of people and a wide range of public transportation as the publicity carrier. The special line surrounds government departments, residential areas, commercial areas, schools, hospitals and other densely populated areas along the road, and is the main arterial line of the whole district.

Have you ever seen such an anti-drug and anti-fraud bus line?

It is understood that the "anti-drug anti-fraud bus" is painted anti-drug and anti-fraud public service advertisements, and the body is printed with anti-drug propaganda slogans such as "cherish life, stay away from drugs", "green Ningde, drug-free Dongqiao" and other anti-fraud propaganda slogans and "Internet fraud day renovation, be careful when talking about money", "don't believe in the pie falling from the sky, be careful to scan the code and turn away" and other anti-fraud propaganda slogans, and the eye-catching positions at all angles in the carriage are set up with anti-drug and anti-fraud propaganda plates, and the anti-drug and anti-fraud propaganda leaflets are also placed on the car to create anti-drug and anti-fraud prevention education and publicity" Anti-drug and anti-fraud book corner", passengers can flip through it at hand, and learn about anti-drug and anti-fraud knowledge at "zero distance". In addition, the concept of anti-drug and anti-fraud is also disseminated through video delivery and other means, so that the general public can imperceptibly accept the influence of anti-drug and anti-fraud publicity and education on the way.

Have you ever seen such an anti-drug and anti-fraud bus line?

The official operation of the bus line will promote the construction of a propaganda matrix closer to the masses, multi-level and multi-faceted so that citizens can feel the results of the city's work, establish a sense of ownership, actively participate in the construction of a national anti-drug demonstration city, and effectively open up the "last mile" of grassroots anti-drug propaganda.

Have you ever seen such an anti-drug and anti-fraud bus line?

In recent years, the Dongqiao Narcotics Control Office has implemented the work concept of building a "six-whole system", regarded anti-drug work as a key research on basic work to promote the high-quality development of the district, and made every effort to create a new anti-drug work matrix of "fighting, prevention, management, control, creation and publicity". The anti-drug system is deeply integrated with grassroots governance, effectively promoting the maximization of the effectiveness of the drug governance pattern.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Dongqiao Anti-Narcotics Office, the design idea of this anti-drug and anti-fraud propaganda tour follows the work context of the demonstration and creation of the development zone, with the Ningde passenger transport hub station as the starting point, and the anti-drug public welfare bus platform is interspersed, connecting the anti-drug theme park, anti-drug theme large-scale billboards, anti-drug elements large-scale landscape green sculptures, landscape sketches and other anti-drug landmarks, slowly unveiling the beautiful picture of "green Ningde, drug-free Dongqiao" along the way, showing the growth space of anti-drug work, and deeply integrating anti-drug and anti-fraud with the lives of the masses.

It is understood that with the No. 6 bus line as the carrier, the "anti-drug and anti-fraud bus line" will continue to operate within the year. Dongqiao will continue to give full play to its own advantages, seize opportunities, and actively participate in helping Ningde City's anti-drug work move forward steadily and accelerate its development. [Source: People's Daily Online]

Welcome to China's anti-drug efforts: WeChat account onncc626 Thank you for your unhesitation

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