
Former TVB Hua Dan Tang Shiyong talked about leaving the nest again: the roles played are the same, and I want to leave in 2015

author:Outward Hong Kong and Taiwan Entertainment Pass

Former TVB Hua Dan Tang Shiyong has talked about her old club many times in interviews since she left the nest, during which she released remarks such as "I got freedom and happiness after leaving" and "taking on a few jobs outside is equivalent to working in the company for a year", which was promoted by anti-TVB entertainment media such as "Entertainment One" as a model for "those who have no one", and caused dissatisfaction among some TVB supporters. Recently, she talked about this topic again when she went to the commercial station "Behind the Starlight" to promote the HOYTV program she hosted.

Former TVB Hua Dan Tang Shiyong talked about leaving the nest again: the roles played are the same, and I want to leave in 2015

Tang Shiyong said in the show that leaving TVB was a deliberate decision, and she worked hard to make dramas to save money, but later she found out that everything was overthinking, and she had a very good past two years, and she did not encounter the difficulties she once feared.

Former TVB Hua Dan Tang Shiyong talked about leaving the nest again: the roles played are the same, and I want to leave in 2015

"If you want to have a choice, you have to have enough savings, so I went crazy before I left. I want to be able to support my family without a job for half a year, and Taurus people always need to be prepared before making decisions. But then I found out that fear was a habit, and immediately after I left, I received an advertisement, made two films, made a good income, and tried the same. She said.

Former TVB Hua Dan Tang Shiyong talked about leaving the nest again: the roles played are the same, and I want to leave in 2015

As for the reason for leaving, Tang Shiyong said that it was related to physical health and professional breakthroughs, in fact, he had wanted to leave for a long time, but he didn't act because of the fear of the future, and after winning the "Thousands of Stars Award Ceremony" in 2017, the honor was enough, and TVB's roles and dramas were always the same, and the determination to leave became firm.

Former TVB Hua Dan Tang Shiyong talked about leaving the nest again: the roles played are the same, and I want to leave in 2015

"In 2015, I was still afraid, but in 2017, I made up my mind after winning the award. I said to myself that after 40 I had figured out what to do, it was a deadline I had set for myself, and I felt like I needed time to rest. I like acting very much, but if I continue to shoot like this, I will feel that there is no breakthrough, because the roles I play are almost the same, and I am already very tired in life. ”

Former TVB Hua Dan Tang Shiyong talked about leaving the nest again: the roles played are the same, and I want to leave in 2015

In addition, the former Hua Dan, who has worked for TVB for nearly 20 years, also said that after leaving TVB, he had a lot of rest time, so that he had the opportunity to travel and live with his father, and the relationship between his relatives was repaired, which was really a very correct decision. She said to the moderator:

"I've really wasted the last 20 years, and I hope that I can take my dad to travel to different places in the future, and my dad is 80 years old and has never tried to travel before, so I hope he has more memories like this. I also want to have these memories together and don't want to regret it until the end. ”

Former TVB Hua Dan Tang Shiyong talked about leaving the nest again: the roles played are the same, and I want to leave in 2015

In the opinion of the editor "Hong Kong and Taiwan Entertainment", Tang Shiyong is absolutely right to leave TVB, and the sooner she leaves, the better (note: it is best to say 2015), after all, she doesn't have to waste time filming some similar roles, nor does she have to be overworked, and she can also enjoy the generous treatment of "taking on a few jobs outside is equivalent to working in the company for a year" early, and she can go to a broader space to find a professional breakthrough.

Former TVB Hua Dan Tang Shiyong talked about leaving the nest again: the roles played are the same, and I want to leave in 2015

And what about TVB? You can also save some funds and resources to cultivate other artists, save a back-the-eye for powerful female artists (note: she caused a lot of controversy after taking the TV, increase the credibility of the award ceremony, and bear a little less bad reputation for squeezing artists, which is a win-win situation.

Former TVB Hua Dan Tang Shiyong talked about leaving the nest again: the roles played are the same, and I want to leave in 2015

Of course, it is not too late to leave the year before last, as long as both parties go their separate ways in the future and do not delay each other. In addition, in the editor's impression, Tang Shiyong has been interviewed and talked about the problem of leaving the nest many times in the past two years, is it really necessary to emphasize these? Don't be used by anti-TVB entertainment media anymore, concentrate on seeking breakthroughs and enjoying life.

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