
Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

author:19K Pure Entertainment


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Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

Text|19K Pure Entertainment

Editor|19K Pure Entertainment

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, have you heard? TVB recently released another "divine drama"! It's not that I'm exaggerating, this time it's really a real rave reviews.

Let's come to 818, what kind of fairy drama is this, which can make the audience so crazy? What's even more interesting is that the love life of the heroine Zhu Chenli in the play was also exposed, and the story in and out of the play is really exciting!

Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

TVB's new drama "Anti-Black Hero": an unexpected surprise or a well-planned masterpiece?

Dear melon-eating people, there is a drama that has become very popular recently, that is, TVB's "Anti-Black Hero". This drama is not covered, not only in Hong Kong, but even our mainland audiences are full of praise.

To be honest, I was a little unconvinced at first. After all, in these years, the probability of TVB producing a good drama is probably lower than that of me in Mark Six Lottery, right? However, I have to say that TVB really gave us a big surprise this time.

The success of this drama can be said to be well deserved. There is no overwhelming publicity, no bells and whistles, but with a solid plot and the superb acting skills of the actors, he has countless fans. No, the number of broadcasts is rising, and the audience's reputation is also skyrocketing.

Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

You must know that in this era of fast food culture, it is not easy to make the audience willingly follow the drama and give good reviews. Especially compared with "The Inheritor of Family Glory", which just ended not long ago, "Anti-Black Hero" is simply a clear stream!

Speaking of "The Inheritor of Family Glory", it was really thunder and rain. The publicity was vigorous, but after it was broadcast, it disappointed the audience. In such a comparison, the success of "Anti-Black Heroes" is even more hard-won.

Cast: Powerful factions are assembled, and the plot is exciting

Speaking of the success of "Anti-Black Heroes", we can't ignore this luxurious cast. Chen Shancong, Yuan Weihao, Zhang Zhenlang, not to mention the pillars of TVB, as well as Zhu Chenli , Yao Ziling and other powerful Hua Dan joined, this lineup is simply TVB's "Avengers"!

Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

I have to say that TVB has made a bloody investment this time. It seems that he wants to use this top-notch cast to lay a solid foundation for the new drama. This move is wonderful, and the effect is not ordinarily good.

The villain played by Yuan Weihao in the play this time is really love-hate-hate. This guy will copy the guy and cut people if he doesn't agree with him, that's called a ruthless. To be honest, the level of violence was beyond my expectations. However, it is this performance of "not playing according to the routine" that makes this drama particularly attractive.

and the undercover agent played by Zhang Zhenlang, which is really eye-catching. Whether this guy will be blackened or not is still a mystery. But I'm willing to bet he's likely to go down the road of no return. As for why this is happening, we have to continue to follow the drama to find out. This suspense is set up so that it is simply unstoppable!

Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

Zhu Chenli: There are many surprises when the screen returns

Speaking of Zhu Chenli, the heroine of this drama, it is really eye-catching. To be honest, this girl hasn't appeared on the screen for a long time, so much so that some viewers are about to forget about her. Some people even think that she has left TVB to seek another development.

This time, Zhu Chenli played the role of the inspector of the anti-black team in the play, which can be said to be a challenging role. There are a lot of action scenes, and there are many hardships during the filming. I heard that there was a scene where Zhu Chenli was strangled by her opponent with a wire, and she almost didn't catch her breath. This professionalism is really admirable!

Although Zhu Chenli has no martial arts background, she was born in dance. No, a lot of fight scenes are quick to learn. It's just that the strength is a little worse, but with the guidance of the martial arts director next to him, I believe I will be able to get started soon.

Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

In the play, Zhu Chenli and Chen Shancong play a couple who broke up. Although it is an ex relationship, the interaction between the two in the play is not awkward at all. And it is said that there is a possibility of a broken mirror reunion in the future, and it feels sweet when you think about it!

Zhu Chenli's love life has become the focus again

Speaking of Zhu Chenli's love life, it is really a favorite of the gossip media. It was rumored before that she had a close relationship with a rich second generation outside the circle, and there was even news that she was pregnant. However, these rumors were denied by Zhu Chenli herself.

But recently, Zhu Chenli seems to have relented. In an interview, she finally admitted that she had a good impression of the rich second generation, calling the other party a "friend with a good feeling". As for whether it will develop into a lover relationship in the future, Zhu Chenli did not deny it, isn't this tantamount to acquiescence!

Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

However, our Zhu Chenli is an independent woman in the new era. She made it clear that at this stage, she still focuses on her career. In her opinion, it is more secure to make money on her own than to rely on others.

Although there have been fewer appearances in front of the screen in recent years, people are not idle, and they are still on the big screen! It seems that he wants to become an artist with all-round development.

This kind of independent attitude is really admirable. Worthy of our goddess!

Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

Netizens are hotly discussed: mixed reviews, each expressing their own opinions

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens said:

"Zhu Chenli is amazing! Not only is his acting online, but his work attitude is also super serious. Her performance in "Anti-Black Heroes" this time is really remarkable, and I look forward to more wonderful works from her in the future! "
Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

Some netizens also think:

"Zhu Chenli and the rich second generation, I don't think it's a big deal. People didn't officially announce their love, they just said they had a good feeling. What's more, Zhu Chenli's career-oriented attitude is also very commendable. "

Some netizens said:

"To be honest, I think that the success of "Anti-Black Heroes" is not only due to a strong cast, but also a good script. Today's audience is not so easy to fool, there is no good story, and no matter how big-name the actor is, it is useless. "
Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

Of course, there are some different voices:

"I think the quality of TVB's dramas has generally declined over the years. Although "Anti-Black Hero" is not bad, it is still a lot worse than the works of TVB at its peak. I hope TVB can continue to work hard to bring more high-quality works to the audience. "
"I think there is still room for improvement in Zhu Chenli's acting skills. Although his performance in "Anti-Black Heroes" is good this time, compared with some old drama bones, it still looks a little green. I hope she can continue to work hard and have a greater breakthrough in her acting skills. "
Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

Write at the end

Looking back at the entire article, it is not difficult to find that the success of "Anti-Black Heroes" is by no means accidental. Excellent scripts, strong cast, and excellent production are the key factors for it to win the love of the audience. And Zhu Chenli, as the heroine in the play, also adds a lot to this drama with her outstanding performance.

At the same time, Zhu Chenli's attitude in terms of feelings is also worth learning. The balance between not denying her affection for others and maintaining her independence and putting her career first is truly admirable.

Finally relent! TVB Huadan Zhu Chenli admits that she has a good impression of the rich second generation, and the new drama is being well received

Finally, I would like to throw out a question for you to think about: In this fast-paced era, is there still room for long-term development of traditional police dramas like "Anti-Black Heroes"? Welcome everyone to leave a message in the comment area and share your views!

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