
63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Oh, you look so good!"

Dr. Li exclaimed while looking through the medical records. Auntie Chen, 63, sat across from the doctor, smiling and nodding with a satisfied smile on her face.

63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

Auntie Chen is a retired primary school teacher who has always been very health-conscious, especially after retirement, and has made it her first priority to stay healthy. For the past year and a half, she has insisted on eating white fungus every day to supplement her daily nutritional needs and hope to maintain her youthful vitality.

63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

Just today, Aunt Chen came to the hospital for a routine annual physical examination as scheduled. Dr. Li examined her indicators in detail and compared the data from previous years. "Your blood lipids and blood sugar have improved significantly, and your bone density has increased a lot compared to last year. Dr. Li pointed to the data on the screen and nodded incessantly.

63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

Aunt Chen was also overjoyed when she heard this, and she asked curiously, "Is it my credit for eating white fungus?"

Dr. Li smiled slightly and began to explain: "Tremella itself is rich in dietary fiber and gelatin, which is good for regulating the intestines and reducing blood lipids. But did you know that Tremella also contains a special plant compound, which is rare in ordinary vegetables and fruits. ”

63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

Dr. Li continued, "This compound is called Tremella fuciformis polysaccharide, which has the potential to improve the body's immunity. Especially for the elderly, it can enhance the phagocytic ability of cells and improve resistance. ”

"And," Dr. Li pulled back to the topic, "unlike ordinary nutritional supplements, these properties of white fungus play a complementary role in your diet. We generally think that eating these whole foods is good for your health, but few people can be as consistent as you. Your health is improved by Tremella, but more important is your lifestyle and attitude. ”

63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

During the conversation, Aunt Chen listened with relish, and she asked Dr. Li a question: "Should I continue to increase my intake of white fungus?"

Dr. Li replied seriously: "Although white fungus is good, everything pays attention to a 'degree'. Eating white fungus in moderation can give you health benefits, but excessive consumption can lead to overburdening your stomach, especially if your digestive function is not as vigorous now as it was when you were younger. It is recommended that you maintain your current intake and maintain a balanced diet. ”

63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

In the conversation between the doctor and Aunt Chen, Dr. Li also brought up a point that is not usually widely discussed. "In fact, in addition to the nutritional value of white fungus, we also need to consider the choice and processing of ingredients. Have you ever noticed whether the white fungus you usually eat is dried or fresh?"

63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

Aunt Chen was a little surprised, "I've always bought dried white fungus because it's easy to preserve." ”

Dr. Li nodded, "It's very common. However, what you might not expect is that the process of drying and rehydration affects the structure and effectiveness of the nutrients in Tremella. Especially during the drying process, some sensitive nutrients in Tremella fuciformis, such as vitamin C and certain antioxidants, may be less effective due to exposure to air and high temperatures. ”

63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

Aunt Chen listened carefully, she never considered this aspect, "Then should I choose to eat fresh white fungus?" "Fresh white fungus does retain more active substances. But that doesn't mean that dried white fungus doesn't have value. Dr. Li explained.

"In fact, dried tremella can concentrate on the preservation of polysaccharides and dietary fiber due to its unique preservation method, which is particularly beneficial for intestinal health. Just when using, it is best to soak at low temperature and simmer as quickly as possible over low heat to maximize nutrient retention. ”

63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

Dr. Li's answer made Aunt Chen nod, and she felt that today's medical visit was not just a simple physical examination, but more like an in-depth health education class. She is very satisfied and more confident about her healthy life in the future.

What do you think about Tremella fuciformis? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

63-year-old aunt, after eating white fungus for a long time and insisting on it for a year and a half, how is her physical condition now?

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