
Chaoyang specialty - Cotton City Crab Koji

Koji is a traditional snack unique to Chaoyang Cotton City, and is a rich Chaoyang local food. Some overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, and people working outside the city who have returned to their hometowns to visit their relatives always want to taste the taste of koji.

Chaoyang specialty - Cotton City Crab Koji

The most widely circulated folk story says that the koji was created by a daughter-in-law in Chaoyang to honor her toothless mother-in-law.

Chaoyang specialty - Cotton City Crab Koji

In the past, there was no filling in the koji, but later the ingredients were abundant, and everyone added shrimp, meat, eggs and other fillings to it according to their own tastes. When eating, it is dipped in a sauce mixed with chili sauce and soy sauce. It is characterized by a crispy outer skin, a hot and tender inside, and a fresh, spicy, fragrant and salty

Chaoyang specialty - Cotton City Crab Koji

In the past, there was no filling in the koji, but later the ingredients were abundant, and everyone added shrimp, meat, eggs and other fillings to it according to their own tastes.

Chaoyang specialty - Cotton City Crab Koji

Later, the horseshoe crab became scarcer, and people no longer used the blood of the horseshoe crab to make the koeh skin, which evolved into the current koji.

Chaoyang specialty - Cotton City Crab Koji