
Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?


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Many netizens commented that Big S always says gentle things, but does ruthless things, and now this evaluation seems to have come true again.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

Recently, it has been rumored that in order to be angry with Wang Xiaofei, Da S may take his two children to follow Gu Junye to live in South Korea. This news has attracted the attention and heated discussions of the majority of netizens, what is going on?

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The news that Big S may take his children to South Korea is not groundless. The whistleblower gave a number of reasons, the first of which was the pressure of public opinion. Although the artist surnamed Huang, Ge Siqi and Wang Xiaofei have all successively broken the news about the problem of Big S taking medicine, due to Big S's strong background, although they have conclusive evidence, they can't really bring down Big S. However, these revelations undoubtedly brought huge public opinion pressure to Big S, putting her on the verge of overturning at any time.

In addition to the pressure of public opinion, Big S is also facing economic pressure. According to rumors, Taiwan has given official information that Wang Xiaofei's economic compensation to Big S will be greatly reduced in the future. In addition, Da S picked up the child without authorization before, and with her good-looking personality, it is impossible to easily hand over the child to Wang Xiaofei. In this way, Da S can only fully assume the responsibility of taking care of the child by herself, which undoubtedly increases her financial burden.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

The whistleblower also gave a more interesting reason, thinking that Da S may have taken his two children to live in South Korea for gambling after losing the competition for Wang Xiaofei's calligraphy and painting collection. There are even rumors that Da S also plans to change the surname of his two children. This news has undoubtedly intensified the controversy and speculation among netizens.

Netizens have different opinions on this revelation. Some netizens believe that it is unlikely that Da S will really take her children to South Korea and change her surname, because this will not only fail to anger Wang Xiaofei, but may make her own losses even greater. After all, if Big S really does this, Wang Xiaofei is more likely to stop giving her any financial subsidies. And even if Big S, who loves money, no matter how angry he is with Wang Xiaofei, it is unlikely that he will cut off his own money.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

However, there are also some netizens who believe that judging from Da S's past words and deeds, it is indeed possible for her to do such an unexpected thing. They believe that Da S's character has a desperate impulse and determination, so the possibility of her taking her children to South Korea and changing her surname cannot be completely ruled out.

In short, the news that Big S may take his children to live in South Korea has attracted widespread attention and heated discussions. Regardless of the final truth, we hope that both parties can handle this matter rationally, put the interests of the children first, and avoid causing them more harm and distress. At the same time, we also hope that the relevant parties can come forward to clarify the facts as soon as possible and give the public a clear answer.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

Regarding the rumors that Big S may take his children to South Korea to live with Gu Junye, the comments of netizens show a variety of attitudes.

Some netizens expressed their understanding of Da S's behavior, and they believed that Da S, as a mother, had the right to choose what he thought was the most suitable living environment for her child. This part of netizens may think that the relationship between Da S and Gu Junye has been stabilized, and Gu Junye has also expressed his concern and understanding for Da S on the show, which makes their relationship look stronger and more mature. In addition, if Da S believes that the living environment in South Korea is more suitable for the growth of children, then her decision is also out of consideration for the children's future.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

However, there are also other netizens who are worried and questioning this. They are worried that Big S's decision may be too impulsive and does not fully take into account the feelings and needs of the children. Especially for children who have become accustomed to their current life environment, a sudden change in their living environment can have a negative impact on their mental and emotional abilities. In addition, these netizens also questioned whether Gu Junye's economic ability could meet the high consumption life of Big S and the children, and worried that their quality of life would decline as a result.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

Some netizens are critical of the relationship between Da S and Gu Junye. They believe that Da S started a new relationship with Gu Junye shortly after the divorce and brought him back to the mansion he used to have with Wang Xiaofei, which lacks consideration for the feelings of the children. This part of netizens may feel that Big S's behavior is too selfish and does not fully consider the psychological distress and adjustment problems that children may face after their parents divorce.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

In general, the comments of netizens reflect the diverse views on the possibility of Da S taking his children to South Korea to live with Gu Junye. Different perspectives and attitudes reflect different understandings and expectations of family, emotions, responsibilities and the future. Regardless of the final outcome, we hope that Da S and Gu Junye can make the most beneficial decision for the children and minimize the impact on them as much as possible. At the same time, we also hope that both sides will actively face the public's concerns and doubts, and handle this matter in a mature and responsible manner.

From the perspective of each character, we can get the following observations when we analyze the incident that Big S may take his children to South Korea to live with Gu Junye:

Big S's Angle:

As the core figure of the incident, Da S's decision may be based on many considerations. First of all, she may think that her relationship with Gu Junye has stabilized and hopes to further deepen their relationship, and living together is an important step. Second, she may think that the living environment in Korea is more suitable for the growth of children, or she wants children to be exposed to and experience different cultures. At the same time, she may also take into account financial factors and hope to alleviate her financial pressure by living with Gu Junye. However, she also needs to deal with the pressure and doubts of public opinion, as well as the emotional distress that children may have as a result.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

Gu Junye's perspective:

As Big S's partner, Gu Junye may be very supportive of Big S's decision and willing to work hard for it. He may see it as an opportunity to bond with them, as well as an opportunity to build closer relationships with the children. However, he may also face the pressures and challenges of public opinion, as well as the need to adapt to a new living and cultural environment.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

Wang Xiaofei's perspective:

Wang Xiaofei, as Da S's ex-husband and father of the children, may be worried and dissatisfied with this matter. He may be worried about the children's living environment and the quality of education in a foreign country, or he may be worried about whether Da S and Gu Junye will be able to give the children enough love and care. At the same time, he may also face pressure to pay alimony and consider how to defend his rights.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

Kids' perspective:

As the most innocent group in this incident, the feelings and needs of the children should be fully considered. They may face challenges adjusting to a new environment, a new culture, and a new family, as well as emotional distress and insecurity. As parents, both Da S and Wang Xiaofei should minimize the impact on their children and respect their feelings and choices.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

To sum up, from the perspective of each character, the fact that Da S may take his children to South Korea to live with Gu Junye involves many factors and considerations. Whether it is the relationship between Da S and Gu Junye, the future of the children or Wang Xiaofei's rights and interests, they all need to be fully concerned and considered. Ultimately, we hope that all parties will approach this matter in a mature and responsible manner to create a better environment for the future of our children.

Final comment

To sum up, the incident in which Big S may take his children to South Korea to live with Gu Junye involves multiple angles and roles, and each character has its own unique position and considerations. Regardless of the final outcome, we hope that all parties will approach the matter with the well-being of the child as the starting point, and with maturity and responsibility in mind.

Netizens speculated that she took her children to follow Gu Junye to South Korea, what is the truth?

At this time full of uncertainties, we expect Da S, Gu Junye and Wang Xiaofei to face the public's attention with a calm mind, and fully consider the feelings and needs of the children. At the same time, we also hope that all sectors of society will give them enough space and respect, and not over-interpret or interfere in their private lives.

Finally, I hope that this family can find balance and harmony as soon as possible to create a stable and warm environment for the children to grow up. After all, the happiness and health of children is the most sincere wish of every parent. #头条热搒##春日生活打卡季#

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