
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

author:Railway soldier culture
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Write spring and autumn with blood

1. Liuzhou veterans who participated in the war held a symposium to commemorate the 55th anniversary of their participation in the War of Resistance against the United States in Vietnam

Text/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan

On April 15, 2024, veterans stationed in Liuzhou City held a symposium to commemorate the 55th anniversary of their participation in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression in Vietnam.

The forum was presided over by Qin Tianshe, secretary general of the Liuzhou Association of Comrades-in-Arms Involved in the War to Resist the United States and Vietnam.

The comrades-in-arms kicked off with a loud and majestic chorus of the military song "Railway Soldiers Aiming at the Quartet".

President Qin Chunyuan made a key speech, he inspired his comrades-in-arms to recall the years of burning passion for aiding Vietnam and resisting the United States, reviewing the glory of participating in the war as a soldier, and summing up the motivation and harvest brought by joining the army and participating in the war on the struggle of life.

Although the 23 retired servicemen who participated in the forum were all over the age of old, the comrades-in-arms who participated in the war recalled that when they accepted the orders of the party Central Committee and Chairman Mao and went out to participate in the war to aid Vietnam and resist US aggression on behalf of the five greats (the great motherland, the great party, the great leader Chairman Mao, the great people's army, and the great people), they were still extremely excited and enthusiastic, as if the secret expedition 55 years ago was just yesterday......

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

The comrades-in-arms recalled that the moment when we had tea and discussed was 55 years ago, on April 15, 1969, the comrades-in-arms stood in front of the Friendship Pass Square, raised their hands, solemnly swore to the motherland, and then crossed the Friendship Pass with great courage and high spirits, took a Jiefang brand military truck, traveled through thick and thin, turned off the lights, and went straight to the battlefield overnight to join the 320,000 troops who aided Vietnam to resist the United States.

At the forum, Wu Keshuai recalled that the Second Company of the Sixth Regiment was suddenly bombed by a time bomb when it was rushing to repair the Shiqiu Bridge destroyed by the US bombing, and that when five people were killed and wounded (it is later said that three comrades-in-arms of the regimental guard platoon supporting the Second Company were sacrificed), the whole company held a meeting to denounce the US imperialist aggressors, and everyone shouted: "Make up your mind, not be afraid of sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory." The comrades-in-arms stepped on the blood stains of the martyrs, regardless of the scorching heat, worked hard to repair the iron bridge, and built the iron bridge ahead of schedule, expressing the heroic and tenacious iron will of the Chinese soldiers.

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

  Qin Tingying, the squad leader of the first company who was called the unsung hero by his comrades-in-arms, had just entered Vietnam to fight, and when he went to the river with his comrades in the class to take a bath and passed by the bridge blown up by the US army, the bridge suddenly collapsed, and he and his comrade-in-arms from Changyang, Hubei Province, Yuan Xingquan, fell into the deep-water river. But he couldn't find Yuan Xingquan, so he went down to the river and dived many times to find Yuan Xingquan. In the end, Yuan Xingquan, who was in a coma, was rescued ashore, and after first aid, Yuan was rescued after awakening. But Yuan never knew who saved him. It was not until 6 years later, before he was discharged from the army, that Qin Tingying told this secret to his comrades-in-arms Yuan Xingquan, who had become a platoon commander. Yuan Xingquan was very excited and grateful, and wanted to give a red envelope to his life-saving benefactor Qin Tingying. Qin Tingying said that the comrades-in-arms of the friends of life and death were belittled when they talked about money, and refused the red envelope.

At the symposium, the comrades-in-arms asked Qin Tingying: It was originally an opportunity to make meritorious contributions, why did they conceal their merits. Qin Tingying said, "Compared with the heroes and martyrs who aided Vietnam to resist the United States, it is not worth mentioning." ”

The 1st Company of the 6th Regiment of the 2nd Iron Division is a heroic company of railway soldiers building bridges, and the ideological realm of the soldiers educated and trained by the heroic company is high. Qin Tingying is an expert in bridge building in the company, squad leader, deputy secretary of the company and regiment branch, and has led troops to support brother troops to solve the problem of repairing bridges many times, but he never considers himself in the face of honor and promotion.

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

The 23 comrades-in-arms who participated in the symposium spoke one after another, reviewing their personal experiences in participating in the War to Resist US Aggression in Vietnam, and reporting their experiences in not forgetting their original intentions after retirement, maintaining their true qualities as soldiers, working hard at their posts, and cultivating and educating their children.

Finally, Xie Qihan, the veteran chairman and veteran instructor of the unit, made a concluding speech. He said: The War to Resist US Aggression in Vietnam was a combat experience in fulfilling internationalist obligations, and the officers and men who participated in the war used their flesh and blood and heroic and stubborn iron will to write a glorious chapter in swallowing mountains and rivers, winning glory for the great motherland and fighting for the Chinese people, and aiding Vietnam to resist the United States will forever remain in the annals of the history of the Chinese army. The great victory in the War to Resist US Aggression in Vietnam greatly enhanced China's international status and once again proved that the Chinese People's Liberation Army is an invincible and invincible army. I hope that the comrades-in-arms will cherish the honor of participating in the war, maintain the true character of soldiers, take care of their health, care about national affairs, and give full play to their spare heat and make contributions in social life and the education of their children and grandchildren!

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

The majestic friendship pass witnessed the warriors out of the pass that year

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Oath of the Fatherland

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Let's go

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Group photo of returning home after the triumph

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Xiao Yunting, the veteran squad leader of the second company, is a war propagandist and the author's enlightenment teacher in the army.

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Hold one's ground

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Rush to repair the Duofu Bridge

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Field Propaganda Team

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu


Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Mao Zedong thought that arming is the key, and the battlefield photo does not carry weapons with Chairman Mao's quotations

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

The U.S. Snitch was captured

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

The fate of the invaders

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Surrender in multiple languages carried by U.S. officers and soldiers

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Medal awarded by the Government of Vietnam

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Battlefield First Aid Kit

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Vouchers used by officers and soldiers of the troops

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Certificate of merit from the Government of Vietnam

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Qin Tianshe, the literary and artistic soldier of the year, and today's secretary general, are all serving their comrades-in-arms selflessly

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu
Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Celebration in the mountains and forests

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

The Second Iron Division aided Vietnam to resist the United States

In the tragic war of aiding Vietnam to resist the United States, the division fought 668 air battles with the US military, shot down 119 US planes, damaged 135 planes, captured 8 pilots, and killed 4 people. In the face of the wanton and indiscriminate bombing of the US military, the 37,300 commanders and fighters of the division were not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice on the battlefield in Vietnam, where the smoke of gunpowder was filled, and they rushed to repair and protect the railway and fight air defense, and created with their blood and lives a "steel transportation line that could not be broken and bombed continuously," thus winning glory for the great motherland. 615 units of the 2nd Iron Division (known as the 1st Detachment in Vietnam) were awarded, including the 1st Battalion of the 6th Regiment, the 1st Battalion of the 10th Regiment, the 7th Anti-aircraft Machine Gun Company, and the 3rd Battalion of the 9th Regiment. 12 people were awarded first-class merit (including 8 martyrs), 46 people were awarded second-class merit (including 17 martyrs), and 10,751 people were awarded third-class merit. 297 cadres and soldiers died and rested on the soil of Vietnam, and 1,834 were honorably wounded.

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

President Ho Chi Minh led Vietnamese party, government, and military leaders to inspect and guide the anti-US struggle in Vietnam and carry out condolence activities (President Ho Chi Minh on the left, Xiao Xuan Xian, the leader of the first detachment on the right, and later the deputy commander of the railway corps)

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Vietnamese leader President Ho Chi Minh led Vietnamese party, government and military leaders to inspect and guide the anti-US struggle in Vietnam to carry out condolence activities (the first from the left, President Ho Chi Minh, the second from the left is Guo Yanlin, the political commissar of the first team, and later the deputy political commissar of the railway soldiers)

This biography, written by Yu Tan, political commissar of the Second Iron Division (First Team), and Wang Kanglin, a female soldier of the Second Division, as the director of the editorial board, is the combat experience and heroic deeds of "Chinese Soldiers on the Front Line of Aiding Vietnam to Resist the United States" written by those who witnessed the war.

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Wang Kanglin, director of the editorial board of the book "Chinese Soldiers on the Front Line of Aiding Vietnam to Resist the United States" and a female soldier of the Second Iron Division

About the Author:

Wu Keshuai, a guest from Guangxi, graduated from Guangxi University for Nationalities and studied at Beijing Coal Management Cadre College. Participated in the War of Resistance against the United States in Vietnam and is a veteran. He used to be a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and the head of the Propaganda Department of a large national enterprise, the director of the Political Work Department and the secretary of the Party Committee of the bureau, a senior political engineer, and a reporter of China Mining News. After his retirement, he was elected as a representative of the Municipal People's Congress and engaged in the compilation of municipal literature and history. With the consent of the Laibin Municipal Party Committee, he was hired as an expert of the Laibin Municipal Party History Expert Database.

Writing Spring and Autumn with Blood/Wu Keshuai Photo/Li Jiang Cen Biquan Meiji/Han Wu

Edit: Have fun

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