
Yang Chengwu's memoirs: Crossing the Jiajin Mountain, I will meet my relatives unexpectedly

author:Ahua History says

In the arduous years of the Chinese revolution, the crossing of Jiajin Mountain was not only a geographical leap, but also a historical event of far-reaching significance. On a cold morning in 1944, the Red Army troops led by Yang Chengwu faced an unprecedented challenge of crossing the Jiajin Mountain, known as the "Immortal Mountain". Not only is the terrain steep, but the mountain is covered with snow all year round, which makes the march extremely difficult. However, in this seemingly impossible task, Yang Chengwu and his soldiers not only showed extraordinary courage and tenacity, but also unexpectedly reunited with the soldiers of the Red Fourth Front Army who had not been seen for a long time at the foot of the mountain. Will they succeed in meeting at this moment, and how will it affect the course of their military operations and revolutionary cause?

Yang Chengwu's memoirs: Crossing the Jiajin Mountain, I will meet my relatives unexpectedly

Preparation stage: strategic deployment and material preparation

In the late spring of 1944, Yang Chengwu received an order from the Central Military Commission to his troops to cross the Jiajin Mountain in order to strategically rendezvous with the Red Fourth Front Army on the other side. This order came suddenly and urgently, because the geographical location and natural conditions of Jiajin Mountain made the operation full of uncertainty and danger.

First of all, Jiajin Mountain is located in the deep mountainous area of Sichuan Province, with an altitude of more than 4,900 meters, and the mountain is steep and covered with snow all year round. Such a natural environment was a great challenge for the march. Yang Chengwu and his staff team immediately began an intense strategic deployment. They began with a detailed topographical analysis of the Jiajin Mountain, ensuring adequate knowledge of this critical area by sending reconnaissance teams to collect geographical and climatic information about the mountainous area.

Yang Chengwu's memoirs: Crossing the Jiajin Mountain, I will meet my relatives unexpectedly

Next, Yang Chengwu set out to solve the problem of material preparation. Due to the remoteness of the Jiajin Mountain area, the local population is scarce, and it is extremely difficult to supply materials. Troops are required to bring sufficient food, clothing and necessary medical supplies on their own. Yang Chengwu ordered each soldier to prepare at least three days' worth of dry food and necessary survival equipment, such as winter clothing and improvised tents. In addition, in view of the severe cold of the mountain climate, he also emphasized the importance of keeping warm, requiring all fighters to be equipped with adequate supplies to keep warm.

At the same time as the preparation of materials, Yang Chengwu also organized a number of pre-war mobilization meetings, emphasizing the importance and arduousness of this operation. He encouraged the soldiers to have the determination and courage to overcome all difficulties, and also explained in detail the specific plan and course of action for crossing the Jiajin Mountain. In order to enhance the confidence of the soldiers, Yang Chengwu also made a special mention of the experience of the Long March in the history of the Red Army, and used the past successes to inspire everyone to face the upcoming challenges.

At the end of the preparation stage, Yang Chengwu arranged a field drill for all the soldiers, simulating various situations that may be encountered during the climbing process, such as rapidly falling temperatures and sudden snowstorms. The drill not only tested the soldiers' readiness, but also further enhanced their actual combat ability and teamwork spirit.

Through this series of careful preparations, Yang Chengwu's troops finally began their journey over the city early in the morning. Despite the unknowns and dangers ahead, the hearts of every warrior are filled with a firm belief that no matter how difficult it is, they will overcome everything and complete this historic leap.

Difficult March: The challenge of climbing over the Jiajin Mountain

In the late spring of 1944, the Red Army troops led by Yang Chengwu faced an unprecedented challenge - crossing the Jiajin Mountain. The mountain is not only known for its rugged terrain and harsh climatic conditions, but also because of its altitude of more than 4,900 meters. For Yang Chengwu and his fighters, this is not only a physical climb, but also a test of will and physical strength.

Yang Chengwu's memoirs: Crossing the Jiajin Mountain, I will meet my relatives unexpectedly

Before starting the climb, the troops made final preparations at the foot of the mountain. Each fighter checked his equipment and confirmed that he was carrying enough dry food and warm clothing. Despite the preparation, there is a sense of uncertainty in everyone's heart in the face of such a high mountain. According to local villagers, Jiajin Mountain is covered with snow all year round, and the temperature at night can plummet to dozens of degrees below zero, and the wind and snow are so heavy that even birds can hardly fly over.

Early in the morning, when the first rays of the sun illuminated the eastern sky, the troops began their ascent. At first, the mountain road was quite wide, and the warriors were able to maintain a fast marching speed. However, as the altitude increases, the road gradually becomes narrower and steeper. The snow-covered mountain road made every step extremely difficult, and the warriors had to rely on the sticks in their hands to help them move forward.

Soon, the weather began to deteriorate. Gusts of cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew in my face, and my vision became more and more blurred. In this extreme environment, the pace of movement of troops slowed down considerably. Every step forward requires overcoming tremendous resistance. Despite this, Yang Chengwu's fighters did not give up, and they supported each other to overcome the difficulties of moving forward together.

As the altitude increased, the oxygen became thinner, and many fighters began to feel difficulty breathing. Symptoms of altitude sickness gradually manifested themselves in the ranks, including dizziness, nausea, and extreme fatigue. In this case, the troops had to slow down and even stop from time to time to rest in order to adapt to the harsh high-altitude environment.

During a break, Yang Chengwu stood at the front of the team and used a telescope to observe the road conditions ahead. He saw a rolling field of snow in front of him, where the mountain wind was particularly violent, as if it could blow people down at any moment. But even in such an environment, the red flag still fluttered high in the center of the ranks, becoming a ray of hope in the hearts of the soldiers.

After several hours of arduous trekking, the troops finally reached a relatively flat area, a small valley in the Jiajin Mountains. Here, the troops decided to set up temporary camps and rest for the night. As night fell, the cold wind howled, and the warriors sat around the campfire, sharing their limited food and warmth with each other. Despite the harsh environment, in this snow-capped valley, the hearts of the warriors were filled with the strength of unity and perseverance.

Yang Chengwu's memoirs: Crossing the Jiajin Mountain, I will meet my relatives unexpectedly

The next day, as the light of dawn illuminated Jiajin Mountain again, Yang Chengwu and his warriors regrouped and prepared to continue their journey. Although there is still a long road ahead and many difficulties, they are ready to face all challenges and continue to march towards the top of the mountain. During this arduous journey, each fighter deeply experienced the power of unity and the meaning of fighting for a common goal.

An unexpected rendezvous: a reunion with the Red Fourth Front

In the late spring of 1944, the Red Army troops led by Yang Chengwu ushered in an unexpected and historic moment in the difficult journey over Jiajin Mountain-the reunion with the soldiers of the Red Fourth Front Army who had been lost for a long time. This meeting was not only a great boost to the morale of both sides, but also an important impact on the strategic layout of future battles.

After several days of arduous trekking, Yang Chengwu's troops finally reached the other side of Jiajin Mountain. Although the wind and snow on the top of the mountain have weakened, the cold is still biting. Just as the troops were about to descend the mountain, a vague figure in the distance gradually became clear, and it turned out to be the advance team of the Red Fourth Front Army. The meeting of the two armies in this snow-covered mountain is particularly spectacular and touching.

The soldiers of the Red Fourth Front Army were also extremely excited when they learned that they were about to join Yang Chengwu's troops. They had been waiting for a long time in this precipitous mountainous area, looking forward to a convergence with the main forces. When the soldiers of the two armies met, the excitement was palpable, and the soldiers shook hands tightly and hugged each other, as if the long separation and the arduous march had been released at this moment.

The meeting site is located in a relatively flat area of Jiajin Mountain, where you can see the surrounding mountains in the distance. The commander of the Red Fourth Front Army quickly met with Yang Chengwu, and the two sides exchanged their respective marching experiences and upcoming tasks. This reunion was not only a military reunion, but also an emotional reunion, in which many fighters shed tears, supporting each other in the midst of suffering and danger, and fighting together for the revolutionary goal.

Yang Chengwu's memoirs: Crossing the Jiajin Mountain, I will meet my relatives unexpectedly

After a brief break, the two armies merged and worked together on a plan of action for the next steps. As the forces of both sides were integrated and morale was greatly improved, Yang Chengwu's troops and the soldiers of the Red Fourth Front Army continued their march with confidence. This meeting greatly strengthened the Red Army's determination and ability to pass through the Jiajin Mountain area, and provided new impetus for subsequent battles.

In the days that followed, this rendezvous became a good story among the Red Army soldiers. In the unpredictable natural environment and under severe combat conditions, they achieved the integration of forces and strategic coordination, and demonstrated the Red Army's indomitable spirit of unity and mutual assistance. This was not only a geographical leap, but also a fusion of spirit and strength, indicating that the Red Army was still able to seize every opportunity and keep advancing in a difficult environment.

This unexpected meeting not only deepened the ties between the two Red Armys, but also laid a solid foundation for them in future battles. In the heroic land of Jiajin Mountain, the soldiers of the Red Army used their courage and wisdom to write a series of admirable historical chapters.

Summary and Reflection: Strategic Significance and Historical Implications

In the late spring of 1944, the Red Army troops led by Yang Chengwu completed the difficult task of crossing the Jiajin Mountain, and this historic action was not only a great boost to morale, but also had far-reaching strategic significance and historical impact. This crossing was not only a geographical leap, but also an important node in the history of the Chinese revolution, demonstrating the Red Army's perseverance and courage under extreme conditions, as well as its firm commitment to the revolutionary goals.

First of all, the operation over Jiajin Mountain demonstrated the Red Army's high organizational ability and tactical flexibility. In the face of extreme challenges from nature, the troops not only managed to overcome bad weather and complex terrain, but also effectively managed logistics supplies and personnel mobilization, ensuring the smooth running of the entire operation. This capability was crucial in China at the time, especially in the mountainous southwest, where these areas were often strategically located, and controlling these areas was equivalent to controlling important access points for entry or exit.

Yang Chengwu's memoirs: Crossing the Jiajin Mountain, I will meet my relatives unexpectedly

Secondly, the success of the crossing of Jiajin Mountain greatly boosted the morale of the Red Army and provided valuable experience for subsequent military operations. During this operation, the Red Army showed an incomparable spirit of unity and sacrifice, which became a major feature of the Red Army and an important factor in its repeated victories in subsequent battles. In addition, through this operation, the Red Army also accumulated experience in fighting under extreme conditions, which had direct guiding significance for the later Long March and other major battles.

Thirdly, the movement over the Jiajin Mountain has also had an impact on the political landscape of the surrounding area. This feat of the Red Army not only became a good story among the local people, but also strengthened the people's support and trust in the Red Army, and also demonstrated the strength and determination of the Red Army to the hostile forces. This influence was multifaceted, both in raising the image of the Red Army among the population and in creating a sense of psychological oppression among the enemy, thereby suppressing the enemy's activities to a certain extent.

Finally, this attempt to cross the Jiajin Mountain is symbolic in the history of the Chinese revolution. It was not only a simple military operation, but also an action to demonstrate the will and revolutionary spirit of the Red Army. This spirit later became an important part of the Chinese revolution, inspiring countless revolutionaries to persevere in the struggle in the face of hardships and hardships, and finally achieved the victory of the revolution.


Through this operation to cross the Jiajin Mountain, the Red Army not only achieved its strategic objective physically, but also achieved spiritual transcendence of its own ability, and laid a solid foundation for the final victory of the Chinese revolution. The success of this operation is a testament to the ability to achieve remarkable results under even the most difficult conditions, with solidarity and conviction.

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