
Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

author:Xu Shishi said

In the windy and snowy northland, the reputation of Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, is like a strong wind in the cold winter, cold and terrifying. Why did he, who had an army of hundreds of thousands, retreat step by step in the face of Xu Fengnian, the prince of Beiliang? Why did this huge and ruthless prince choose to endure rather than end at the decisive moment? Was it just because of Xu Fengnian's background and power? Or were there other deep-seated reasons that were not known to the public? What kind of secrets and stratagems were hidden in this contest of power and strategy? Behind King Guangling's decision, was there fear, strategy, or something else? Let us find out.

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

The power and ambition of Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling

In the complicated court politics of the Liyang Dynasty, Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, became a role to be reckoned with with his fierce reputation and strong military power. Zhao Yi, the half-brother of Emperor Liyang, has been endowed with great expectations and responsibilities since he was a child. His mother, a witty and ambitious empress, had already paved the way to the pinnacle of power for Zhao Yi as a child.

Zhao Yi's growth was full of war and intrigue. At the age of sixteen, he led his troops to suppress the rebellion on the border for the first time, showing extraordinary military talent and ruthless character. As he grew older, Zhao Yi's ambitions also swelled, he was not satisfied with just the identity of a vassal king, and his eyes were directed at the throne. However, he knew that in order to survive in such an environment as the Liyang Dynasty, which was full of deceit, it was far from enough to rely on force alone.

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

Therefore, Zhao Yi began to plan and arrange, he secretly befriended a number of important ministers in the palace, and manipulated the government through them. His methods are not limited to the threat of force, but also through political marriages, bribery, and even assassinations to consolidate and expand his power. In the process, Zhao Yi demonstrated his political wisdom and cool calculating skills that are almost unmatched.

Zhao Yi's military might is equally astounding. The Guangling Army under his command was one of the most elite units in the Liyang Dynasty, well-armed and well-trained. He not only attached importance to traditional military training, but also introduced many innovative tactics and strategies. Under his leadership, the Guangling Army repeatedly shined on the battlefield, and countless victories made Zhao Yi's reputation skyrocketing.

However, Zhao Yi's ambitions were not satisfied. His gaze began to turn to areas outside the Liyang Dynasty, especially Beiliang. Although Beiliang is located on the border, its strategic location is extremely important. Zhao Yi realized that if he could include Bei Liang in his sphere of influence, then his road to the throne would be smoother.

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

However, Bei Liang is not an easy object to conquer. Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, was known for his wisdom and martial bravery, and although the Northern Liang army was not as elite as the Guangling army, under the leadership of Xu Xiao, they showed amazing combat effectiveness and indomitable will. Zhao Yi knew that if he wanted to conquer Beiliang, it was far from enough to rely on military force alone, which required more wisdom and strategy.

In this context, Zhao Yi began his plan to conquer Beiliang. However, he soon discovers that the war is far more complicated than he expected. Although Xu Fengnian, the son of Beiliang, is young, he has already shown extraordinary talent and courage. Each of Zhao Yi's plans seemed to be seen through by Xu Fengnian and skillfully resolved. This made Zhao Yi feel an unprecedented challenge, and it also made him start to reassess the costs and benefits of this war.

In the game of thrones, Zhao Yi is an out-and-out master. But when facing such a tricky opponent as Bei Liang, he had to weigh every move more carefully. Behind every decision is a well-thought-out strategy and future layout. In this power struggle full of variables, how Zhao Yi adjusted his strategy and how to find the best path to conquer Beiliang while maintaining his own power has become a major issue he must face.

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

Xu Fengnian's special identity and protective power

Beiliang, a vassal kingdom in the northern part of the Liyang Dynasty, was known for its rugged mountains and harsh climate. In this vast land, an extraordinary son was born - Xu Fengnian. His father, Xu Xiao, the king of Beiliang, was a legendary figure who terrified countless enemies in the name of "human slaughter". Xu Xiao's name is not only in Beiliang, but even in the entire Liyang Dynasty. Xu Fengnian grew up in such an environment since he was a child, and his identity and background doomed him to be extraordinary.

During Xu Fengnian's growth, Xu Xiao did not put him on the shelf, but let him experience in the vast land of Beiliang. Xu Fengnian not only learned martial arts, but more importantly, he learned how to survive in a complex political environment. Despite his youth, Xu Fengnian had already shown remarkable wisdom and courage, and his reputation gradually spread among the Liyang Dynasty.

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

However, Xu Fengnian is not only surrounded by strong support from his father Xu Xiao. Behind him, there is also a legendary swordsman - Li Chungang. Li Chungang, this name is like a myth in the rivers and lakes, and his swordsmanship is unbelievably superb. It is said that Li Chungang's attainments in kendo have reached an unprecedented level, and his sword can decide the victory or defeat of the battlefield in an instant.

Li Chungang and Xu Xiao have a deep friendship, which originated from the days when they fought together on the battlefield when they were young. When Xu Fengnian was born, Li Chungang was asked by Xu Xiao to be his bodyguard, and the sword god gladly accepted this request. Since then, Li Chungang has become the shadow of Xu Fengnian's side, no matter where Xu Fengnian goes, Li Chungang's sword will guard his side.

Behind Xu Fengnian, there is also an elite escort team personally selected by Xu Xiao. These guards are all the top masters in Beiliang, and they are loyal to Xu Fengnian and are willing to give their lives for him. This escort team not only has superb attainments in martial arts, but more importantly, they have firm belief and loyalty to Xu Fengnian.

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

By Xu Fengnian's side, there is also a wise man - Ning Que. Ning Que is Xu Xiao's advisor and Xu Fengnian's enlightenment teacher. His wisdom and vision not only guided Xu Fengnian's growth, but also provided countless strategies and suggestions for Xu Fengnian when he faced a crisis. The existence of Ning Que made Xu Fengnian have more far-reaching political and military considerations.

Under such protection and assistance, Xu Fengnian has gradually grown into a role that cannot be underestimated. His special status made him a nail in the eyes of Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, but at the same time, these powerful protective forces also made it difficult for Zhao Yi to attack him. Xu Fengnian not only has the blood of the King of Beiliang, but also has the protection of the sword god, as well as a group of loyal guards and the assistance of wise men. These factors combined to form an impregnable line of defense, making it necessary for any force that wanted to be unfavorable to Xu Fengnian to think twice.

In the Liyang Dynasty, an environment full of intrigue and blood, Xu Fengnian's existence is undoubtedly a variable. His special status and strong protective power made his position in this dynasty more and more prominent. For Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, Xu Fengnian is not only a potential threat, but also an insurmountable challenge. In this undercurrent of power play, it is still unknown how Xu Fengnian's role and influence will develop.

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

Key Event: The Challenges and Failures of King Guangling

In the long history of the Liyang Dynasty, the name of Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, was like a double-edged sword, representing both unparalleled power and unpredictable danger. Zhao Yi's ambitions were not only limited to his fiefdom, but also set his sights on Beiliang, the feudal kingdom with heavy troops and a key location. However, his road to conquest was not all smooth sailing, especially when facing Xu Fengnian, the prince of Beiliang, who faced unprecedented challenges.

Zhao's challenge began with an elaborate assassination attempt. On a dark and windy night, Zhao Yi sent his most trusted assassin to infiltrate Beiliang, intending to eliminate this potential threat in one fell swoop. However, Xu Fengnian is not easy to match, he has the protection of the sword god Li Chungang by his side, and a group of loyal guards. That night, the assassins approached Xu Fengnian's dormitory like shadows, but they did not expect that Li Chungang had already noticed their traces. A bloody battle ensued, and the assassins fell one after another under the sword of Li Chungang, and the assassination attempt ended in failure.

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

Zhao Yi's defeat did not make him give up, but aroused his stronger desire to conquer. He began to mobilize his army and prepare for an all-out attack on Beiliang. His plan was to first occupy several fortresses in Beiliang with lightning speed, and then gradually occupy the entire Beiliang. However, Xu Fengnian was not unprepared, he had already foreseen Zhao Yi's movements through Ning Que's resourcefulness and his own observations.

While Zhao Yi's army was marching towards Beiliang, Xu Fengnian was also secretly mobilizing his forces. Not only did he strengthen the defenses of the border, but he also sent fast horses to inform all the fortresses that might be the target of Zhao Yi's attack. When Zhao Yi's army arrived at the Beiliang border, they were surprised to find that all the fortresses were fully prepared for defense, and their attacks were like mud cows entering the sea, and it was difficult to be effective.

Zhao Yi's army had been repeatedly frustrated in the face of Beiliang's strong defensive lines, and his plans always seemed to be seen through by Xu Fengnian in advance. In the confrontation again and again, Zhao Yi's army suffered heavy losses, and its morale gradually declined. Zhao Yi began to realize that his opponent was not as simple as he imagined, and Xu Fengnian's wisdom and courage far exceeded his expectations.

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

In this protracted standoff, Zhao Yi's army gradually fell into a difficult situation. His soldiers were exhausted from the bitter cold and continuous battles of Beiliang, while Xu Fengnian's army was fighting at home with high morale. Every attack of Zhao Yi was skillfully defused by Xu Fengnian, and every plan of his was seen through by the other party. Under such circumstances, Zhao Yi had to start thinking about retreating.

In the end, Zhao Yi had to order the entire army to retreat. His dream of conquering Northern Liang was shattered, and his army returned to Guangling with heavy losses. The challenge was a heavy blow to Zhao Yi, and his prestige and confidence were affected. However, this defeat also caused Zhao Yi to re-examine his strategy, and he began to realize that he needed more wisdom and patience to survive the complex chess game of the Liyang Dynasty.

Post-war impact and Zhao Yi's strategic adjustment

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

During the military campaigns of Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, the attempted conquest of Beiliang became an important turning point in his political career. This battle was not only a military defeat, but also profoundly affected Zhao Yi's political position and future strategic layout in the Liyang Dynasty. Zhao Yi's retreat marked the temporary extinguishment of his ambitions for Beiliang, and also revealed his limitations in the power struggle and the direction he needed to adjust.

When Zhao Yi returned to Guangling, he was faced with a twofold challenge: on the one hand, how to restore and enhance his damaged prestige, and on the other hand, how to reassess and adjust his strategic goals. Although King Guangling's army was strong, it showed obvious strategic shortcomings in the Battle of Beiliang, especially when it came to fighting a cunning opponent like Xu Fengnian.

First, Zhao Yi set out to rebuild his army. This is not only a quantitative addition, but more importantly, an overall improvement in quality and tactics. He introduced new methods of military training, especially in the training of special forces and the improvement of their ability to fight at night. Zhao Yi is well aware that future wars will rely more on the diversity of arms and the flexibility of tactics.

Sword in the snow: Why can't the notorious Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, kill the little prince of Beiliang?

Secondly, Zhao Yi has also adjusted his political strategy. He began to pay more attention to building relationships with other feudal lords and the central government of Liyang. Through a series of political marriages and mutually beneficial policies, Zhao Yi sought to build a more solid network of support. These political manipulations not only helped him to consolidate his position, but also accumulated political capital for his possible future actions.

In terms of external strategy, Zhao Yi began to turn to a more flexible and covert approach. He realized that direct military conquest was not always the most effective means, especially in the face of a country like Bei Liang with strong leadership and a united people. As a result, Zhao Yi began to use more indirect means, such as economic infiltration, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic mediation, to subtly expand his influence.

In addition, Zhao Yi has also strengthened internal governance. He is well aware that the internal stability of a country is the basis for external expansion. As a result, he implemented a series of reform measures in Guangling, including the development of agriculture, the encouragement of commerce, and the improvement of the legal system. These measures have effectively enhanced Guangling's economic strength and social stability, laying a solid foundation for Zhao Yi's future plans.


Although Zhao Yi's adjustments were initially opposed by some conservative forces, their results gradually became apparent over time. Under Zhao Yi's rule, Guangling gradually became one of the most prosperous and powerful vassal kingdoms of the Liyang Dynasty. And Zhao Yi himself, through this series of adjustments, gradually restored his influence in the court, and once again became an important figure that could not be ignored on the political stage of the Liyang Dynasty. Although this attempted conquest of Beiliang was a failure, it was a valuable lesson for Zhao Yi. It not only made Zhao Yi realize his shortcomings, but also laid a solid foundation for his later success. On the stage of the Liyang Dynasty, which is full of opportunities and challenges, every choice of Zhao Yi is full of far-reaching significance.

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