
actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

author:I'm on the road, and the road is ahead

Actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas, namely:

1. "Li Wei" in "Yongzheng Dynasty" in 1997

In the play, Li Wei was originally an illiterate gangster, who met by chance when the fourth master went to Jiangnan to raise funds, became the fourth master's entourage, and then moved all the way to the governor of Liangjiang

Li Wei was loyal and flexible, and was deeply trusted by Emperor Yongzheng, and spared no effort in implementing the new policy

actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

2. "Bai Jingye" in "Mansion Gate" in 2000

Bai Jingye in the play really doesn't follow his father Bai Jingqi at all, but he successfully inherited all the "advantages" of his grandfather "Wu Beile"

actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

3. "Yi Li" in "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom" in 2000

actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

4. "A Liang" in "The Sword of the Third Young Master" in 2001

actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

5. "Xu Sanjin" in "The Granary of the World" in 2002

actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

6. "Stone Forest" in "The Years of Burning Passion" in 2003

actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

7. "Jianping" in "Always Go Home to See" in 2007

actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

8. "An Yuan" in "A New Biography of a Family with Children" in 2008

actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

9. "Young Owner" in "1942" in 2012

actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

10. "Zheng Banqiao" in "Confused County Order Zheng Banqiao" in 2016

actor Zhao Yi has starred in ten classic film and television dramas

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