
"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

author:Fearless of youth
"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

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It is said that the core of comedy is tragedy.

We love to watch comedy, but in fact, we are a certain escape from this absurd and realistic world.

However, sometimes you don't have to think about it so much.

Comedy, watch a happy, the most important thing!

Today, I recommend 20 classic comedy movies to you, each of which is super funny and heals your unhappiness!


"It's kind of ridiculous to say"

Douban score: 7.8

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

Craig, a 16-year-old boy who often fantasizes about his own death, tries a variety of drugs to no avail, and then comes to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

There, he met Bobby and became friends with him, and also met a special girl, Noelle.

Of course, there are many "abnormal people".

In their hospital life, they gradually found the meaning of life.


"God Is Crazy Too"

Douban score: 8.7

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

In the heart of the Kalahari Desert, 6,000 kilometers from the modern metropolis, live the Bushmen who have not yet been influenced by foreign civilizations.

One day, a Coke bottle from modern civilization disrupts their otherwise immutable lives.

People who are accustomed to equality begin to want to take the bottle for themselves, and contradictions arise quietly.

After the hilarity, it is thought-provoking: With the development of civilization, have human beings lost their innocence?


Knocking on Heaven's Doors

Douban score: 8.5

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

Martin and Ludy live in the same ward, which, according to Martin, houses dying patients. When they die, this seems to be their fate.

But then a bottle of wine appeared.

It had been a long time since I had seriously drunk wine, and the two of them drank and talked about the sky, and finally talked about the sea.

So the two began an unforgettable journey.

Along the way at the end of their lives, they encounter all sorts of hilarious things that eventually bloom like flowers, silently, quietly, knocking on the door of heaven.


"Shut Up You Guys"

Douban score: 8.1

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

The humor and lightness of French cinema, without any exaggerated stunts, without too exaggerated body language, too exaggerated plot.

Make you laugh and feel warm at the same time.

Friendship may be as simple as that, so simple that it is stubbornly necessary to open a tavern called "two friends".


Spicy Baby

Douban score: 7.1

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

Molly and Ray, when they first met, were just an episode at Molly's birthday party, a precocious little girl, not likable.

When they meet again, Molly becomes a part-time nanny. Ray is in control of her own life, she is calm and self-sustaining, in her own world, repelling everything that is irrelevant outside.

In her opinion, Molly was a child who had not grown up. Crazy, superficial, not knowing how to live.

But Molly's living emotions infect Ray, and she is willing to feel it; and Molly bravely takes her own step and begins to live independently.

"Our embrace is so precious, the inflection point of my life began with knowing you, willow dark flowers. The world is cruel, but we cherish each other. ”


"Play as you please"

Douban score: 8.0

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

It is a comedy crime film about a gentleman who tries to sabotage an arms deal, gets shot, and after the disaster, unites a group of strange friends and prepares to confront the enemy head-on.

Each scene is picturesque, and the tones are copperplate engravings.

The soundtrack of the three beats of the waltz, coupled with the sound of the iron shaking, is like a weapon clashing, the feeling of teasing is vivid, the rhythm is full of tension, it is simply enjoyable.


"Bald Detective"

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

It's a nonsensical classic that makes people laugh when they rewatch it again.

The film's sense of comedy has at least two levels, one is the joke he deliberately made, and the other layer is to let the audience reminisce at no-joke intervals.

This kind of casual funny into the American comedy into a very calm expression, the strong contrast is the basis of what he can become a nonsense.


Summer in Jeans

Douban score: 7.6

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

A bunch of ordinary girls, an ordinary summer, a pair of magical pants, what are we all looking forward to?

At the end of the summer, they sat together again, nostalgic for the season that had just passed, and finally understood that there was no magic at all, and that the change in life was an inevitability.

The real magic of these pants is that it bears witness to everything this summer, the season of their growth.

And when everything changes, it can also connect them together, no matter how far apart they are, always by each other's side.


"Mr. Bean's Golden Week"

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

Mr. Bean, rather than saying that he is "a tendon", he has his own world and believes in his own unique values.

In the well-dressed adult world, he was lonely. You and I both believe that lonely people are shameful, but what about Bean?

The Mini car with padlock latches, even the reversing car is speeding; the single bed in the dilapidated apartment, the pajamas and pajamas are meticulously worn every time I go to bed; the only "family" is the yarn teddy bear, thin and small, and there is probably nothing cute in the eyes of ordinary people...

These bits and pieces are the unique desires of Bean, which may not be understood by outsiders, but "the tough life does not need to be explained." ”


"Million Pound Sterling"

Douban score: 8.2

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

The dramatic plot, the honest and astute protagonist Henry Adam, Miss Bessili, who does not seek fame and power in pursuit of true love, and the people around him who are proud and sometimes humble as Henry's situation is different...

These are all flashing mark Twain's genius ideas and his nuanced observations and experiences of life and society, flashing the director's outstanding talent and the superb acting skills of the actors.

I believe that everyone will taste something of their own.


Shouting Mountain

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

The story takes place in the northwestern Jin dynasty in the 1980s.

The kind Han Chong took in the Lahong family, but Lahong was lazy and lazy, often scolding his dumb wife, and later Lahong accidentally ascended to heaven, so this closed mountain village began to fry...

In fact, this is a very simple movie, the story is not particularly thrilling, but it is very attractive, touching and warm.

Although the narrative is light, it can make people feel the things that go deepest into the heart.


《Party A and Party B》

Douban score: 8.4

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

On a whim, four young people started a "Good Dreams Day Trip" business, promising to help people live a day when their dreams come true.

Bizarre and bizarre desires followed, and it seemed that everyone wanted to make a 180-degree turn in their existing lives.

Therefore, the rich want to try poverty, the stars want to experience the ordinary, the little commoners want to be General Patton, and the cooks who can't keep secrets want to become a tight-lipped iron man...

In the funny and absurd wishes, the truth of human nature is reflected.


"Looks Beautiful"

Douban score: 7.9

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

Adapted from Wang Shuo's novel of the same name.

Wang Shuo's works have always had a kind of cold humor, and this movie can also make people laugh at it.

A mischievous little devil-headed square gun begins various lives in a nursery school.

He met the teacher and many of his classmates here, he had his own ideas, he had his own little temper, he represented the restless hearts of the children of that era.


Kung Fu

Douban score: 7.4

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

Distinctive era characteristics, tireless laughs, meticulous and so approachable play, every frame makes people look very comfortable.

The emotional clues of the film are light and clear, the background soundtrack is just right and the picture is perfectly connected, and the fight action and character reaction on the editing are all available.

Such a Chinese-style kung fu movie is simply very enjoyable to watch.


"Happy Affair in The Flower Field"

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

A very pure Hong Kong-style comedy.

There is absurdity and absurdity, but also has the characteristics of traditional Hong Kong-style comedy.

No domineering president, no powerful forces, no lofty perspective, very family fun.


Crazy Stone

Douban score: 8.3

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

With a piece of jadeite as the center, the search for real jadeite is the line throughout the film.

The super logic coupled with the strong local dialect of Chongqing shows the local customs and customs and various character emotions vividly.


"Take My Brother Away"

Douban score: 9.2

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

This is a movie that makes people become "neurotic" in the process of watching it.

Because it makes you laugh you will laugh, it makes you cry you will cry, it makes you laugh and cry, you laugh with tears.

Although it is inevitable to use the old terrier of "making a wish", it is a skill in itself to play the old terrier with new ideas and make people happy.


"Across the World"

Douban score: 8.8

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

This 108-minute image gives us a glimpse of the sunset of that era.

Zhang Guorong's dashing, Zhou Runfa's humor, and Zhong Chuhong's charm are really a perfect combination.

Every frame is a picturesque wallpaper.


"I Am Not a Medicine God"

Douban score: 9.0

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

The film tells the story of small people, real and touching, so that everyone can see that human nature is warm and touches the heart.

Thinking about law and emotion is a cold social reality, but human nature is warm and beautiful.


"The Great Saint Marrying Relatives of the Great Journey to the West"

"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

"Bitter sea, turn up love and hate." In the human world, it is difficult to escape fate. ”

A classic Stephen Chow comedy that can no longer be classic, a fairy love and hate that makes countless people cry.

Supreme Treasure and Bai Jingjing, Sun Wukong and Zixia, the story is always ridiculous, but the people in the story experience the most painful joy and sorrow.

Accept the mockery of fate, accept the impermanence of love and hate, maybe this is the price of growth.


"20 classic comedy movies recommended, when you are not happy, you must watch it! 》

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