
The seduction of beeswax

author:Cold Mountain Seven

A friend who plays antiques often advises me, the goods on the stall, you don't know not to buy blindly! I am not convinced, good villains are also literate people, better than the uncle and aunt who set up the stall, and how many nights have they been painstakingly delving into Taobao knowledge! As the saying goes: Kung Fu pays off, I am so dedicated and obsessed, can I be blindfolded by lard? Just as I was trying my ox knife, I felt that there was really a leak to pick up. Every time you spend a small amount of money to find something you like, afterwards you always have to be sold antiques by the uncle and aunt who habitually muttered a few words: Selling you cheap again... You really know the goods... You picked up the big leak.... Whenever this happens, I will be in no one's place, smile in the sky, and fight with me! Who am I?! Although there is no money to buy large pieces, gadgets add up to not as good as people's packs of cigarette money, but that is also culture, history, scarcity, ancient, and then put n years, that is not antiques are also antiques! According to the routine that Ma Yun's big brother said, it is best to buy some antiques to put down, in case it is worth money one day?! Ten thousand steps back, don't smoke, don't drink, don't play mahjong, don't..., then you have to love a little bit, otherwise who believes your words!? During this time, I suddenly fell in love with beeswax again. That luster, that color, that texture, that thickness of history! You know, that wax is a kind of amber, which predates the dinosaurs! A bead is a fossil! Even a Jurassic! I used to have a beeswax, which was also sent by a friend at the stall, to ensure that it is true! With this Shangfang Sword to refer to, plus my vicious identification knowledge, it is not wrong! Don't laugh at brother's self-confidence, because brother is such a person whose appearance is not full of belly sutra theory to be high and eight buckets are hidden deeply, brother, this is so low-key! On Sunday, for various reasons, I paced to the stall. After Baidu Chihiro, a few old waxes pierced my affectionate eyes. The golden color, the soft texture, the vicissitudes of the pulp, my heart was completely melted... These few pieces of honey wax, tens of thousands of years of cultivation, have finally met its fate today! The stall owner is a husband and wife, and at first glance, he is also a farmer to a businessman, and the master of the family halfway out! Hey hey, don't blame me for being cruel! After some haggling, a bead is taken for ten dollars! During this period, I did not forget to secretly take out the specimen wax beads I bought before and compare it..... After the male stall owner approved of my bid, the female stall owner still kept complaining, nagging in her mouth, losing money... When I was in my heart, there was only one beautiful word! When I was preparing to pay, the male stall owner took out a pile of beeswax from the box, which was bigger and better than what I had just seen, and some of them added a silver package process, which was really a compliment! I thought to myself, those just now are very cheap, if you take these cheaper, this time you will make a lot of money! Heaven as I wish, effortlessly, a little more, actually business again! Heaven, earth, why is it so smooth! In the eyes of the female stall owner complaining and regretting, I looked dignified and calm and deliberately turned around on the stall a few times before I slowly rushed back. I know that no matter how excited and excited I am, I can't show it, and this is called nurturing! To tell you the truth, I'm afraid they'll repent! When I got home, I locked the bathroom door so that I felt that the wax was safe. Pour all the wax beads into the basin of water, wash and wash, brush and brush, and soon it will be radiant! I found a roll of paper, wiped it clean one by one, found a rope, and put it on one by one. I know, I must have been cute then. Just when I was done, I suddenly found that there was still a bead that I did not wear, and if I looked closely, there was a crack in it, which I expected. The book says that because the old wax is used for too long, there will be cracks, mutilations, and holes will become larger... I don't know how many stories I have recorded, how many sorrows and joys I have witnessed... Imaginative, endlessly evocative, that's the fun of collecting, you know?! In order to test my knowledge and wisdom again, I will scrape off a little powder from this extra bead like Nuwa Patch Heaven and do a little experiment. Burn it with fire, and if there is rosin for the taste, it is foolproof! Just as I was lighting the insignificant beeswax powder picked with a needle and smelling a smell of stinky plastic, the whole world froze, and after 0.3 seconds, I was petrified! I choose the beads again, try again, another smell, where is the pine smell! When I started to faint a little, I smelled the powder burning of the specimen bead that I regarded as supreme, and I began to vomit... I know, my worldview has collapsed! I was fooled and cheated! A tall man was actually tricked by a dirt! I'm a picker! When I was in pain, I remembered a friend who once had a relationship with me, saying that he was too greedy. When I was confronted with these elaborately disguised beeswax and its former owners, why shouldn't I? Blindfolded by greed, swayed by lust. If you were sober at the time, buy a few to go back and study thoroughly, and then be confident that it is not too late to fight! But at that time, I only wanted to take advantage of the net, desperate, greedy enough snake elephant, can not be set? It's not so much about being deceived by others, it's better to say that you have coaxed yourself! Writing this, I suddenly had a harvest: First, I concluded that people should not be greedy, and greed must be bound by themselves. Second, there is such good material and written such a long true story. Third, this article is rich in rhetoric and humorous, which proves that I am not a mediocre talent. Fourth, a bunch of "beeswax" beads were harvested as negative teaching materials. Any friend who is in the mood to like this article will have the opportunity to get a beeswax bead, true or false self-identification. Point-first-served, not much stock!