
When a man marries a wife, the bride smells of earth, and the grandfather says that you are not marrying a person

author:We in the sun

When a man marries a wife, the bride smells of earth, and the grandfather says that you are not marrying a person

In ancient times, there was a small village called Cuixi, which was surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery was picturesque. There was a young man in the village, named Lin Yi, who was handsome and chic, hardworking and kind, and was deeply loved by the villagers. Lin Yi's parents died early, and he has been dependent on his grandfather since he was a child. Ah Gong is a well-informed old man, and often tells Lin Yi some bizarre and strange stories, which makes him full of curiosity and yearning for this world.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Yi reached the age of marriage. The matchmakers in the village came to the door one after another to propose marriage, but Lin Yi always felt that fate had not arrived and was unwilling to get married hastily. Until one day, he rescued a beautiful woman in the mountains and forests. The woman's name was Wan'er, her eyes shone with wisdom, and her demeanor revealed a distinctive temperament. Lin Yi fell in love with Wan'er at first sight, and the two soon fell in love.

Soon after, Lin Yi and Wan'er held a wedding amid the blessings of the villagers. However, on the wedding night, Lin Yi smelled a strange earthy smell emanating from Wan'er. He was puzzled, but he thought that Wan'er might be caused by the exhaustion of the journey, so he didn't ask more.

However, as time passed, the earthy smell became heavier and stronger, and even began to affect Lin Yi's daily life. He began to notice some strange things about Wan'er, such as the fact that she always disappeared in the dead of night and quietly returned to her room in the early morning. Moreover, she seems to be exceptionally sensitive to sunlight, and whenever the sunlight shines into the room, she always closes the curtains tightly.

The doubts in Lin Yi's heart became more and more serious, and he decided to discuss with Ah Gong. After listening to Lin Yi's story, Ah Gong frowned, pondered for a moment and said, "Yi'er, you may not be marrying a person. ”

Lin Yi was shocked when he heard this, he didn't believe his ears, but Ah Gong's expression made him have to believe it. Ah Gong continued: "The earthy smell on Wan'er's body, as well as her sensitivity to sunlight, are all characteristics of youkai. Moreover, she always disappears at night, which is all the more suspicious. ”

When a man marries a wife, the bride smells of earth, and the grandfather says that you are not marrying a person

Lin Yi's heart was in turmoil after hearing this, he couldn't accept the fact that the woman he loved was a monster. However, Ah Gong's words left a deep imprint on his heart. He began to spy on Wan'er, hoping to find some clues to prove that Ah Gong's words were wrong.

However, the development of things was unexpected by Lin Yi. One night, he secretly followed Wan'er out the door. I saw Wan'er walk through the village and come to a cave at the back of the village. She gently pushed open the door and stepped inside. Lin Yi cautiously followed behind Wan'er, for fear of being discovered by her.

The cave was dark and damp, and the air was filled with a strong earthy smell. Lin Yi followed Wan'er deep into the cave, only to see that there was a pool in the cave, the water of the pool was as black as ink, exuding a strange light. Wan'er walked to the edge of the pool and gently took off her coat, revealing her fair skin. However, to Lin Yi's shock, Wan'er's body was covered with a thick layer of scales, and her feet had also turned into snake tails.

Wan'er took a deep breath, turned into a puff of green smoke, and burrowed into the pool water. Lin Yi stood at the entrance of the cave and witnessed all this, with mixed feelings in his heart. He couldn't accept the fact that Wan'er was a monster, but he couldn't deny what he saw.

At this moment, Ah Gong's voice sounded in Lin Yi's ears: "Yi'er, have you seen it? Wan'er is indeed a monster." However, there are also good and evil yokai. You have to feel her heart with your heart, not just look at her appearance. ”

Lin Yi came back to his senses and found that Ah Gong had already stood by his side at some point. He took a deep breath to calm the shock and confusion in his heart. He knew he needed to think about how he was going to deal with it.

When a man marries a wife, the bride smells of earth, and the grandfather says that you are not marrying a person

In the following days, Lin Yi began to try to communicate with Wan'er and understand her inner world. He found that although Wan'er was a monster on the outside, she was kind and innocent on the inside. She has never hurt anyone, but often uses her strength to help the villagers solve their difficulties. Lin Yi was gradually moved by Wan'er's kindness, and the fear and doubts in his heart slowly dissipated.

However, their secret was eventually discovered by the villagers. When the villagers learned that Wan'er was a monster, they all said that they would expel her from the village. Lin Yi stood in front of the villagers, firmly defending Wan'er. He tells everyone that monsters are not all evil, and Wan'er is an example of goodness.

At Lin Yi's insistence, the villagers gradually calmed down their anger. They began to re-examine Wan'er and found that she was indeed a good wife and neighbor. So, the villagers decided to accept Wan'er and let her continue to live in the village.

Since then, Lin Yi and Wan'er have lived happily ever after. They support each other to face life's challenges together. And Wan'er also uses her own strength to protect Cuixi Village, making this small village more peaceful and peaceful.

Time flies, and Cuixi Village, under the protection of Lin Yi and Wan'er, becomes more and more quiet and peaceful. The villagers gradually got used to Wan'er's presence, and even began to appreciate the benefits she bringed. Wan'er used her wisdom and strength to help the villagers solve many problems, whether it was drought or disease, she always found a solution.

When a man marries a wife, the bride smells of earth, and the grandfather says that you are not marrying a person

However, the calm days did not last long. One day, a fierce monster suddenly appeared in the mountains and forests near the village, and it often came down the mountain to attack the villagers and livestock, bringing great threats to the village. The villagers were terrified, but helpless.

Lin Yi and Wan'er decided to join forces to fight this demon beast. They took their weapons and went deep into the mountains and forests to find traces of demon beasts. After a painstaking search, they finally found the beast's lair in a hidden cave.

When the demon beast saw Lin Yi and Wan'er, it immediately roared and pounced on them. Lin Yi and Wan'er started a fierce battle, their figures shuttling through the cave, swords and swords intertwined. After a fierce battle, Lin Yi and Wan'er finally defeated the demon beast.

However, in the course of the battle, Wan'er was seriously wounded. She was lying in Lin Yi's arms, her face was pale and her breath was weak. Lin Yi's heart was like a knife, he held Wan'er's hand tightly, praying that she could survive this hurdle.

In Lin Yi's call and the prayers of the villagers, Wan'er slowly opened her eyes. She smiled and said to Lin Yi, "Yi, I'm fine." As long as you are by my side, I have power. With that, she closed her eyes slightly, turned into a cloud of green smoke, and disappeared into thin air.

Lin Yi was stunned, he couldn't believe that Wan'er left him like this. He searched everywhere for Wan'er's traces, but found nothing. The villagers also lamented Wan'er's departure, knowing that the village had lost a patron saint.

However, just when everyone was immersed in grief, Ah Gong mysteriously appeared. He told Lin Yi that Wan'er didn't really die, but returned to her original world. Because she is a youkai, her life is different from that of humans, and she needs to return to her own world to cultivate.

When a man marries a wife, the bride smells of earth, and the grandfather says that you are not marrying a person

Ah Gong also told Lin Yi that Wan'er had left behind a token before leaving—a shimmering scale. This scale contains Wan'er's strength and wisdom, as long as Lin Yi takes good care of it, Wan'er will always guard him and Cuixi Village.

Lin Yi took the scales, his heart full of gratitude and longing. He knew that although Wan'er was gone, her spirit and strength would always be with him and the villagers.

Since then, Lin Yi has regarded scales as treasures and always wears them on his body. He led the villagers and continued to guard the peace and harmony of Cuixi Village. And Wan'er's story has also become a legendary story in the village.

As the days passed, Lin Yi always had thoughts and expectations for Wan'er in his heart. The scales seemed to have become the only connection between him and Wan'er, and every time he rubbed the scales, he seemed to feel Wan'er's gentle breath.

Under the leadership of Lin Yi, Cuixi Village gradually returned to its former tranquility. The villagers were grateful for Lin Yi's efforts and respected him even more as a brave and wise young man. However, Lin Yi always had a wish in his heart, that is, to be able to see Wan'er again and spend the rest of his life with her.

When a man marries a wife, the bride smells of earth, and the grandfather says that you are not marrying a person

One day, when Lin Yi was walking alone in the mountains and forests, he suddenly discovered a strange herb. The herb emits a faint glow, as if telling some secret. Lin Yi's heart moved, and he remembered the records in the ancient books that Ah Gong had mentioned, and this herb seemed to be inextricably linked to the world of monsters.

Lin Yi carefully picked this herb and took it home to study carefully. After some hard work, he finally found a way to use the herb. According to the ancient texts, he grinded the herbs into juice and applied them to the scales.

A miracle happened. The scales began to glow brightly, and the entire room was lit up by the light. Suddenly, a burst of green smoke rose from the scales, and Wan'er's figure gradually appeared in front of Lin Yi.

"Yi, I'm back. Wan'er said with a smile, her eyes were full of thoughts and love for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was so excited that he burst into tears, and he hugged Wan'er tightly, as if he wanted to integrate her into his own blood. They talked about each other's thoughts and concerns, as if they wanted to fill in the blanks of this time.

Wan'er told Lin Yi that she had cultivated in the world of monsters for a while, and now she had regained her strength. She decided to stay in Cuixi Village and work with Lin Yi to protect the land and the peace of the villagers.

When a man marries a wife, the bride smells of earth, and the grandfather says that you are not marrying a person

Since then, Lin Yi and Wan'er have lived a happier life. Together, they guard Cuixi Village, help the villagers solve difficulties, and let the whole village bathe in the sunshine of peace and happiness.

And their story has also spread throughout the mountains and forests, and has become a good story in people's mouths. Whenever someone mentions Lin Yi and Wan'er, they will sigh at the depth of their love and courage. Their experiences have made people believe that no matter what difficulties and challenges they face, as long as they have love, faith, and courage, they will be able to overcome anything.

And Cuixi Village has become more beautiful and rich because of their protection, and has become a paradise that everyone yearns for.

This is the story of Lin Yi and Wan'er, a story full of fantasy, love and courage. It tells us that the miracles of life are often hidden around us, and as long as we look for and cherish them with our hearts, we will be able to discover their beauty and meaning.