
The man marries a wife, but the love of the husband and wife is getting thinner and thinner, and the aunt says not to sleep with his wife

author:We in the sun

Male prostitute wife

In the far east, there is a place called Qingyang Village, the population of the village is not large, but everyone lives a calm and unpretentious life. There is a young man named Li Erlang in the village, he was born tall and burly, with a dignified appearance, and he is one of the best offspring in the village. Li Erlang's parents died early, leaving him alone to cultivate the fields and live a life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

In the spring of this year, when Li Erlang was working in the fields, he met a woman who had fled the famine. The woman's name was Xiao Cui, she was born petite and delicate, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, although she was a person who fled the famine, it was difficult to hide her delicate color. Xiaocui told Li Erlang that her hometown had been hit by a disaster, her family had passed away, and she had no one to rely on, so she could only wander around. Li Erlang felt pity and took Xiaocui in and asked her to help with some housework at home.

Xiaocui is smart and diligent, and takes care of Li Erlang's home in good order. The two get along day and night, and gradually develop feelings. The people in the village also felt that they were a match made in heaven, so with the help of the villagers, Li Erlang and Xiaocui became husband and wife.

The love of husband and wife is getting thinner and thinner

After marriage, Li Erlang and Xiaocui were inseparable as husband and wife. They worked in the fields together, went home to cook together, and although their lives were poor, they were full of happiness and warmth. However, the good times did not last long, and Li Erlang found that since he married Xiaocui, his body has become thinner and thinner, and his spirit is not as good as before.

At first, Li Erlang didn't care, thinking that it was caused by his overwork. But as time went by, his physical condition became worse and worse, and he even began to have symptoms of coughing and wheezing. The villagers also discussed, saying that Li Erlang's face was getting more and more ugly, as if he had been sucked dry by something.

The man marries a wife, but the love of the husband and wife is getting thinner and thinner, and the aunt says not to sleep with his wife

Li Erlang was puzzled, but he didn't suspect Xiao Cui. Until one day, he suddenly fainted while working in the fields and was carried home by the villagers. This coma made Li Erlang realize the seriousness of the problem, and he decided to go to the Taoist aunt in the village to ask what was going on.

Aunt Dao said not to sleep with his wife

Dao Gu is a strange person in Qingyang Village, she is proficient in medical skills, and knows some Qimen Dunjia techniques, and people in the village will find her for treatment if they have any incurable diseases. Li Erlang came to Aunt Dao's residence and told her about his situation.

After listening to Li Erlang's narration, Dao Gu frowned and pondered for a long time. She opened her mouth and asked, "Does your wife Xiaocui sleep very deeply every night, and no matter how you push her, she won't wake up?" Li Erlang thought about it for a while, and it was true, he found that Xiaocui slept very dead every night, as if she had fallen into a deep coma.

Dao Gu asked again: "After you got married, did your physical condition start to deteriorate?" Li Erlang nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case. Dao Gu sighed and said, "If I'm not mistaken, your wife Xiaocui may not be a human, but a spirit in the mountains. ”

Li Erlang was shocked when he heard this, he couldn't believe his ears. Dao Gu continued, "Spirits usually choose young and strong men as companions to cultivate their Dao practices by absorbing their essence. The reason why you are getting thinner and thinner is because your essence is sucked away by her. ”

The man marries a wife, but the love of the husband and wife is getting thinner and thinner, and the aunt says not to sleep with his wife

Li Erlang's heart was like a knife, he couldn't believe that his beloved wife was a spirit. He asked if there was a way to save him, and Dao Gu pondered for a moment and said, "There is a way, but you need to make sacrifices. From now on, you will no longer be able to share a bed with Tsui and try to avoid intimate contact with her. Only then will you be able to save your life. ”

Li Erlang returned home sadly. He looked at Xiao Cui, who was busy, and his heart was mixed. He didn't know how to face this sudden blow, let alone how to get along with Xiao Cui.

Emily's secret

In the evening, Xiaocui prepared a meal for Li Erlang as usual. Li Erlang looked at his wife in front of him, his heart was full of contradictions and struggles. He remembered Aunt Dao's words and decided to test Xiao Cui.

He deliberately pretended to be tired and said to Xiao Cui: "Lady, I want to sleep alone tonight, can you go to another room?" Xiao Cui was stunned when she heard this, but quickly returned to normal, she said gently: "If the husband is tired, just rest well." I'll go to another room. ”

After saying that, Xiao Cui turned around and left the room. Li Erlang looked at her back, and was more sure of what Aunt Dao said. He decided to do as Dao Gu told him and try to avoid close contact with Xiao Cui.

The man marries a wife, but the love of the husband and wife is getting thinner and thinner, and the aunt says not to sleep with his wife

In the following days, Li Erlang began to deliberately alienate Xiaocui. He no longer shared a bed with her, nor did he have too much intimate contact with her. Although Xiao Cui felt strange, she didn't ask much.

However, Li Erlang's physical condition did not improve because of this. He was still thinner and weaker. He began to doubt whether Dao Gu's words were true and reliable, and even began to doubt whether Xiao Cui really loved him.


That night, Li Erlang lay on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. He suddenly heard a slight noise outside the door, and got up to check. When he opened the door, he saw Xiao Cui standing outside the door, holding a small glittering bottle in her hand.

Li Erlang was shocked and asked, "Lady, what are you holding?" Seeing this, Xiaocui hurriedly hid the bottle behind him, and said, "It's nothing, it's just something from my daughter's family." ”

Li Erlang had deeper doubts in his heart, and he stepped forward to snatch the bottle from Xiao Cui's hand. Seeing this, Xiao Cui hurriedly retreated, but accidentally fell to the ground, and the bottle also fell out. Li Erlang picked up the bottle and found that it contained some crystal clear liquid, emitting a faint light.

His heart moved, and he suddenly remembered what Aunt Dao had said. He suspected that the liquid in the bottle was what Xiao Cui used to absorb his essence. He asked Xiao Cui what the liquid was, and Xiao Cui couldn't hide it, so she had to tearfully tell the truth.

It turned out that Xiao Cui was not a human, but a fox spirit who had been cultivating for many years. Because she fell in love with Li Erlang, she turned into a human form and married him. She used a bottle to collect moonshine essence every night, originally to help Li Erlang strengthen his body, but unexpectedly backfired, and instead sucked away his essence.

After listening to Xiaocui's explanation, Li Erlang had mixed feelings in his heart. He was both surprised by Xiaocui's identity and moved by her deep affection. He didn't know how to choose, whether to continue to be with Xiaocui, or follow Daogu's advice and separate from her.

Choices and new births

Li Erlang fell into deep contemplation. He knew that if he continued to be with Xiaocui, his life would be in danger, but if he left her, he would be reluctant to have this deep affection. After thinking about it, he decided to go to Dao Gu for final advice.

After listening to Li Erlang's narration, Dao Gu was silent for a long time. She told Li Erlang that although the fox spirit had been cultivating for many years, its essence was not bad. The reason why she absorbed Li Erlang's essence was because she didn't understand the boundary between humans and spirits. Dao Gu said, "You can try to teach her how to cultivate correctly, and at the same time, you should also pay attention to protecting your essence and spirit. ”

Li Erlang's heart suddenly brightened up after hearing this. He decided to give Xiaocui a chance, and also give himself a chance. He returned home and told Xiaocui what Aunt Dao had said. Xiao Cui wept bitterly after hearing this, she expressed her willingness to cultivate according to Dao Gu's advice, and at the same time promised not to absorb Li Erlang's essence again.

The man marries a wife, but the love of the husband and wife is getting thinner and thinner, and the aunt says not to sleep with his wife

From then on, Li Erlang began to teach Xiao Cui how to cultivate correctly. They studied the Tao together and cultivated their bodies and minds together. As time passed, Xiao Cui's cultivation gradually improved, and Li Erlang's body slowly regained his health.

Their lives are back on track of peace and happiness. Although their identities are special, they still live the life of ordinary people, sharing each other and spending the wind and rain together. Their story has become a good story in Qingyang Village and has become an eternal legend. Rebirth and Protection

As Xiao Cui's cultivation progressed, she gradually mastered the method of living in harmony with humans, and no longer needed to rely on absorbing essence to maintain her cultivation. And Li Erlang also learned how to protect his spirit and spirit under the guidance of Daogu, his physical condition gradually improved, and his face gradually became ruddy.

The relationship between the two has become deeper because of this twist and turn. They farm together, take care of their homes together, and face life's challenges together. Xiao Cui used her wisdom and magic to help the villagers solve many problems, and won the respect and love of the villagers.

However, the happy days did not make them forget the crisis that had been. Li Erlang knew that although they were able to live a peaceful life, the boundary between spirits and humans still existed. In order to protect Xiao Cui and protect himself, he decided to cultivate harder and improve his strength.

So, Li Erlang began to look around for ways to cultivate, and he visited many Taoist temples and temples to ask the masters for advice on the way of cultivation. After a lot of hardships, he finally found a cultivation method that suited them. He returned home with this method and cultivated with Xiaocui to make progress together.

The man marries a wife, but the love of the husband and wife is getting thinner and thinner, and the aunt says not to sleep with his wife

With their efforts, Xiao Cui gradually faded away from the aura of the spirit and became no different from ordinary people. And Li Erlang also cultivated into a good martial arts and became the guardian of the village. They used their own strength to protect the tranquility of Qingyang Village, so that the villagers could live a happier and more stable life.

Legacy and hope

As the years passed, the story of Li Erlang and Xiaocui was passed down from generation to generation in Qingyang Village. Their love and perseverance have become legends in the hearts of the villagers, inspiring future generations to bravely pursue true love and bravely face the challenges of life.

And Li Erlang and Xiaocui themselves are also getting old in the baptism of the years. They watched their children grow up and start families, and their hearts were filled with joy and pride. They know that their story has become part of the family and will continue to be passed on.

At the last moment of their lives, Li Erlang and Xiaocui sat hand in hand on the steps at the door of their homes, watching the sunset, reminiscing about the bits and pieces they spent together. They lamented the ruthlessness of the years, and they were also glad for each other's company. They know that no matter the cycle of life and death, their love and protection will always exist in the land of Qingyang Village.

In this way, a story about love, perseverance and inheritance has been passed down in Qingyang Village. It tells us that no matter how special our identity is, as long as we have love, courage and responsibility in our hearts, we can overcome all difficulties and create a happy life of our own.