
"The Legend of Wukong": The monkey crouching in everyone's heart

author:Detoxification time

"I want this day, I can no longer cover my eyes, I want this land, I can't bury my heart anymore, I want all sentient beings to understand my intentions, and I want all the Buddhas to disappear!"

"The Legend of Wukong": The monkey crouching in everyone's heart

This passage from the novel "The Legend of Wukong" is no less well-known than the sentence "Once there was a sincere love..." in "Journey to the West", perhaps the two are two parallel universes that shine in the distance.

"The Legend of Wukong": The monkey crouching in everyone's heart

Now the novel behind this passage has been put on the big screen, the star lineup is good, the story seems to be a new framework, but borrowed from the novel "The Legend of Wukong", the story begins with the birth of the Great Demon King with a sense of resistance, the Great Demon King disobeys the so-called "Mandate of Heaven" and confronts the Heavenly Court, triggering a battle between the gods and demons, and finally the Great Demon King is defeated, and the Body of the Great Demon King is scattered in the human world, awakening the vitality of the human world. The stone heart of the Heavenly Stone fell into the Huaguo Mountain, transforming into a monkey that liked to crouch on the mountain and watch the sunset. The CEO of the Heavenly Garden, Tianzun, fearing the divine power of the Heavenly Stone, destroyed huaguo Mountain, and the monkey escaped the disaster, followed the Bodhi Ancestor to cultivate spells, and finally blended into the Heavenly Garden, trying to smash the "Mandate of Heaven" and take the fate into his own hands.

"The Legend of Wukong": The monkey crouching in everyone's heart

Under such a main line, there is the love of the heroine Zixia, there is the friendship killing with the Erlang God, there is the agreement between the marshal of the canopy and Chang'e, and there is also the unrequited love of the funny roller shutter general for Zixia. The whole film looks online, but the acting skills are always jumping, the core of the story is originally good, but there is always a feeling that the demon world represented by Guo Tianwang in "Journey to the West" in "Journey to the West" wants to enter the Heavenly Palace. The level of special effects is at the top, but when there are no special effects, it is inevitable that the props set is embarrassing. Character growth, emotional advancement, story logic are all minus points, the only thing that can stand up for the full is our love for the monkey.

"The Legend of Wukong": The monkey crouching in everyone's heart

Do you remember that I was not afraid of myself, who regarded all the golden rules as bullshit, did not put parents, teachers and good classmates in the eyes, and was sure that as long as I worked hard, there was nothing that could not be done. Do you remember that happy and free-spirited age, things went straight, pain is a bottle of wine, happiness is a good night. Do you remember that heart that does not ask right or wrong, only looks at friendship, does not care about interests, and only values fairness.

"The Legend of Wukong": The monkey crouching in everyone's heart

Perhaps, in our hearts, there is a monkey crouching to watch the sunset.

He was stubborn, despised all authority, and even the Heavenly Palace would make a big fuss.

He is innocent, loves all the good, and the flying fire can make him ecstatic.

He is simple, love and hate are as clear as black and white, and there is not much hesitation and confusion.

That is our primitive self that has not been polished by society, the true nature of the flower and fruit mountain that crouches on the edge of the world, and jumps with joy. And all this in the eyes of the tradition, is the two words "disobedience". A monkey who does not obey, does not accept defeat, does not obey everything. How can we listen to the arrangements of society and recognize this "destiny" that has been arranged?

However, as adults, we can only let this monkey crouch in our hearts and silently watch the sunset.

"The Legend of Wukong": The monkey crouching in everyone's heart

I love the sunset, and I love the sunset, and at the moment when the sun sets, it seems that time is a contradictory existence, and the sunset that is red in the sky makes some stop, and all the earthly irritability disappears at that moment. But this eternity exists only within a few minutes and seconds of the earth's rotation, and it is not long before this tranquility itself disappears.

"The Legend of Wukong": The monkey crouching in everyone's heart

The sunset may be the representative of all the beauty in this world, a habitat for our dreams, a perfect time and space. But when we become adults, we keep the monkey in our hearts in a cage and let him out every day to watch the most beautiful sunset.

"The Legend of Wukong": The monkey crouching in everyone's heart

This is not a fortunate thing, but the greatest cruelty in the world. In the shackles, watch the beauty of freedom. In the mud, longing for the red of dreams. Everything seems possible and within reach, but it is only outside the sky of the iron window of our minds.

Maybe the monkey is the bestiality in our human nature, but it is better to say that he is the human nature of the social nature. He is the sunset, and in our hearts, we always maintain a childlike longing, we have never lost it, just locked him up. With a look of maturity, observe and participate in the world. Put on a mask that's more human and interact with others.

So, we all love monkeys.

So, once in a while, let your monkeys come out and see the sunset.

Don't let the heavens and the earth, fascinated by the eyes.

Don't let sentient beings trap themselves.

Regardless of the gods and demons, I am the being.

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