
I wish the radar crew of the Air Force a happy 74th birthday


Radar, that mysterious and efficient existence, has been silently guarding our safety in the sky. Today, let us unveil the mystery of radar and send our most sincere blessings to the radar soldiers of the Air Force!

I wish the radar crew of the Air Force a happy 74th birthday

On April 22, 1950, Nanjing ushered in a special unit - the establishment of the first radar battalion of our army. From that moment on, the radar soldiers began their watch journey and became a solid pillar of the strategic early warning system of our army. For many years, they patrolled the skies, guarding the blue sky of the Motherland with their "clairvoyance".

I wish the radar crew of the Air Force a happy 74th birthday

Radar is not only a technology, but also a responsibility and responsibility. In war years, they are flags on the battlefield, and in peacetime, they are the guardians of the Guardians. With loyalty and dedication, they compose silent hymns and guard the security of the motherland.

I wish the radar crew of the Air Force a happy 74th birthday

Over the past 74 years, the radar soldiers have not only continued to innovate in technology, but also sharpened and grown spiritually. They gave up their personal desires and were willing to dedicate their youth and sweat to protect the air and space security of the motherland. Their dedication and efforts have made the Chinese Air Force a powerful image today.

I wish the radar crew of the Air Force a happy 74th birthday

The radar unit of the Air Force is an important part of China's air and space defense system, a solid guardian, and a respectable soldier. Let us pay them our highest respect and wish them a happy birthday and eternal health and peace!

I wish the radar crew of the Air Force a happy 74th birthday

Interactive Sessions:

I wish the radar crew of the Air Force a happy 74th birthday

How important do you think radar is in modern warfare?A. Very important B. Generally important C. Not very important

I wish the radar crew of the Air Force a happy 74th birthday

How important do you think radar is in modern warfare?A. Very important B. Generally important C. Not very important

I wish the radar crew of the Air Force a happy 74th birthday

What do you know about the life and work of radar soldiers? Feel free to share your views and stories!

I wish the radar crew of the Air Force a happy 74th birthday

What do you know about the life and work of radar soldiers? Feel free to share your views and stories!

If you are a radar soldier, how do you want to contribute to the air and space security of your country?

If you are a radar soldier, how do you want to contribute to the air and space security of your country?

At this moment, let us extend our highest respect and deep blessings to the radar soldiers. They have made silent dedication and selfless dedication to escort the safety of our country and people. Their hard work and firm belief constitute a solid line of defense for national security and are the brightest stars in our hearts.

At the same time, let us not forget the people who are silently dedicated in all walks of life, it is with their hard work that our lives can be so stable and beautiful. Let's pay tribute to those unsung heroes and thank them for all that they have brought us.

May the radar soldiers have a happy birthday, and may their hard work be more recognized and respected. May each of us learn from them the responsibility and responsibility, and contribute to the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people!

Let us always remember the dedication of the radar soldiers, always remember their dedication, and work together to build a better motherland!

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