
The Philippines detected a Chinese ballistic missile with a Japanese radar? Senior Japanese and Philippine officials pointed at Scarborough Shoal

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

According to Japan's NHK News, recently, former Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera launched an official visit to the Philippines and held in-depth talks with Philippine Foreign Minister Manaro and National Security Adviser Arnold.

During this visit, he made a special visit to the Philippine Navy base and was the "first" Japanese to board the Philippine Navy's flagship, a move that was undoubtedly symbolic.

The Philippines detected a Chinese ballistic missile with a Japanese radar? Senior Japanese and Philippine officials pointed at Scarborough Shoal

In addition, he traveled to Wallace Air Force Base, located at the westernmost tip of the Philippine island of Luzon.

The base just received advanced military equipment such as Japanese-made long-range air warning radars late last year, which are important for improving the Philippines' air defense capabilities.

During the visit, Onodera Itsunori showed great interest in the radar system displayed by the Philippine side.

According to the Philippine side, this radar successfully captured the information of the "ballistic missile" launched by China a few days ago, and this news has undoubtedly attracted the attention of all parties.

During the visit to the air base, Onodera Itsunori also took a photo with Brigadier General Ronie D Petinglay, commander of the 580th Air Control and Early Warning Wing of the Philippine Air Force, who accompanied him on the tour, pointing in the direction of Scarborough Shoal.

This move was seen by the outside world as a provocation against China, and also aroused strong dissatisfaction from the Chinese side.

However, it should be noted that this J/FPS-3ME surveillance radar system provided by Japan for the Philippines, although it has long-range detection capabilities, has a maximum detection range of only 611 km.

Draw a circle with a radius of 611 kilometers around the base, and its coverage is mainly limited to the northeastern part of the South China Sea, not the entire South China Sea.

Therefore, this radar, although of certain strategic importance for the Philippines, cannot fully meet its air defense needs in the South China Sea.

The Philippines detected a Chinese ballistic missile with a Japanese radar? Senior Japanese and Philippine officials pointed at Scarborough Shoal

Recently, China has not publicly launched ballistic missiles, so the Philippine side's claim that "traces of China's ballistic missiles have been discovered" has aroused doubts from the Chinese side.

It is worth mentioning that on 21 June, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducted a military exercise in the narrow sea area from the Beibu Gulf to the west of Hainan, and set up a no-navigation zone.

The exercise was a joint training for the Navy and Air Force aimed at improving the ability to respond to maritime threats.

Some experts speculate that the area of the exercise is similar to the flight area of the anti-ship ballistic missile, so it cannot be ruled out that the exercise will include a test launch of the anti-ship missile.

However, it should be emphasized that this exercise is a legitimate military activity conducted in China's territorial waters and has nothing to do with the Philippine side's claim that "traces of Chinese ballistic missiles have been discovered".

However, the Philippine radar station is more than 1,200 kilometers away from the exercise area in a straight line, far beyond the radar's detection range of more than 600 kilometers.

Therefore, even if a missile test is carried out in the area, the Philippine radar will not be able to capture any information.

This fact further proves that the Philippine side's claim that "traces of Chinese ballistic missiles have been discovered" may have been misjudged or fabricated to please Itsunori Onodera.

As for Scarborough Shoal, which they are fingering at, although it is within the radar's detection range, the possibility of a missile test launch near Scarborough Shoal is very slim, given China's vast territory and numerous missile ranges.

Moreover, China has always adhered to a foreign policy of peace, cooperation and win-win results, and will not take the initiative to carry out military provocations in disputed areas.

The Philippines detected a Chinese ballistic missile with a Japanese radar? Senior Japanese and Philippine officials pointed at Scarborough Shoal

It can be inferred that the Philippines' claim that "traces of Chinese ballistic missiles have been discovered" may have been just a miscalculation or fabricated to please Onodera Itsunori.

Onodera also seemed to be moved by this statement, and he expressed the hope that the Philippines would share the data collected by the radar system with Japan. For this reason, Japan has even offered to provide shipbuilding technology to the Philippines to help it build warships.

This move is undoubtedly an attempt to strengthen military cooperation between Japan and the Philippines in order to jointly counter the so-called "China threat".

However, it should be pointed out that this kind of cooperation will not change the status quo of islands and reefs in the South China Sea, let alone help the Philippines counter China.

From a military point of view, even if Japan and the Philippines unite, they will not be able to pose a substantial threat to China.

These "small moves" between the two countries are nothing more than Japan providing some form of "support" to the Philippines on occasions when it is inconvenient for the United States to come forward, so that it will continue to adhere to its anti-China stance and thus make it easier for the United States to reap the benefits from it.

In fact, these small actions by the Philippines and Japan will not change the status quo of islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

Nanhai Zhudao has been China's territory since ancient times, and China has indisputable sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and its adjacent waters.

No matter how much the Philippines and Japan collude, they cannot change this fact.

Moreover, from a military point of view, even if Japan and the Philippines unite, they will not be able to pose a substantial threat to China.

China's military power is significant in Asia and around the world, and any attempt to provoke China will be dealt with severely.

The Philippines detected a Chinese ballistic missile with a Japanese radar? Senior Japanese and Philippine officials pointed at Scarborough Shoal

For China, the "collusion" between the Philippines and Japan is not necessarily a bad thing.

This kind of collusion will only make China more vigilant and soberly aware of the interference and provocation of external forces.

If the two countries dare to "find trouble" with the Chinese coast guard on the islands and reefs in the South China Sea, China will not hesitate to take action and resolve the old and new animosities between Japan and the Philippines.

China has the confidence and ability to safeguard its territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests, and any attempt to provoke China will be duly punished.

At the same time, China has also been committed to resolving disputes and differences with its neighbors through diplomatic means.

China adheres to the path of peaceful development, pursues an independent foreign policy of peace, and respects the right of the people of all countries to choose their own development path.

We should uphold international fairness and justice, oppose imposing our will on others, oppose interference in other countries' internal affairs, and oppose bullying the weak with the strong.

On the South China Sea issue, China has always advocated resolving disputes through dialogue and consultation and maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The Philippines detected a Chinese ballistic missile with a Japanese radar? Senior Japanese and Philippine officials pointed at Scarborough Shoal

China is willing to peacefully resolve the relevant disputes in the South China Sea through negotiation and consultation with the countries directly concerned on the basis of respecting historical facts and in accordance with international law.

In short, the collusion between the Philippines and Japan will not change the status quo of islands and reefs in the South China Sea, nor will it pose a substantial threat to China.

China will continue to adhere to a foreign policy of peace, cooperation and win-win results, and resolve disputes and differences with neighboring countries through diplomatic means.

At the same time, China will also strengthen its own national defense construction, improve its ability to respond to external threats, and safeguard its territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests. Any attempt to provoke China will be duly punished.

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